Data sharing is good. Too much data creation, objectionable. Overreliance of data might be used to obfuscate gaps in theory, analysis and interpretation. Data is also a currency for misused scientific power. #InclusiveScience
We should enhance collective vetting of our interpretations of their meaning.
We developed a cult for data because reliance on soft thoughts processes failed us in the past. But we went to far and lost the enormous respect due to computing and (collective) thinking. #BalanceTheoryExperiment
If only I could have had 1M$ each time I heard a B.R.A.I.N. initiative PI say: “I have sh!tloads of data, don’t know what to do with them, will give you crumbs for help analyze!” #gatekeepers
To pollinate Data Sharing, I think #BRAINSTOA and other agencies need to invest in sharing, training for their computational analysis tools. This was too discretely mentioned yesterday morning. #ComputationalNeuroscience
#BRAINSTOA and other federations/agencies could also invest in collective forms of debate to vet data, analysis and interpretation and create a more integrated theory of the brain. #SharingTheories Publishing incentivize against meaning integration.
1/6 Dear Colleagues from Computer Science, HCI & Artificial Intelligence, let me present a preprint with my colleague @shihonghuang . "Emotionally-Informed Decisions: Bringing Gut's Feelings into Self-adaptive and Co-adaptive Software Systems" at
2/6 My software engineer colleague @shihonghuang and I reflected on the enormous parallelisms between the cognitive aids that are software systems and human cognition, in particular decision-making and emotion. It led us to conceptualize a software system with gut's feeling.
3/6 In a section aimed at Computer Scientists, we reviewed the neurobiological and behavioral basis of #DecisionMaking. We examined factors that affect it, in particular uncertainty, risk, time and emotion.