This likely wouldn’t work either b/c these people want their kids to grow up to be thoughtless, unempathetic, incompassionate racists just like mommy/daddy. Also some of the anti-CRT rhetoric even demonizes SEL (social emotional learning). They fully intend to raise sociopaths.
Anti-CRT propaganda (read Southern Strategy) finds a receptive audience amongst non-college educated White women b/c they stand to lose the MOST socioeconomic standing if the system of White patriarchy/oligarchy keeping them & their male benefactors afloat gets dismantled by CRT.
They deny that slavery was genocide and that the Confederacy lost the Civil War too. They deny that the Civil War was about slavery. They deny that Trump lost the election and that Jan 6 was a White supremacist insurrection/domestic terrorist attack on the Union. They LIE & DENY.
The Confederacy angle is key b/c it’s something that’s deeply understood in the South but either gets omitted from the media narrative altogether or dismissed as a quirky fringe by White “moderate coastal elites” b/c it makes White people look bad & the GOP look like terrorists.
People still need to come to grips with the reality that the White majority in VA & the rest of the Dirty South is still pissed that their Confederate flags/statues (read symbols of White supremacy) have been tumbling down since 2015. CRT is gasoline on a long-ranging wildfire.
And it isn’t just that Confederate symbols are tumbling down, it’s that they do so at the behest of a movement that says Black Lives Matter, in response to White domestic terror attacks perpetrated by right-wing vigilantes and racist police. It’s another lost civil war for them.
This is why it unequivocally does NOT fucking matter that CRT isn’t actually being taught in K-12 in VA or anywhere else in America. The propaganda works b/c these people have already been stewing over emancipation, Reconstruction, school integration & the CRA/VRA for 156 years.
It was always a fallacy to expect that the White voting majority’s Pavlovian response to race-baiting GOP propaganda would suddenly go offline just b/c Trump isn’t on the ticket. He too was merely riding a wave of hatred and ugliness that’s been endemic in America for centuries.
Step by step illustration of how easy it is for so many White women to insidiously become foot soldiers for White supremacy/patriarchy and domestic terrorism. Ultimately, the bonds of Whiteness and financial/familial/emotional codependence supersede civic duty and human decency.
It’s also a step by step illustration of how the MSM works overtime to surreptitiously enable fascism by reframing it as something White people just haphazardly stumble into without malicious intent or egregious harm done. As if we don’t notice. 😒
Step by step illustration of how GOP women are raising the next generation of foot soldiers for White supremacy/patriarchy and domestic terrorism. You have to be carefully taught. #GOPFamilyValues 👹 #WhereWereTheyRadicalized
Yet another case in point. 🎯 The Hain story really and truly encapsulates how conservative women often embrace and emulate the toxic White supremacist masculinity/sociopathy that ultimately traps, abuses, maims and kills them. #AmericanSociopath
Republicans find a new young White supremacist sociopath to glorify and emulate every year. This is how they recruit more Republicans and more White supremacist sociopaths, who so often graduate to become White domestic terrorists. The MSM colludes with them to normalize it all.
Kyle Rittenhouse is an American problem. Derek Chauvin is an American problem. The McMichaels are an American problem. The J6 insurrectionists are an American problem. The GOP/MSM alliance that aids, abets and incites ALL of these American problems is an AMERICAN PROBLEM.
Never forget that American media habitually provides cover for White supremacy and fascism by swooping in to sanitize the GOP’s Jim Crow propaganda as legitimate and substantive public policy. #SouthernStrategy101
This also happens to be the EXACT same reason CRT is the GOP’s “new” golden ticket. It’s segregationist redux and every region of America has a muscle memory for it, so don’t be surprised when it pops up in an election near you. #SouthernStrategy101
I think what’s happening is people are mistaking a shift of White woman voters (for race-based reasons) away from Ds and *back* to Rs as “Democrats didn’t turnout”. Folk don’t understand that White voters swing back and forth depending on how fearful/resentful/spiteful they feel.
The GOP hasn’t had a glowing policy or economic record to run on in at least 60 years but they’ve still won the majority of the White vote for the last 56 because their record of unyielding White supremacy speaks for itself.
A lot of the White moderates/Alt-Lefties chastising Democrats for “not having a record to run on” are the same folk who create chronic legislative gridlock by either sitting out elections in protest or purposely voting GOP bc they think divided government is a wise check/balance.
Never forget that American media habitually provides cover for White supremacy and fascism by swooping in to sanitize the GOP’s Jim Crow propaganda as legitimate and substantive public policy. #SouthernStrategy101
One of the most ominous aspects of kids going back to school is we’re sending them into the classrooms of a teacher workforce that’s 79% White at a time when White people are the least likely to wear a mask consistently & get vaccinated.…