1/ Coming up from a deep dive on the DeFi 2.0 rabbit hole. My learnings:

I. Where Are We Now?
II. NFTs, DAOs, and DeFi Are A Feedback Loop
III. Crypto Is A "Nuclear Reactor" For Money and Memes
IV. What's Going On In DeFi 2.0?
V. Other Trends


I. Where Are We Now?

DeFi Summer of 2020 was just a $10B blip. We're now at $100B. ImageImage
4/ In 2021 (right), there's less complete trash in the space then there was in 2017 (left).

Amazing that BitConnect was still in the Top 20 in Dec 2017. ImageImage
5/ Plus, the long tail now is quite good.

...But why have these specific coins won? Image

II. NFTs, DAOs, and DeFi Are Feedback Loop

I was inspired by @ljxie's tweet the other day.

It's correct to think of our new abbreviation alphabet soup as a mutually enforcing feedback loop.


- DeFi in Web3 is like routing and bandwidth logic in Web2. Throughput infrastructure.
- NFTs in Web3 are like JPEGs in Web2. They provide us with meaning. Your grandma can send them.
- DAOs in Web3 are like wikis and forums in Web2. A network-native way to coordinate.
8/ This is all aligned with @nickgrossman and @thedanigrant's Myth of the Infrastructure Phase from 2018. usv.com/writing/2018/1โ€ฆ

I've updated it here for 2021. God, so much infrastructure. Image
9/ These cooperative relationships are crucial.

As Dawkins notes in The Selfish Gene:

"Selection favors genes which succeed in the presence of other genes which in turn succeed in the presence of them."

Crypto is exhibit A for this with memes.

...But what powers these memes?

III. Crypto Is A "Nuclear Reactor" For Money and Memes

We're going to need to go a bit further back in history for this section.

Let's start with this great @waitbutwhy image that shows the branching possibilities of life: Image
11/ Branches also exist for the universe. But which branch happens?

Before genes, physical laws "choose" a branch. Stars.

After genes, biological evolution chooses. Biosphere and the tree of life.

After memes, cultural evolution chooses. Technosphere and the tree of ideas.
12/ Genes and memes need energy to replicate.

- Genes "found" photosynthesis and mitochrondria to access energy.
- Memes found the Agricultural Revolution (farms) and Industrial Revolution (fossil fuels) to access energy.

Industrial Revolution exploited the atom frontier. Image
13/ But what about the internet and Information Revolution?

It exploited the bits frontier.

But bits aren't energy! Energy use per capita hasn't gone up in the last 50 years. ImageImage
14/ The internet makes lots of money (GAFA). But it's less than it "should."

Partially b/c the internet is an info tech, not an energy tech like the previous revolutions.

Partially b/c it's hard to monetize bits. Wiki creates tons of value but Jimmy needs to beg to capture it. Image
15/ So we get Web2:

Ads: Google, Facebook
E-commerce: Amazon (selling atoms)
SaaS: Stripe, etc. (providing gated access to an API)
16/ Crypto and Web3 have allowed us to monetize previously unmonetizable memes.

There is a massive frontier of value to be captured and recycled here.

-BTC gains put into ETH pre-sale
-ETH gains put into DeFi infra
-VCs and crypto whales pumping gains back into the ecosystem
17/ This is why crypto is a nuclear reactor.

It hits a vast amount of memetic value that wasn't capture-able before. This isn't direct energy (in the joules) sense, but is valuable in the memetic sense.

Printing magic internet money is immensely powerful and cannot be stopped.

IV. So What's Going On In DeFi 2.0?

First off, can we not call it DeFi 2.0? It sounds like MBA speak. Is there nothing else? Like maybe OwnerFi or WeFi or LiqFi or even "Pepe meme lulz gm gn wagmiFi"
19/ DeFi 2.0 (ZoomerFi) is a bit tough to grok.

Like DeFi 1.0 (BoomerFi), it is a network of cooperative, self-reinforcing protocols.

It's GenZ kids (Crypto Class 2018) who grew up on liquidity farming and DAOs, and are now iterating on those mechanisms. Image
20/ Much of DeFi 2.0 is focused on a more effective way to route liquidity. Instead of allowing the mercenary market to do so, it gives this power to the DAOs themselves. (Coasian POV h/t @samkazemian)

This is why they call it Protocol-Owned Liquidity.
21/ Let's look at some specific projects:

@OlympusDAO buys liquidity for their native $OHM token.

-It's like a continuous ICO (trading OHM for tokens).
-It's like an algo stablecoin (DAO issues $OHM backed by treasury).
-It's like an on-chain Fed (assets back a currency).
22/ @KlimaDAO is an Olympus fork (kind of like a v1 of Olympus Pro).

But instead of buying DAI or liquidity for $OHM, it bonds carbon offset tokens for $KLIMA.
23/ Like Olympus, @TokenReactor is focused on liquidity. They're making liquidity as abundant for Web3 as bandwidth is for Web2.

