Simple Bash/ZSH GOD-LIKE History Tricks Every Linux User Should Know!
A thread 🧵
Hello everyone👋. For today's Linux thread🐧, I'll be showing some GOD-LIKE bash/zsh history tricks which will save you plenty of time⏰ and doing your day to day tasks on the Linux terminal.
Effectively using bash history will save you plenty of time in the Linux terminal. Not only this will save you plenty of time, but it will also make your life much easier when you are using the Linux Terminal to perfom day to day tasks as regular user, penterser, dev or sysadmin.
1⃣View the Bash History
The simplest way to view commands you have used earlier is to use the history bash built in command.
Useful Linux🐧 Terminal Keyboard⌨️ Shortcut Keys To Boost🚀 Your Productivity📈
A thread🧵
Hello everyone👋, Today I'll be doing another quick, easy to follow thread🧵on a few Linux terminal keyboard shortcuts keys that will help you to complete a few tasks real quick.
Useful Linux🐧 Networking🌐 Commands📜 for Sysadmins/Regular Users🧑💻
A thread🧵
Hello everyone👋, Today I'll be doing another quick, easy to follow thread🧵 on some of the most used command-line tools and utilities for network management in Linux
1. Ifconfig🌐
Ifconfig stands for Interface Configurator, it is one of the most used commands for finding network details, nitialize an interface, assign IP address, enable or disable an interface. It also display route and network interface.
2. Ip🌐
ip command is the latest version of ifconfig. It is more powerful than ifconfig command as it can perform several other tasks that the ifconfig cannot do. The utility is used for displaying and manipulating routing, network devices, interfaces.
Hello everyone👋, Today I'll be doing a quick, easy to follow thread🧵 on basic Linux commands for text manipulation. #infosec#cybersecurity#Linux
1. Echo🐧
The echo command is used to display line of text to the standard output(stdout).
2. Cat🐧
The cat command is used concatenate files and print their contents on the standard output. In other words it's just used to display the contents of a file.
In this thread🧵, I will be discussing how you can pop a root shell by abusing SUDO rights misconfiguration and will be demonstrating this using this box:…
First things first, let’s start with theoretical concepts!!😄
What is SUDO👑?
Sudo (Superuser Do) - is a Unix and Linux based utility that gives users permissions to run commands at the `root` level (most powerful user).