The other reason it was so irrational to claim the lab leak theory was designed to fuel anti-China animus was because US INVOLVEMENT in that research was always central to that theory: the research came from Fauci's agencies through EcoHealth Alliance. It was US & China together.
In any event, there's no way for the corporate media to ignore this story now. The NIH letter *admitting* EcoHealth's research, funded by Fauci, made bat coronaviruses more contagious *proves* Fauci's statements to Congress were false. Only question is if Fauci knew it was false.
This @VanityFair article does a good job on the *highly incriminating* new evidence. Ironically, the FOIA requests of the @TheIntercept - intended to clear Fauci - provided the best proof until yesterday (and credit to them, I guess, for not hiding it).
Here's another article that does a great job on this new evidence. There's no proof this research was what caused COVID-19. The key is Fauci's money went to research that made bat coronaviruses more contagious: what he's vehemently denied for 18 months:
And yes, @RandPaul is absolutely owed an apology he'll never get. Unlike the media which wanted to bury the story, and social media that *banned* discussion of it, Paul just wanted answers about the research EcoHealth was doing. We now have those answers:
But this whole debacle yet again proves how fundamentally broken the US media is. For a full year, they declared the lab leak theory so insane that social media companies censored it. The **NYT COVID Reporter** said it was "racist" to investigate it.
And now the truth emerges.
Here's the key unanswered question:
The NIH admits that the research it funded through EcoHealth under Fauci made bat coronaviruses more contagious, but Fauci didn't lie because he didn't know until now.
But EcoHealth insists Fauci knew all along because they told him & NIH:
And one last time:
Words cannot express the deep and multi-pronged stupidity needed to believe that this story is about anti-China animus or blaming China.
Aside from the fact that we should want to know these answers no matter what, the issue is how **US FUNDS** were used.
The COVID pandemic is one of the most consequential and life-altering events of the last several decades. Only the most anti-intellectual, stunted cretins would concoct reasons why it would be better not to learn everything we can about its origins and whether US officials lied.
Right. If, as NIH claims, Fauci didn't know EcoHealth was violating the limits of the grant by making bat coronaviruses more contagious, that's malfeasance.
But how credible is it that Fauci didn't find out given all the political pressure around this??
By the way, if you were one of the people appalled by the conditions of Chinese wet markets and/or the horrific cruelty in general of how dog meat is still consumed in some parts of the world, check out what happens at western factory farms that feed you:
Google has deleted one of the best and largest left-wing media outlets in the UK. No warning or explanation was provided. Just zapped it out of existence.
Congratulations to online censorship advocates: this is the system of repression and arbitrary silencing you created!
Maybe the unseen Google overlords who made this decision will reverse it. Maybe they won't. 🤷♂️
@novaramedia and its employees will now just wait around helplessly as they see if hidden authorities allow them to be heard, like desperate, hapless defendants in a Kafka novel.
In many ways, liberals and even the left are reaping what they've sown: not just by cheering a regime of censorship in the belief it wouldn't be used against them, but also serving tech monopolies by demonizing any free speech alternatives - like Rumble - as right-wing sites.
The only point -- and I mean the only point -- of this entire billionaire-funded anti-Facebook campaign is to transfer the power over internet speech from social media companies to Democratic Party politicians. They have said this explicitly many times!
In March, I reported on the five-hour hearing House Dems held, where they had summoned Twitter, Facebook and Google for the 4th time in a year. One after the next, they delivered one point: if you don't censor more content we dislike, we will punish you with laws and regulations.
Here is the article I wrote after watching the entire hearing.
One Dem Congresswoman, @RepFletcher, actually argued the Biden Admin give tech companies a list of "domestic terror groups" they should ban. See the video embedded. It shocked even the CEOs:
In Google We Trust. Os bilionários americanos nos amam e protegem. Decidirão o que devemos ou não ouvir, pq nos amam e querem o que é melhor para nós. Deixe-nos ter um momento da gratidão aos bilionários americanos do Vale do Silício por manter nosso discurso seguro e limpo.🙏❤️
Você está dizendo que se criar um sistema onde o poder de controlar a internet e determinar "verdade" e "falsidade" reside nas mãos dos Vale do Silício, eles podem um dia usá-lo contra a esquerda? Oh, uau. Eu não consigo acreditar que isso aconteceria!
Esses são os elementos mais doentios e sujas da esquerda: usam seu marido, casamento e filhos contra você no minuto em que expressa uma opinião que não gostam. A única coisa que os irritava de Augusto Nunes fazer a mesma coisa era a ideologia: usam as mesmas táticas pq são iguais
The internet is the last remaining instrument for dissent to thrive outside state and oligarchical control. This campaign aims to put an end to that.
The slick and well-financed rollout of this Facebook "whistleblower" star is designed to advance multiple censorship schemes.
One of Omidyar's central goals -- as his own multi-national foundation trumpets -- is to impose *criminal penalties* on platforms that allow disinformation, hate speech or "harmful" content.
This will be defined by the same handful of multi-billionaires funding this campaign.
O principal atributo de quem deseja censurar é a *arrogância*. Toda a história intelectual dos humanos é *erro*: o que uma geração acredita ser uma verdade provada é visto pela próxima geração como um erro grotesco.
Acreditar que tem a verdade absoluta é patológico.
Aqueles que querem censurar - ou, pior, dar às autoridades o poder de censurar - acreditam que estão imunes a este ciclo histórico: que descobriram a verdade tão absoluta que ninguém deveria poder questioná-la, nenhuma dissidência ouvida. Não consigo me imaginar acreditando nisso
Em 2013, no Guardian, escrevi um artigo sobre as 2 características que *todas as pessoas* que desejam censurar têm em comum são: 1) arrogância (acreditar que descobriu a verdade absoluta e 2) sede de poder (proibindo outros de questionar suas crenças).
Facebook engaged in one of the most extraordinary pre-election censorship campaigns seen in modern US history: they sent out a life-long Dem operative, @andymstone, to announce they would algorithmically suppress the NY Post's reporting of authentic docs about the Bidens.
Even with Facebook - through a Democratic Party functionary - censoring a major story just two weeks before the election that raised serious questions about Biden, Dems & the corporate media (same thing) *still* think FB didn't censor enough to help Dems:
The most amazing part is this FB executive, in that tweet announcing the censorship of the Biden docs, said they'd block the story pending a third-party "fact-check."
FB never released that fact-check. Why? Because everything, including a new book, proves the docs were real.