They use subDAOs (reactors), to allocate tokens across AMMs and liquidity providers through "Liquidity Directors"โ€”incentivized liquidity allocators.
24/ @joey__santoro of @feiprotocol gives this great table of how these approaches to liquidity differ.

medium.com/fei-protocol/nโ€ฆ Image
25/ @AlchemixFi isn't in the liquidity space. They're closer to @PoolTogether_.

Alchemix makes "self-repaying loans". You give collateral to get a loan. The interests is paid off by putting the collateral in yield farms. At the end, you get your collateral back. It's "no-loss."
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ 26/ @RariCapital is focused on lending markets, like Compound or Aave.

But Compound controls which markets form. With Rari Fuse, users can create any market pair.

@Uniswap made a permissionless DEX for the long-tail of assets. Rari made a permissionless protocol for lending.
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap 27/ ofc, there are more projects in "DeFi 2.0" like @fraxfinance. But these are some of the leaders.
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance 28/ For me, the crucial part of DeFi 2.0 is that they have all done token swaps with each other and collaborate regularly.

**Memes replicating in the presence of other memes.**
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance 29/ One other crucial idea from a group selection / memetic perspective:

All memes (including intersubjective, code-governed myths like DAOs) want to both survive (retention) and spread (acquisition and transmission). Image
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance 30/ DAOs spread through viral memes like (3,3).

But they also need capital to survive. Digitally native memes/myths had trouble surviving w/o access to capital (like GAFA monetizing the attention economy).

But crypto allows memes to stick around:

@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance 32/ As @ohmzeus notes below, protocol-owned liquidity allows DAOs to survive for much longer.

If a DAO doesn't have a deep bank account, it might die during a bear market. But with "Proof-of-Reserves", it can stick around:

@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus 33/ Other things to note about DeFi 2.0:

Many of the community leaders are pseudonymous.

Hi @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1

Also, lol @TrustlessState lookin' like a black sheep here :))) ImageImageImage
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1 @TrustlessState 34/ Pseudonymity allows these folks to be a bit more risky in their actions.

(Olympus could be viewed as a continuous ICO and the SEC no likely that.)

Feels network-native, digitally native, and native to COVID.
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1 @TrustlessState 37/ DeFi 2.0 (+ crypto generally) have a new set of 2021 memes to replace legacy 2017 memes like HODL and BUIDL.

Many of these are profile-native like (3, 3), (โ˜ข๏ธ,โ˜ข๏ธ), (๐ŸŒณ,๐ŸŒณ).

HODL of old has been replaced by wagmi and ngmi.

Insiders wagmi. Outsiders ngmi.
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1 @TrustlessState 38/ One interesting part of wagmi is that it's naturally collaborative by nature.

**Memes that survive in the presence of other memes that also survive in the presence of them.**
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1 @TrustlessState 39/ gm and gn are powerful because they happen every day, so it has natural survivability.

Kind of similar to praying five times a day or weekly mass.
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1 @TrustlessState 41/ Zooming out from the memes specifically, I'm pretty darn bullish on DeFi 2.0.

Disclaimer: Through my research, I gained exposure to DeFi 2.0:

I have roughly $2,000 of FXS, TRIBE, OHM, ALCX, and TOKE, all of which is staked. I also bought $500 of RARI.

see rhyslindmark.eth
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1 @TrustlessState 42/ Tried to buy Verra carbon offsets to Toucan bridge to get TCO2 to get BCT to bond into KLIMA, but couldn't figure out the Verra part ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1 @TrustlessState 43/ If you want to learn more about DeFi 2.0, there's a ton of good content.

Podcasts w/ @BanklessHQ @TrustlessState @RyanSAdams were *immensely* helpful for me.

I honestly watched these six podcasts, roughly all back-to-back. ๐Ÿ˜‚

(And then dreamed of protocol-owned liquidity.)
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1 @TrustlessState @BanklessHQ @RyanSAdams @jai_bhavnani @LiquidityWizard @samkazemian @nateliason @every 47/ @delitzer has an excellent piece that showcases some of the crazy DAO applications that will happen as things like Rari Fuse spread.

Dan was an excellent source for DeFi 1.0 and is still an excellent source for DeFi 2.0.

@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1 @TrustlessState @BanklessHQ @RyanSAdams @jai_bhavnani @LiquidityWizard @samkazemian @nateliason @every @delitzer 48/ This piece from Olympus helped me understand how it was different from other algorithmic stablecoins like ESD.

"ESD regulates supply via debt (liabilities) while OHM regulates supply via equity (assets)."

@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1 @TrustlessState @BanklessHQ @RyanSAdams @jai_bhavnani @LiquidityWizard @samkazemian @nateliason @every @delitzer 49/ Lots of other good folks to follow (random top-of-mind is @Tetranode).

Thanks to all of you above for writing, coding, and spearheading this work!

Will be excited to see where it goes. ๐Ÿคž
@AlchemixFi @PoolTogether_ @RariCapital @Uniswap @fraxfinance @ohmzeus @WartuII @sayinshallah @scupytrooples @Dionysus_Klima @ArchimedesCryp1 @TrustlessState @BanklessHQ @RyanSAdams @jai_bhavnani @LiquidityWizard @samkazemian @nateliason @every @delitzer @Tetranode @sarahdrinkwater @mala @MartaBelcher @FilFoundation 52/ Also, if you got this far, thanks for reading!

