@AndreCronjeTech started @thekeep3r as a protocol where any dev could post job offers related to manual tasks in smart contracts. One would post a job and a "keeper" would accept it and earn $KP3R.
On the other hand, @AndreCronjeTech released a medium article where he stated:"I am obsessed with financial efficiency". This was in a medium article about another mysterious project: "Deriswap".
Deriswap was a product where you could provide liquidity and earn yield on:
1⃣ futures
2⃣ options
4⃣efficient swaps; all at once, because... why should we choose when we can have it all??
This project was never released, however, some anons have been saying that @thekeep3r would implement it. Why? Because the description I gave you about @thekeep3r was just the beginning.
Quickly, @AndreCronjeTech realized he could have it all, and he created a whole ecosystem using @thekeep3r infrastructure and momentum, with $KP3R as its governance token.
Unlike Sushi or Aave, @thekeep3r gives back to $KP3R 100% of the protocol earned fees. But wait, what fees? Keep reading, anon, this is about to blow up your mind. @thekeep3r is integrating the FOREX market into DeFi.
By the way, FOREX stands for Foreign Exchange. It is the trading of one currency for another as, for example, EUR/USD. The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world, with trillions of dollars changing hands every day.
Ok, this is awesome, but where does @PopsicleFinance comes in? Well, remember when @danielesesta said he was going to become the Alameda of DeFi? Here it is, there, as always, he delivered.
Do you imagine the fees? Can you imagine If we had some protocol who could optimize it and deploy capital there where is needed? Wait, we have it, @PopsicleFinance. Do you happen to know by any chance where the 20% of those fees would end up, anon?
"The bestow of DeFi"; after a violent battle, @Tetranode hands down the keys of the Liquidity Throne to his rightful heir @danielesesta for complete domination of DeFi (inspiration and special thanks to @DgenFren)
In the last weeks, the #FrogNation has had to suffer the mockering of a lot of people who did not believe in @danielesesta vision of a more decentralized stable coin. Dani repeatedly said that they will bend the knee.
All over the place, people were attacking the business model of @MIM_Spell because it had more emissions than collected fees when a lot of protocol do this at first. A lot of fellow frogs were liquidated too in despair.
"Evolution of @Tetranode": NFTs art & Crypto stereotypes; a thread 🧶 1/25
In order to understand the figure of @Tetranode in the cryptoverse, we have to review some concepts, which may seem obvious. The first being, that Tetranode is not any whale, but an orca, this is, a killer whale 2/25
Why is this important? In the early days of #BTC, with little liquidity, the market was easily manipulated by large sums of capital; this type of investors were denominated "whales". They would "move" the market in their own benefit, feeding on smaller fishes panic selling 3/25
#Deriswap is a project developed by @AndreCronjeTech which focus in efficient liquidity management. The project would integrate LP, futures, loans and options all at once, so the user doesn’t have to choose between splitting his capital into different protocols.
Instead of having 50 ETH providing liquidity in @Uniswap and lending 50 ETH in @AaveAave, you could have 100 ETH in #deriswap and use the same assets to do both at the same time, thus, gaining the double
#deriswap have not been launched nor have any specific date. The last time @AndreCronjeTech talked about it, was 1 year ago and it was undergoing some audits. No further official announcements have been made.
An in depth analysis of @PopsicleFinance stealth launch scenario and whatnots. Interested? Let's hold hands while I walk you through another @danielesesta fundamental pillar in the #OccupyDeFi and #FrogNation vision.
@PopsicleFinance was launched on 6th Nov. with $ICE reaching 66$. Because of capped LP pools and a flat 7% APR on $ICE, people sold the news.
Is this all? No, wait. In order to hop in the pools, people had to sell 50% of their $ICE positions. Some of them, were just holding 100% $ICE bags and probably swapped to ETH/SHIB where they are currently getting an astonishing 1745% APR.