Good morning! We have started our session at #Innovate4Cities conference on Building Resilient Cities Together and Accelerating Implementation.
@MrAndyDeacon, Acting Managing Director, @Mayors4Climate "When cities are at risk, Nations are at risk. together with @WorldResources have provided an exposure index for identifying exposure hotspots on amenity and density hazard magnitude' #Innovate4Cities
Jeremy M Goldberg, Worldwide Director of Critical Infrastructure, @Microsoft said "We are in a unique moment for investment in infrastructure. The choices we make now will have consequences for decades." #Innovate4Cities@UNHABITAT
Jeremy points out "Cities are facing a dual challenge.
How to move quickly to transform their technology and improve security at the same time. It isn’t an easy task! #Innovate4Cities
@peterjonhall, @Woodplc "Unlocking sustainable infrastructure and resiliency: Transform, Analyze, Protect and Deliver. There is a need to understand your project's vulnerabilities, goals, stakeholders and funding, etc." #Innovate4Cities
@peterjonhall@Woodplc "#RaceToResilience The campaign sets to catalyse a step change in global ambition for climate resilience, putting people and nature first in pursuit of a resilient world where we don’t just survive climate shocks and stresses, but thrive. #Innovate4Cities
Jean Devlin, Partner, @Control_Risks " There needs a realization in leadership for businesses to re-think their business model for the future and environmental impacts. There are huge gaps in skills and data that businesses have yet to adapt" #Innovate4Cities
Investment in innovation to drive tech to speed up carbon-emission reductions; more investment for job upskilling & employment transition; more cross-silo working to deploy faster, more resilient, more universal technological solutions. #Innovate4Cities#decarbonisation#tech