As part of the #GreenDeal, EU aims at a reduction in greenhouse gases of 55% by 2030 & full climate neutrality by 2050 🍃Will we have enough renewable electricity to meet the decarbonisation objectives? @RonnieBelmans@ReisPiero & @PieterVingerhoe answer📌
📑Studies show there is little room for supplying the additional #RenewableElectricity by 2030.
➡️This policy brief, part of the #EUI4CoFoE campaign, addresses potential priorities to cope with the remaining needs for energy towards carbon neutrality.
The authors suggest 5 policy actions by 2030 and 2050, addressing #cooperation with neighbouring countries, prioritising applications where electrification brings an enormous gain in efficiency such as passenger transport🚄🚃and hydrogen production and more.
🔎Read the policy brief for all recommendations and find out more on #environment & the EU, one of the centre themes of the #CoFoE
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'The Social Roots of the Transnational Cleavage' with @HoogheLiesbet & Gary Marks is starting!
➡️ "Education, occupation, life experiences have a major impact on people's political belonging"
People voting for green, alternative, libertarian (GAL) are not involved in the production of the information society, they are not engineers, they work in knowledge intensive fields (scientists, arts designers etc); they are also predominantly women (/1)
Women in female-dominated fields vote green. So there is something about the context. When you put women together or men together you get different results #gendermatters (/2)
Who works in essential services since #Covid19 started? 🦠In many cases, #migrants represent a big percentage of #EssentialWorkers. This paper introduces the concept of ‘systemic resilience’ into the analysis of labour migration.
🌐Read more >> (1/5)
When talking about #EssentialWorkers, authors Bridget Anderson, @F_Poeschel & @MartinRuhs refer to those who deliver key services in agriculture and food production, health services and social care. (2/5)
#Covid19 has exposed the often precarious employment conditions of essential workers➡️ Socio-economic vulnerabilities of employed migrants may shape the system’s capacity to continue functioning. This calls for attention to analyse their role in national labour markets (3/5)