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Aug 7th 2022

Liquidity is the backbone of DeFi and we built @PopsicleFinance to make it simple for our users to manage and profit off of it. Here are some lessons we’ve learned and where we’re heading.

We’ve launched two @PopsicleFinance products in the last 12 months: Sorbetto Fragola, a Uniswap v3 optimizer and Sorbetto Limone, a cross-DEX LP manager that provides leverage for LPers.

Uni v3 is an exciting innovation but one that is overshadowed by the additional complexity that LPers face around setting LP ranges. Fragola fixes this. We use strategies to automatically optimize LP ranges that maximize your yield.

A deep dive 👇🏻:
Read 11 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
1/n In 2021, $FTM achieved incredible growth across all key metrics. I expect this growth to continue, with Fantom positioned as one of the most exciting base layers heading into 2022.

Here's why it should be on everyone's list of key projects to watch:

2/n Technology: Consensus

- $FTM employs a DAG based (Directed Acyclic Graph) aBFT (Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant) consensus mechanism called Lachesis, secured by Proof of Stake

- This allows for an extremely efficient, scalable, and low cost method of validating trxs
3/n Technology (Lachesis cont.)

- Transactions are confirmed nearly instantly (within 1 second now, and soon faster). Finality is deterministic (vs. probabilistic as with Nakamoto Consensus used by ETH and BTC)
Read 25 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
1. It’s been hell of a year, mainly thanks to #fantom and #isvikingers fam!

Been in the space since 2015, but it was never this intense so i wanted to share my experiences.
2. Mathematics and algorithm matter.

When you first encounter a new project, always try to look to the documentation, make sure you understand why that project/token is undervalued based on calculations.

It’s not easy to do, but try to generate a general formula for it.
3. Compare those projects to competitors, try to realize how much potential market it has.

Traditional finance’s valuation approach doesn’t always work here in crypto space, but basic models such as supply/demand will always work.

Try to evaluate potential demand.
Read 15 tweets
Nov 16th 2021
@thekeep3r & @PopsicleFinance: down to the rabbit hole
@AndreCronjeTech started @thekeep3r as a protocol where any dev could post job offers related to manual tasks in smart contracts. One would post a job and a "keeper" would accept it and earn $KP3R.
On the other hand, @AndreCronjeTech released a medium article where he stated:"I am obsessed with financial efficiency". This was in a medium article about another mysterious project: "Deriswap".
Read 12 tweets
Nov 6th 2021

Wen? NOW!🔥

Fragola is live:

The time is now #Isvikingers, the 🥶 age is here! Image

Yes, the relaunch on #Ethereum has happened!🧊

Due to RPC issues @arbitrum LPing is delayed, as Zapping and analytics are not reliable. Turn on Twitter notifications as we expect it to be live SOON™️!

In order to make sure we have a smooth rollout we decided to cap all pools.

They will be increasing over time!👀

You can check each launch cap in the graphic below!👇🏻 Image
Read 4 tweets

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