Due to rising #COVID19 hospital admissions, especially among the unvaccinated - and disproportionate admissions from Southern Health - new, targeted restrictions are coming to Manitoba on Oct. 5.
Only one household can visit a gathering when anyone present is unvaxed but eligible to be vaxed.
Only 10 people outdoors when anyone present is unvaxed and eligible.
Only 25 people or 25% capacity at indoor gatherings, whichever is lower, if anyone unvaxed and eligible is present.
Only 25 people or 33% capacity, whichever is greater, can be at faith-based gatherings, if anyone unvaxed and eligible is present.
PC leadership candidate Stefanson accuses rival Glover of threatening to defeat or fire sitting MLAs | #mbpolicbc.ca/news/canada/ma…
Stefanson's claim about Glover:
"I think if she ends up being our premier, how does she get along with all the caucus colleagues that she's told actually she's going to run someone against them in their nominations, that she's going to fire them?"
Stefanson can't say where or when this was said - or to whom.
"I think it was a statement that was made out there or something, though."