1️⃣ Introduction
2️⃣ JSX
3️⃣ Virtual DOM
4️⃣ Component
5️⃣ States and Props
6️⃣ Data Binding
7️⃣ Component Rendering
8️⃣ Hooks Introduction
1️⃣ Introduction
✪ What is React?
✪ What is the current version of React?
✪ What are core features of React?
✪ What are advantages using React?
✪ Where shouldn't we use React?
✪ What is SPA?
✪ When will a SPA run slower/faster?
1️⃣ Data Types
2️⃣ Boolean
3️⃣ Number
4️⃣ Logical Operators
5️⃣ Comparison Operators
6️⃣ Arithmetic Operators
1️⃣ Data Types
✪ What all data types does JavaScript provide?
✪ How to find out data type of a value? (which operator to use)
✪ What is type coercion?
✪ Any significant difference between "undefined" and "null"?
✪ What is the type of undefined?
✪ What is the type of null?