China was flooded with Opium which was forcibly grown in India by Brits and pushed in China with help of ancestors of some famous industrialist dynasties
Thereby underlining Balzac’s famous saying - Behind every great Fortune there is crime
But Balzac’s saying isn’t the point.
Point is - have the BIF (both phoren BIF handlers and their deshi sepoys) pushed to the wall (financially speaking) that they have increasingly resort of narcotics to fund their political and BIF activities?
Is desperation in BIF so high that they will enable what a section of Hongkong based Chinese merchants enabled by collaborating with British East India Company?
It is foolish (of BIF) to immediately enable drug-infiltration on massive scale in India so early after fall of AFG.
Indian sepoys of BIF (usual suspects : usual political parties, NGOs, religious ecosystem etc) should understand that India today is not where Qing dynasty was in China in 1850s.
Nor is the tactical superiority better by that magnitude as EIC and Qing China.
If Indian BIF (Breaking India Forces) is thinking of creating HongKongs along western port-cities of desh?
I mean, these western port cities already are part of drug trade since centuries. I hope that does not become mainstay of political funding.
BIF’s desi sepoys seem to be completely rattled off late. And they are not rattled so easily. They are veterans.
Any idea, group, memetic position, philosophy, a communal habit - anything that wishes to survive in India - has to survive with a collective blessings of Hindu society
Corollary - any idea/system/social-group that survives in India, has blessings of collective Hindu society.
This includes existence of systems (like constitution), or existence of ideas (like democracy, secularism etc) or a social grouping (minority non-Hindu religions and their adherents).
Their existence is because of whatever goodwill Hindus collectively have towards that entity.
The existence of non-Hindu ideas, memes, people and systems is NOT guaranteed by constitution or any other fancy construct.
It is Hindus as collective who have decided that the said system or construct should exist.
And it can only exist until Hindus as a collective wish it so
I am not a linguist. But I never understood “sweetness of Urdu” as bragged by so many Bollywood types.
The word “चैत्रयामिनी” conveys the night of Chaitra month (which is in Vasant season filled with fragrant flowers) is one of the most beautiful seasons for a “memorable night”
Memorable night with lover, as described in the poem. Usually Nights of Sharad and Vasant season are excellent "to be memorable" :) Not too hot, not too cold, fragrant and full of flowers and laden with fruits.
These words convey so many subtler feelings with ease.
When you lose lower classes to predatory religions, the great library burns & Hypatia is stoned to death.
All this because the elites (the intellectuals, the military/political elite and the financial elite) lost touch with Plebs.
Plebeians gradually converted while the “traivarNika equivalents of Græko-Roman society” ignored the Plebian plight and enjoyed the high flights of Puritanism and ideals.
Græko-Roman religion had everything to hold on to the masses. To give them succour and help. They had temples (with plenty of wealth and reach). They had gods and rituals whom people looked up to
But in spite of this, a desert cult managed to usurp rich græko-Roman religion?
We are supposed to do tarpaNa for all our ancestors (at least 5 paternal and maternal generations before us) daily. Then there are brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, friends etc).
When one does a tarpaNa for one's great great grandfather, the chances are (unless he was real realized being who is liberated OR a real bad person who still in pishacha yoni) that the person is already in some new body in next birth.
All of us, who are reading this tweet (and those who exist in human form right now on this good planet) must be grandfathers/mothers of someone.
If that someone is doing tarpaNa for "us" in our previous form, we will get it (even if we don't understand it).