@veroluiza : In countries where vaccines are mandatory, making digital "vaccine documents" mandatory will leave out many people who do not have access to technology. Many people are denied access to certain social services as a result.
@veroluiza@GhinwaHayek: Technology is a double-edged sword. While it might be supporting public health measures, it can be discriminative against vulnerable populations, especially the elderly and migrant communities and intrusive in terms of data privacy.
@GhinwaHayek: People who are stateless or undocumented would fear registering on such platforms because they don't trust the gov or the entities promoting these services, creating a huge gap.
@GhinwaHayek: The vaccine passport has been a hurdle in some countries, especially those asking for a specific kind of vaccine, keeping families apart and denying others opportunities to work abroad.
@veroluiza: Contact-tracing apps and vaccine passports collect a lot of information. If the information is on a centralized registry, it easy for attackers to access this data, which is all in one place. It is more concerning when this takes place in surveillance states.
Some recommendations from the speakers:
- know your data privacy rights
- acknowledge that access to vaccines is not equal among all
- ask your government for more transparency
- governments should implement effective technologies rather than what's trending
📎 Check out the full policy report on digital vaccine passports from @accessnow:
What are the implications of the #Facebook Papers for Arabic-speaking users, especially in light of the company's failure to adequately moderate #Arabic language content?
"There's bad moderation for a lot of users. At the same time, they're doing a horrible job at training their machine learning systems. These machine learning algorithms want to please Facebook, and they will act as they're trained." Dia
"بعد ذلك أعيدت خدمات الإنترنت والاتصالات بفضل ضغط قانوني من قبل بعض القانونيين، وبعد ذلك قدمت جمعية حماية المستهلك دعوى قضائية لإعادة الخدمة وأمر القاضي بذلك، ولكن السلطة الانقلابية عبر جهاز تنظيم الاتصالات والبريد لم ينفذوا الأمر القضائي بسبب أمر الطوارئ" - خطاب حمد @ga800l
@LanaBaydas "قانون الجرائم الإلكترونية في فلسطين سيتعرض للتعطيل ولن يمشي لأن مؤسسات المجتمع المدني والكثير من الجهات ترفضه" - محمد قراجة
"قانون الإرهاب، أو قانون العقوبات، والكثير من القوانين الجزائية، تستخدم مفردات ومصطلحات تفسرها الدولة حسب الوضع أو الوقت الذي تحكم فيه، بحيث تفسر أي منشور لأي مدافع أو صحافي على أنه يمس بأمن الدولة" - وليد الكردي
Join us for a session on the implications of online tools (connectivity, collaboration and information-sharing) for activists-in-diaspora/exile!
"Arab and Muslim diaspora have a huge role in advancing human rights in their home countries, but we don't see that being the case. At the same time, each of these communities carries internal conflicts abroad while competing for power." @weddady
⚡️التنظيم في المهجر والمنفى⚡️
تنعقد هذه الجلسة في #خبز_ونت لمناقشة الدور الذي يمكن أن يلعبه النشطاء في المهجر في دعم النشطاء داخل بلادهم، والقيمة المضافة التي يمتلكونها، وكيف يمكنهم التخفيف من المخاطر الأمنية والتحديات الأخرى.