@RanaAyyubyouknowwhoami.quora.com/Which-tweet-de… 1/n OneGenomeOneness
Concept.Based upon knowledge of life science.By right use of Artificial Intelligence. To Save Last And The Best Ever Possible Human Species,From Early Extinction.
I don't blame any single Indivisual. It is fault
2/n Of MESSED-UP social system of human(?) societies.
Why should anyone accept anybody as prophet of God?
3/n Why not accept him due to the fact that, he's the ‘prophet of pedophilia’ he married Aisha who is reportedly as young as 9 years old or as old as 17 when this grown man 50 year old man had sex with her now either way a grown man shouldn't have sex with a teenager.
4/n Sahih al-Bukhari's hadith says "that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old."
Sahih al-Bukhari 5134
In-book reference: Book 67, Hadith 70 that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and
5/n he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old."
Sahih al-Bukhari 5134
In-book reference: Book 67, Hadith 70 that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed
6/n that Aisha I remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death).
Furthermore, he married his adopted son divorcee wife and took her as his own.
"Muhammad is not the father of any of your men."(33:40)And He says, "So that there would not be any fault for the
7/n believers regarding the wives
of their adopted sons"(33:37)
In this modern era of science and technology, that tooWi-Fi,and internet;
I am trying my best to make you all aware that, We Are
Innumerable Particles Of GOD together we are GOD, appeared 2.5Billion Years Ago in the
8/n Compounds of Molecules of C-H-N.Because of Instincts of survival, Joined or came together to form Single Cell
Organisms[1] Then condition of earth was fully covered with OCEAN water. Therefore,one will find more life in Oceans
There are:Being single celled
9/n types possess different structures and characteristics that allow them to survive.According to a report that was released in2012from the University of Potsdam in German, it was stated that the ocean is home to an estimated 2.9×10^29unicellular organisms(about 20,000 species)
10/n [1] These single cell organisms' contain 100Trillion,atoms of C-H-N,&60%H2O+ several inorganic.
There after,without brain multicellular organisms were formed/evolved.As per nature's extinction survive rule many got extinct.Two of such kind Earthworm on land and Jely-fish in
11/n the water still exist.
Therefore Human Species Organisms Are Our(GOD's/
Life Particles')as on today FINAL EXPRESSION.
Don't misunderstand GOD's to Higgs Boson GOD particle. Misnomer for God damn particles.
Any way Human Species Organisms are our final expression. And here I
12/n would like to draw everyone's attention to Elon Musk's Failed Attempts to convert Mars Into Earth; m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…
In this video Elon Musk concluded:And said
Terra forming of Mars into Earth-like habitat would take several mellenia.So we should really
13/n "Focus a good deal of our efforts into figuring out,
How To Make Home Right Now We Have Last Long As Possible."
These👆His Quotes!One Wants To Make Our Earth the way
Elon Musk feels and wants
See abow quotes of Elon Musk, From His
Recent Interview,video👆
Feb2021That will
14/n be like little RAY OF HOPE
in the darkness of present severity of situation. Like
Crimes, CyberCrimes, Money laundering,Misappropriation of public funds. Threats of World WarIII,Terrorism, Atrocities against women, & children.
I hereby appeal to the people well close to
@SpaceXMR 1/nAtLeastOnceInHalfACentury I LikeToBringOutSomeOfMy FamousSpaceTelescope. @elonmusk#SpaceXreddit.com/r/SpaceXMaster…
1/n.RespectedSir,🙏Will It Be Okay?
NASAspent$14 Billions on Space Telescope. Eventually what are we going to dig out by extraterrestrial
@SpaceXMR@elonmusk 2/nResearch Findings? #NASA
Launch of letest telescope is going to find out ORIGIN OF LIFE?
[I][SAY],[I][AM[LIFE^१], Appeared some 2.5
BillionYearsAgo,[HOW^२] WhenPlanetEarthWas Sufficiently Cooled DownTo Optimum,Optimus
[I] is always representative
Be it Organism
@SpaceXMR@elonmusk 3/nnBe it Organization.
