Never forget that American media habitually provides cover for White supremacy and fascism by swooping in to sanitize the GOP’s Jim Crow propaganda as legitimate and substantive public policy. #SouthernStrategy101
This also happens to be the EXACT same reason CRT is the GOP’s “new” golden ticket. It’s segregationist redux and every region of America has a muscle memory for it, so don’t be surprised when it pops up in an election near you. #SouthernStrategy101
No surprise all the grievances are batshit conspiracy theories rooted in feigned White victimhood, fear of social progress and Confederate sour grapes.…
*Programmed*. This is precisely why the GOP is stoking White fear of BLM/CRT/SEL & the 1619 Project, mocking Indigenous Peoples’ Day, fearmongering about “wokeness”, and banning books. They can’t risk losing White voters to the truth b/c it would mean losing their votes too.
Folk need to disabuse themselves of the notion that all we have to do is just wait for the Jim Crow generations to “die off”, bc White Gen-Z still shows NO signs of doing or being much better. The GOP zeroes in on schools bc incomplete/whitewashed history keeps them in business.
Anti-CRT propaganda (Southern Strategy) is a bait & switch meant to obscure the fact that the GOP’s been fucking up the education system since Brown v. Board. They’re inciting a Whitelash against the movement to debunk lies they’ve been telling since Reconstruction. Exhibit A:
How many of the other 57% are lying? 🧐 Either way, that 43% is still more than enough for the GOP to stoke Whitelash at the polls bc the rest of the party will fall in line behind whatever keeps Rs in office & preserves the mythology of White Nationalism/American exceptionalism.
I think what’s happening is people are mistaking a shift of White woman voters (for race-based reasons) away from Ds and *back* to Rs as “Democrats didn’t turnout”. Folk don’t understand that White voters swing back and forth depending on how fearful/resentful/spiteful they feel.
The GOP hasn’t had a glowing policy or economic record to run on in at least 60 years but they’ve still won the majority of the White vote for the last 56 because their record of unyielding White supremacy speaks for itself.
A lot of the White moderates/Alt-Lefties chastising Democrats for “not having a record to run on” are the same folk who create chronic legislative gridlock by either sitting out elections in protest or purposely voting GOP bc they think divided government is a wise check/balance.
Never forget that American media habitually provides cover for White supremacy and fascism by swooping in to sanitize the GOP’s Jim Crow propaganda as legitimate and substantive public policy. #SouthernStrategy101
One of the most ominous aspects of kids going back to school is we’re sending them into the classrooms of a teacher workforce that’s 79% White at a time when White people are the least likely to wear a mask consistently & get vaccinated.…
America’s a rolling disaster b/c White supremacists are in power. Stop omitting that detail from your hot takes. The GOP isn’t just usurping power for power’s sake, they’re doing it for the purpose of upholding White patriarchy/theocracy/supremacy, indefinitely. Tell the truth.
Everything they want the SCOTUS for is a crime against humanity.
Everything they want Congress for is a crime against humanity.
Everything they want the WH for is a crime against humanity.
Everything they want the state legislatures for is a crime against humanity.
Everything the GOP stands for is a hate crime against humanity.