Let's talk roadmaps. And how they are mostly useless in their current form. And how every project has them and doesn't use them right!
Why? Because I'm tired of finding every project cargoculting roadmaps and missing the point of the exercise.
Maybe this thread will help.
2/So what's a roadmap? Well, in the most basic level, it's meant to be a map of a road, but usually people understand it as also containing directions from point A to point B.
3/The problem is immediate when you even look at this basic definition of roadmap:
NFT Project roadmaps aren't stating point B.
They're like a map with a bunch of towns circled, and no apparent destination.
4/Taking "roadmap" less literally, project roadmaps are like plans. They're supposed to tell you what the project is aiming to achieve.
And yeah, I suppose they're plans.
But you know what sucks about plans?
They always change when reality hits.
5/So actually the only thing that NFT Project Roadmaps convey at the moment is:
"Once we take all your money during mint, we can come up with random shit to do with it."
Slow clap. Well done. You can figure out how to spend $3m. 🎖
6/At the moment, even in this useless state, I still end up using the roadmaps a little, because sometimes, the roadmap reveals the thing that I'm really looking for when I assess a project:
Why does this project exist? What's it's purpose? What is the vision?
7/But really, this is not making it easy. Sometimes I find breadcrumbs of that vision in an #faq channel or an #announcement channel. It's like detective work - to figure out something that every project should be shouting about upfront!
8/So here's my call to action from projects, both those which exist now, and those which are still launching, and those which are still a twinkle in a degen's sleep-deprived eye.
9/Include a #roadmap channel if you want. People expect that. Ok. But also include a #vision channel and/or a #purpose channel. And explain those things. Answer these critical questions about your project so people can figure out if there's value in there.
"People don't buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it. And WHAT you do simply proves what you believe."
Why does your project exist? What purpose does it serve in the world?
11/Now of course, granted in the degen NFT world, sometimes ppl buy shit without thinking much about it, and maybe Sinek's point is side-stepped. But that's not healthy, and, imho, it won't last. NFTs have huge potential, but not if all we ever build is purposeless.
12/I believe that projects with no purpose will, over time, cede the space to projects with purpose.
Get ahead of that curve. Before you start your project, figure out why it makes sense to start a project.
13/People, at least the ones you want joining your project, supporting you, being your superfans, etc, are more likely to recognise your project as something they want to join if it's actually clear wtf it is.
So think about that purpose, and state it.
14/Purpose is not enough, though. To really engage people, you must also state some sort of vision. What impact is your project going to make? How is the world different with your project in existence? If it vanished, what would be missed?
15/Purpose appeals to our search for meaning.
Vision appeals to our emotions. If all your dreams come true, what are you building? What's, if not the end goal, at least an important milestone on the way? Give us something to be excited about!
16/Once you've got purpose and vision mapped out (and yeah, I know this is hard) *THEN AND ONLY THEN* sit down and do a roadmap. You may find it is 100x easier to draw up an original, unique roadmap once you've done that work, too.
17/When you know where you want to go and why, a million possible paths appear. When you have no idea and just want to "do a roadmap" because everyone else has one, you just end up copying random crap or coming up with clichéed ideas.
18/This is why I still look at roadmaps btw. Because if there is a compelling vision and purpose, then sometimes that will show in a certain coherence of the roadmap towards that purpose.
19/Ironically, it also shows unintentionally. When the only reason why a project exists is to pump some $$$ into the founders pockets, every item on the roadmap is focused on that (via boosting the NFT's value artificially or ponzying). Cringe. But it's a helpful signal I guess.
20/I know coming up with a clear and compelling purpose and vision is hard work. I've done it for my business and it took me a long time and a lot of thinking.
I'm not saying this is an easy job.
But before you raise $3m from investors, perhaps it's something you should do, no?
21/Sometimes, a founder might have a sense of their purpose and vision but struggle to articulate it. That's ok. This stuff is hard. Get help. Talk to people. There must be some people you trust in this big loving nft space, no? Discuss it with them.
22/Personally, I wouldn't worry about people stealing your purpose and vision, even in this fast moving, copycat world. If it's really your purpose/vision and you believe in it, it will show. And because it's yours you'll be able to iterate and improve on it. Copycats won't.