Like Elon Musk #ElonMusk
Is representingSpaceX,Tesla
(vehicles mfg.co)
In present situation [I] want
ElonMusk to represent WORD HUMANITY.That capacity,Organism ElonMusk Has!
In the vidio,[I]remind you.
You through,ever-chaging organism
AtLeastOnceInHalfACentury I LikeToBringOutSomeOfMy FamousSpaceTelescope. @elonmusk#SpaceXreddit.com/r/SpaceXMaster…
1/n.RespectedSir,🙏Will It Be Okay?
NASA spent $14 Billions on Space Telescope. Eventually what are we going to dig out by extraterrestrial
2/n Research Findings? #NASA
Launch of letest telescope is going to find out ORIGIN OF LIFE?
[I][SAY],[I][AM[LIFE^१], Appeared some 2.5
BillionYearsAgo,[HOW^२] WhenPlanetEarthWas Sufficiently Cooled DownTo Optimum,Optimus
[I] is always representative
Be it Organism
3/nBe it Organization.
Like Elon Musk #ElonMusk
Is representingSpaceX,Tesla
(vehicles mfg.co)etc.
In present situation [I] want
ElonMusk to represent WORD HUMANITY.That capacity,Organism ElonMusk Has!
In the vidio,[I]remind you.
You through,ever-chaging organism
1/n Hubble Deep Field:This photo was taken by focusing the Hubble Telescope in the emptiest part of space for 10 days.Every blip in this photo is not a star, it's an entire galaxy. @NASA @SpaceXMR
2/Why one should waste time and energy on such topics?
I attach hereby:
जगाला तिसऱ्या महायुद्धाला सामोरं जावं लागू शकतं असं जगातील सर्वात श्रीमंत व्यक्ती आणि (spaceX)कंपनीचे मालक एलन मस्क (ElonMusk)यांचंम्हणणंआहे.
पण (
2/n याआधीचमंगळग्रहावरमानवीवस्तीतयारझालेली असेल)
There is possibility that world has to face
III rd world war
(Before that Terratransformation of Mars
For Human Habitations will be complete)
immediately after this news I sent him 5 emails on OGONC of no use
Answer to How is this wrong, "the greatest act done against mankind is, telling us there is another life after this"? by Sage Kadow atheismnow.quora.com/How-is-this-wr…
1/n.Nothing is right in this world!
Prior to civilization of human
2/n[It all*started afterwards]
How is it wrong, you ask? I’ve seen many Christians here on#Quora @Quora demonstrating that is wrong to deceive these people. They consider this life unimportant, a dress rehearsal, while they worry deeply whether their loved ones will make it to a
3/n heaven they believe is truly there.Where they believe they will meet the god they believe is also truly there and,waiting for them.
This is the‘carrot and stick’ method of marketing a product by the business of religion. It’s downright trickery.Those who believe such nonsense
AnswerToWhyShouldn'tOne AcceptMuhammadAs ProphetOfGod?
ByMichaelTurner Jr. quora.com/Why-dont-you-a… 1/n Based upon knowledge of life science. By right use of Artificial Intelligence.
Concept.ToSaveLast AndTheBestEver PossibleHumanSpecies FromEarlyExtiction
2/n Why not accept him due to the fact that, he's the ‘prophet of pedophilia’ he married Aisha who is reportedly as young as 9 years old or as old as 17 when this grown man 50 year old man had sex with her now either way a grown man shouldn't have sex with a teenager.
3/n *Sahih al-Bukhari's hadith says "that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old."
Sahih al-Bukhari 5134
In-book reference: Book 67, Hadith 70 that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and
2/n Again and again on my
"One Genome Oneness Concept" Based upon knowledge of life science. By right use of Artificial Intelligence. That will help Save Last And The Best Ever Possible Human Species From Early Extinction.
[I] very well known that human is the hypocrite animal at
3/n [my] disposal! But can't help it.Because The Human Species Organisms are best by physical abilities. Though not mental abilities. So,[I] have to be hopeful to take this species towards path of EQUALITY.
Disparity is BLOT to humanity.
Use 👇this technology. @antonioguterres