Today, the annual visit by the chimney sweeper, checking heating & fireplace safety & emissions. They used to be state appointees, only recently has their sector privatised, provided they hold all relevant qualifications. Their checks are mandatory, yet I have to pay.
2/ I hear everyone shout in horror, "This is every person's responsibility! The state shouldn't tell us what to do & then make us pay for it!"
So here's a thought on standards & regulations, readily rubbished as 'red tape', 'dictatorship', 'nanny state' & 'restricting freedoms'.
3/ Why do we do this?
Well, for starters, there are technical standards for heaters - for my safety and those of my neighbours. The same goes for fireplaces & chimneys. There are limits for emissions - to protect the environment & health of everyone living around me.
I gather #BorisJohnson has had a terrible round of morning interviews, showing himself for who & what he is & that is precisely why he was kept away from the media & from TV debates during the Tory leadership contest ...
2/ ... why Downing Street has discouraged/curbed regular lobby briefings and moved to televised ones, where government can "choose who to invite, in what order to speak, whether they would be allowed a follow-up question and when the briefings should end"
There's a huge difference between advocating people's interests and telling them what they want to hear, what's 'popular'. Because what's popular is not necessarily in their interest - this pandemic has made that clear.
Declaring the pandemic over, scaling back limitations, allowing travel, opening up, pretending life's back to normal, that's what everyone was longing for, but it was not (and still isn't) in their best interest.
Politicians advocating popular views do so not for you, but for themselves. They tell people what they want to hear, because they think it makes them popular and, in turn, successful. Populists want your vote, not your best.
I am so angry.
I can't even tell you how angry I am.
A wonderful, wonderful friend was asked to sub for a week in a 3rd grader class. Her husband has an anti immune desease, but the whole family is twice vaccinated, so she agreed. Only when she arrived was she told that the ...
... teacher & 10 students were missing w/ Covid. The kids in the classroom were unsettled, they asked her to stay. She did, despite the risk. She & the children wore masks throughout. She tried to provide reassurance, stability & some learning for a week.
And caught Covid.
She is isolating in her bedroom. She says it's like the flu x 1 million. I've not heard from her in 48 hrs. Her husband, who has only just recovered from a life-threatening drop in platelets, brings her food wearing mask & gloves. And everyone prays he won't catch it.
The problems we face, did not come down from the heavens. They are made, they are made by bad human decisions, and good human decisions can change them.
Bernie Sanders
Maybe it's a radical idea, but I believe a job should lift workers out of poverty -- not keep them in it.