#CoachingNuggets🧵from reading 3 more chapters of James Flaherty's 🔥book on Coaching:
1. It's easy for a coach to slip into more familiar roles (for me that is #mentor & #educator)-resist that pull.
2. Coaching is "mutual"-it goes both ways (trust, respect & free expression).
3. Trust is a gift that we can give to people. We can make up our mind and do it. It is not something compelled or "earned".
4. A #coach must bring 3 things: openness (no withholding, no judging), listening (beyond auditory) and absolute confidentiality.
5. Practical tips for better coaching relationships:
a) Say what you will do, do it, point out you did it, repeat
b) Share you thinking process and analysis openly
c) Change in response to feedback and speak truth to power
6. "In essence, coaches coach the nervous system". As a neurologist I completely see the truth in that.🧠
7. Never confuse assessments with the person being assessed. Assessments are a narrowly defined snap-shot, always up for reevaluation (beware of the #Pygmalion effect).