23/Better to be the Apple, constantly being frontrun on their projects by all their competitors who make inferior implementations of everything Apple does, than to lack purpose and vision. So if you need help, which is normal, get help.
24/Once you've done this work, you may find that attracting the right people to your project becomes easier - if only because you actually know who those right people are now! And retaining them is easier too, because there's a vision for them to buy into.
25/If you're not a project owner, but an investor or superfan in a project that hasn't stated their vision yet: ask them to do so!
Don't breathe down their neck all day about it, but gently nudge them on a regular basis.
It will make the project stronger.
26/In the wild west of NFTland, ppl have launched all sorts of projects without knowing what they were doing, and left it to later. That's ok.
But if you've got one of those... maybe roll up your sleeves and start trying to figure that out, if you want your project to last.
27/Here's to hoping I start joining Discords and, next to the inevitable #roadmap channel, start seeing a #vision or #purpose channel that outlines why anyone should care about this project.
Thanks for reading. Pls RT if you would like this idea to spread.
gm & gl
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In a way, this meta item could be considered the same as staking, but it can (e.g. by the Lions) be implemented separately from staking, and requires no gas and so is cheaper.
2/Deciding to implement something like that is not necessarily unreasonable. I do think it smacks of floor focus, and so ultimately I don't think it's a great look, but if done softly enough and not marketed too hard, it's alright I guess.
3/However, if it is listed as a roadmap item very early in the life of the project, it is worrying. It means that the project is already predicting there will be issues with holding the floor and coming up with artificial ways to strengthen it.
Let's start by saying I love DAOs and I think they're going to replace many if not most of the formal institutions in the world today, once they get better.
2/But unless DAOs are the main point of the NFT project, "setting up a DAO" on a roadmap is as pointless as listing "setting up a LLC". In fact, no, it's worse. At least setting up an LLC serves a plumbing-level need of the project.
3/I ran my company @GrantTree for almost 10 years, and we experimented a lot with ways to decentralise power and give people more freedom. We adopted #Holacracy as a governance model. Had total transparency. People could set their own salaries. I really believe in that stuff.
Roadmap Analysis 13: Metaverse integration, VR, etc.
Ok this one is a bit more tangible and I look at it as a hopeful dream, definitely not a red flag, just a bit... far away.
2/Pretty much everyone in the NFT space has read or watched Ready Player One. It's meant to be a dystopian nightmare rather than a guide for the future, but it's got some uplifting themes and features so, well, it's inspired people in the space.
3/Here's the thing, though. Even if it is our future (god I hope not - billions starving? no thanks), it's still pretty far away, at least technologically. It's not happening next month. Or next year. Or even the year after.
Roadmap Analysis 12: "Exclusive whitelists in other projects, collaborations, etc.
This one is contextual. Most of the time I dismiss it but not always.
2/Let's start with the positive cases. Collabs, whitelists, etc, make sense on a roadmap when two things are true: 1) it's aligned with the purpose of the project 2) the project has something to offer to attract the good whitelists
3/So eg an investment club like @NFTLlama / Llamaverse (discl: I'm invested) - the club has solid marketing oomph and a thriving community and so it can offer access to that marketing to potential collabs. And since it's an investment club, it's in line with the purpose.
I'll disclose upfront: I'm not really a charity-donating person. I like to do good in the world directly, through, for example, writing these threads to help people not get scammed.
2/But I understand that some people do like donating to charities. And if done knowingly and explicitly, it can be a very reasonable thing to do.
There are some projects whose entire purpose is to be charity vehicles. They're like buying a raffle ticket, but more fun. Ok.
3/For other projects, making a charity donation can be a nice thing to do. It could be used to offset Ethereum's carbon footprint. Or just to support the animal on the PFP. Whatever. It's a nice thing. Ok.
Roadmap Analysis 10: A game, or, most likely "A PtE game". Also: quests and other minigames.
*cracks knuckles*
2/There are definitely contexts where a game makes sense. For example, for an artist launchpad like @robotosNFT, adding fun little games that people can play to engage more with the artistic universe of Robotos makes a lot of sense. w/ artist launchpads, fun is part of the value.
3/And gamifying various aspects of the community can be pretty cool too. #LazyLions's recent "referral app" is a fun little trading card game on top of the referral mechanism. It's clever and enjoyable for a little while. It's not "a game" though - the meat is the referrals.