@mentions@robkhenderson .Evolution does something? How can it, unless objective reality exists?

And the "computer simulation" is bullshit. One computer "organism" can see "objective reality" but can't recognize danger, but another can see "danger" but not the computerized "reality"?
@mentions@robkhenderson Within the context of the simulation, recognizing "this will kill me" is recognizing "reality."

This is another example of people proving 2+2 can equal five, by substituting other numbers for 2. It's just dishonest.

Then there's the perception nonsense.
@mentions@robkhenderson ‘In like manner, we create an apple when we look, and destroy it when we look away. Something exists when we don’t look, but it isn’t an apple, and is probably nothing like an apple,’ Hoffman writes.”

No, we see an apple. This is just being systematically dishonest.
@mentions@robkhenderson No, we do not have a ‘God’s eye’ view that tells us where every particle in the atom is, and it’s quantum state. So what? What use would that be, assuming it was possible in the first place?
@mentions@robkhenderson Hoffman is pulling an old sophist’s trick. You have to use your brain and sense organs to perceive the world, claim that you are perceiving your sense organs, rather than reality. It's like claiming that when you use a hammer to drive a nail, you aren't actually driving the nail.
@mentions@robkhenderson Next, claim that the sense organs are fallible, and therefore don’t perceive reality, without explaining how you can tell they are fallible if you can’t perceive reality.

This is screwier than the behaviorist contention that minds and ideas don't exist.
@mentions@robkhenderson “consciousness may even exist beyond the organic world, all the way down to electrons and protons.” Electrons and protons can only have consciousness if they exist. It is irritating to have to point this out.
@mentions@robkhenderson “I’m saying let’s go all the way: It’s consciousness, and only consciousness, all the way down.” Consciousness is not conscious of anything, because nothing exists to be conscious of. Yet somehow, in this illusory, "natural" selection operated, even though nature does not exist.
@mentions@robkhenderson If you're allowed to introduce contradiction into a logical system, you can "prove" anything. So Hoffman can argue that a car doesn't exist when he looks away from it. But if he steps in front of it when it is moving, he'll soon be disabused of that nonsense.

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More from @Saintonge235

2 Nov
Reading ‘When the Culture War Comes for the Kids’, archive.md/gznDx, and I find this: “Liberals are always slow to realize that there can be friendly, idealistic people who have little use for liberal values.”

This is a subset of a larger problem, IMAO: Projection.
A lot of people just can’t grasp, emotionally, that some people want different things than they do, like or dislike different things, and will do different things given the opportunity. And so they operate on false assumptions. Grief inevitably ensues.

There's a worse problem.
Call it self blinding. Call it refusal to face facts. The article talks about how the author’s son got into a good middle school, but it turned out to be ‘segregated.’

You mean children were assigned to this school on the basis of their race, and it was all one race. Nope.
Read 8 tweets
22 Oct
More Deevoe idiocy, three different tweets.

1) I was aware the SRO was a deputy. It's in the original Daily Wire story that I have quoted from.

2) He's now making up 🐴💩 about "you guys" making a claim that the cops weren't called until the second incident. Roll tape:
Zaid Jilani notes an email Supt. Ziegler sent out the same day as the first incident. Deevoe replied with a quote from the letter.

I replied to Deevoe, incorrectly, "The Sheriff's Dept. was apparently not notified till Scott Smith showed up at the school to complain."
But my tweet did say that the Sheriff's dept. was notified the same day as the alleged rapes occurred. So I never made the claim he wishes to pin on me.

3) I never said or implied that the Sheriff was trying to cover anything up. That's just more 🐴 💩
Read 6 tweets
22 Oct
The #gamma just couldn't leave it alone. Long thread, probably boring.

By the "deputy" I presume he is talking about the School Resource Officer. The Daily Wire story that was my source said the SRO was "investigating" under the guidance of the school administration.
He now implicitly concedes that the DW story was correct: no one outside the school was called there to investigate until Scott Smith showed up.

Well before reading this latest post, I'd formed a hypothesis. Deevoe read a story about the incident, and misunderstood it.
He somehow got the idea that multiple agencies were involved. He tweeted to that effect. Then, when I asked for his source, he reread it and realized he was wrong. Rather than admit that, he tried to bluff.
Read 16 tweets
22 Oct
Ah, a quote. I can copy and paste that, in quotation marks, and I get . . . "No results found" for the quotation. Various results without the quotation marks, as one would expect with a widely covered story.

First two sources quote the Daily Wire story, and support Smith's claim
and ussanews.com/News1/2021/10/…

The original Daily Wire story:

The story quotes "dispatch records" showing the School Resource Officer (SRO) reporting the incident at 1:33 PM, but no outside police called to the scene until 2:21.
Two more calls are said to be made at 2:28 and 2;30.

And an interesting story from a local news station. They tried to get an interview with Supt. Ziegler, but were stonewalled when they showed up with a camera running. No interview would take place if the interview was filmed.
Read 6 tweets
22 Oct
Well, this is weird.

I saw the exchange between @Cernovich and @ twitter.com/Nomi33719537, and didn't realize what was going on. I looked at the article Cerno had linked, but missed the 2018 date. Rather misleading, Cerrno.
So I found out that someone was 'accidentally' shot on a movie set, although that story is mondo weirdioso itself (one round of something fired, two or three people injured by the same shot). I considered deleting my original tweet, then decided to apologize to Nomi instead.
But in only about an hour, Nomi's account has vanished. The now-nonexistent tweet accused Cernovich of believing that Baldwin had deliberately shot someone.
Read 5 tweets
10 Oct
What Sky says. The "multiple major outlets" don't want to admit what anyone with a brain knows, things like 'some people who claim to be supporting a political cause are liars', and 'when you put males into the same space as naked women, many of the women will be distressed'.
So when news of the Wi Spa incident began to circulate, the "major outlets" REFUSED to investigate. They eagerly swallowed a story about how the whole tale was made up, and that the mother who complained was an #evil #transphobe.

Andy Ngo DID investigate the story.
Ngo found out the incident probably had occurred, and that the police had charged someone. QUIETLY charged the someone. LAPD wasn't very eager to publicize this.
Read 6 tweets

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