I only spend ~20% of my time in crypto, but I really enjoyed this recent dive.

If you want to check out how crypto relates to systems change more generally, check out this, which we finished last week:


โ€ข โ€ข โ€ข

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More from @RhysLindmark

14 Sep
1/ This was excellent. Some of my learnings:
2/ DAOs don't make money. (No offense.)

They sell tokens or have investors.
3/ Lots of folks in China. @DAOSquare is a leader here.
Read 10 tweets
11 Jun 20
1/ I'm excited to share a piece I've been working on for 3 months:

"We Need To Talk: Marriage Counseling with Capitalism Itself"

I'm proud of it! One review:

"It is SO good. I hope with all my heart that is the direction we are going towards."

2/The premise is funnyโ€”Humanity, Capitalism, and Post-Capitalism are in relationship therapy.

Their problem:
-Humanity has outgrown Capitalism
-But Humanity doesn't know what Post-Capitalism looks like

They focus on 4 pillars of post-cap through dialogue, VR, and illustrations.
3/ The four pillars of post-capitalism:

BENTOISM: Zooming out to care about each other and the planet
GENEROSITY: Many of us have enough and can give back
COHERENT PLURALISM: Looking at issues from every angle
NETWORKISM: The rise of internet-enabled decentralized networks
Read 30 tweets
18 Nov 19
1/ Thread from the @SimonsInstitute workshop on:

Blockchain in Society: Applications, Economics, Law, and Ethics.

Schedule and livestream here: simons.berkeley.edu/workshops/scheโ€ฆ
1a/ First, Kobbi Nissim on "Predicate Signaling Out". (PSO)

AFAIU, it is a technical definition of privacy that formalizes the legal requirements of GDPR. (Asks the questionโ€”when could an adversary "signal out" a single person/row from a database?)

1b/ I didn't really understand the math of PSO, but some other learnings:

-Differential privacy (DP) and k-anonymity are defined mathematically. Contextual Integrity and Robot Lawyers are defined with formal logic.
-Nissim tried to create a math def of FERPA. It ended up ~= DP.
Read 29 tweets
1 Nov 19
(1/8) Wowowow. Super bullish on @ystrickler's Bentoism.

It's a ridiculously good synthesis and action framework for escaping our hidden default of financial maximization.

For any question, should I do ______?, ask {Now Me, Now Us, Future Me, Future Us}.

(2/8) Here is @ystrickler's Bento box. I strongly resonate with:

- Show people the Matrix {Now Me}
- Create a better Matrix {Future Me}
(3/8) The Bento box reminds me of @TheKenWilber's Integral Theory 2x2.

The difference is that Wilber uses "interior vs. exterior" as the 2nd dimension, while @ystrickler uses "now vs. future".
Read 8 tweets
5 Oct 19
@socrates1024 @neha @ittaia @kanzure @dahlia_malkhi @Libra_ @LivepeerOrg @YondonFu @gnosisPM @AFDudley0 @AriJuels @initc3org 7b/ @arijuels looking into the game theory of these DEX arbitrage bots.

- Bots tend towards an equilibria (w.r.t. gas price)
- There are Wall St.-like latency wars! (Bots have started to do more raises over time.)

cc @phildaian

@socrates1024 @neha @ittaia @kanzure @dahlia_malkhi @Libra_ @LivepeerOrg @YondonFu @gnosisPM @AFDudley0 @AriJuels @initc3org @phildaian 7c/ @AriJuels @initc3org

A great reminder that DEX arbitrage is just the tip of the icebergโ€”only .1% of total volume. See @BitwiseInvest report for example of CEX. (95% of reported volume is fake!)

@socrates1024 @neha @ittaia @kanzure @dahlia_malkhi @Libra_ @LivepeerOrg @YondonFu @gnosisPM @AFDudley0 @AriJuels @initc3org @phildaian @BitwiseInvest 7d/ @AriJuels @initc3org with a hilarious pointโ€”they accidentally supercharged the bot community by:

- Creating GasToken (used by bots)
- Publishing blog post (which brought more attention!)

Check out the paper w/ @phildaian! arxiv.org/abs/1904.05234

Read 49 tweets
5 Oct 19
1/ Thread from #CESSummit2019.

Starting with @neha @socrates1024's overview of the "why" for this event:

- Catalyzing a new interdisciplinary academic field to increase signal-to-noise.
- Experimenting with peer review, and how it should interoperate with IRC, forums, Twitter.
@neha @socrates1024 2/ @ittaia on Decentralized Trust. Looking at "who can vote?"

- Proof of Authority (Libra, POA)
- PoW (Bitcoin)
- PoS (ETH 2.0, Tendermint)
- PoSpace (Chia)

All of these abstract to "money". Ittai asks: which ones lead to plutocracy, monopoly, and bribery?

@neha @socrates1024 @ittaia 2b/ @ittaia differentiating between voting rights and voting protocol (consensus protocol).

First choose voting right, *then* choose voting protocol.

(Though it seems like PoW strongly implies Nakamoto consensus?)

Read 17 tweets

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