Flow: "state of optimal performance denoted by smooth and accurate performance with an acute absorption in the task to the point of time dissociation and dissociative tendencies"
Gold, Joshua; Ciorciari, Joseph. Behavioral Sciences (2076-328X). Sep2020, Vol. 10 Issue 9, p137. 1p
The word absorbed reminds this writer that of being occupied or engaged in something, as Mariam Webster defines the word absorption. Distraction and boredom appear to be the opposite of absorption. If so, then it appears that flow is cure or treatment for distraction.
The definition also suggests flow is linked to accurate performance of relevant tasks and lack of awareness of time ( dissociation of time). Dissociation of time suggests atemporal character of flow, suggesting its affinity with the unconscious mind, which Freud says is atemporal
One of the thing that Liban noticed that flow allows him to get more done. He associates it with movement, standing as opposed to sitting & with doing things faster, one after the other. It is as if he lost inertia, & entered the zone of action, wherein the disposition is action
He is also reminded of having warmed up for action, not for rest. An evidence for this, he noticed, is that his recurring tendency to sleep is replaced by recurring tendencies to work and having light sleep during the day, suggesting preponderance of activeness.
This preponderance for action may have been the predominant motif or rationale for the universe to choose motion, as opposed to rest, as default or the natural state of existence per se.
With this disposition to act, get things done, also comes with deep insights of what needs to be done. For this reason, some talk about unification of implicit & explicit knowledge, or perhaps the conscious & the unconscious mind. Is this crude example of active Intellegence?
Are people prone to spontaneity, as opposed to planning, more disposed to the experience of flow, where disassociation of time, accurate performance and identity with the task at hand prevails. Does this make pre-planning less relevant task. Personality has been linked to flow.
Spontaneity is Latin word, which means of one’s own accord, an agreement obtains between conscious and unconscious mind, or implicit, explicit knowledge and action. Is it the unconscious and conscious minds acting in unison or in harmony?
One of the key ingredients of the #flow experience to this writer is not balance of challenges and skills, but immediate feedback from actions engaged. Immediate feedback is reinforcement mechanism that increases the probability of such behavior occurring in the future.
If so, flow may be maintained if one engages in goal oriented activities that supplies constant rewards, however small such rewards may be, like accomplishing small task of cleaning or organizing a file, and giving up task when you fail to solve it and coming back to it later.
It is not clear to this writer what it is, but doing what one knows at the moment to be sort of things that needs to be done, acting intuitively that is, allows him to maintain harmony between the two systems that the mind is composed of, system one and two: basis of flow?
“..many distractions.. that result in a reduction of productivity. Yet a 10-year longitudinal study Cranston and Keller [4] showed people in flow states were 500% more productive. Gold, Joshua; Ciorciari, Joseph. Behavioral Sciences (2076-328X). Sep2020, Vol. 10 Issue 9, p137. 1p
At some point, Liban stopped remaining in flow and got distracted again. Maintaining the state became difficult. This is where relaxation is needed to re-enter the zone again. The re-entry failed after the fall, leading to sustained distraction.
Another factor that characterizes distraction, as opposed to the state of flow, is his in ability to learn from mistakes, and his tendency to repeat the same failing strategies again and again, rather than come back to it or list the help of experts.
Repeated failures act as punishment decreasing the probability of remaining in flow. As stated earlier, flow relies on reinforcements resulting from small repeated victories. When such reinforcement mechanism is removed, flow collapses, punishment favors now distraction
Liban woke up 5a; however, he did not edit yesterday work; he had an important task to do this morning, so that he did not have time to edit old works and then file them away; he will do that expected task before 9p tonight, or early in the morning tomorrow
The dominant impression of Liban now is that of hopelessness; he learned from experience that this is simply thesis that now enjoys preponderance of evidence;
He is free to advance the opposite thesis until it gains preponderance of evidence ; hopelessness is statistical concept
In the mean time, he must do what he can and that suffices. Failure to comprehend this, fuels the thesis of hopelessness, by increasing evidence that it can Marshall.
Liban will edit journaled notes and store them before 5:30 am every day or pay fine of $5; if it does not work, then the fine will be increased. Liban learned that he does better work when he uses speech to text, edits and then publishes such work after consulting with others
Liban remained still and learned some skills to make decisions about clinical data; he is learning that section of NCMHCE.
Liban worked on chosen task on finding premises for an enterprise; he was not able to succeed on this and he is presenting some anxieties about the possibility of this succeeding; he will take this as a problem to solve, focusing where there is mutual interest.
Liban woke at 6am today; a fine of $5 will be assessed against him and it shall be paid soon if one demands it; moreover, he browsed the net a and did not do his work; that is another $5; claim $10 dollars through cash app.
Liban was busy working on an exam and business tasks; distraction is no longer an issue; he is focusing and getting work done.
Liban continued to work and spent much of the time conversing with his family members; he is celebrating his triumph against distraction.
Liban woke up this morning at 5:30am; as opposed to 5am; he was supposed to write after 5a ; he did not do that; he did not also update his journal within two hours, triggering a fine of $5. If he misses tomorrow to wake up at 5a and write, he will pay $5 fine.
Liban meditated well today; working while stilling the body, listening to the humming sound, committing to lead more reasonable life. He does not know why he sometimes meditates well; is it good diet? Relaxation. before sleep through meditation and tai chi? Or is it due to all ?
Liban has learned new way of journaling: speech to text, using dragon any time; he has been doing this for a longer period of time; now, he will mine this data to solve outstanding problems.
Liban woke up last night and stood while having difficulties breathing and confused; was that central sleep apnea and other apneas? currently he does not have health insurance not because he doesn’t have money because getting insurence was a task that not completed on time.
He decided to work on getting a health insurance as soon as possible to see a doctor on this particular matter; this is not the first time that he has experienced these breathing anomalies ; he did met with doctors before on this issue and it was unresolved.
Liban is presenting a little bit of headache; he is also managing stressors presented to him; he will listen to the humming sound, remain still, do his best and he will report
Liban slept around 1030 last night and woke up at 5 AM this morning; the last 1.5 hours, he was on his bed relaxing occasionally checking Facebook and other media but generally relaxing ; he did not follow any principle of wake up or sleep time.
He will follow this principle; sleep between 9:3p-10:30p depending on drowsiness, however wake up time is not negotiable,
5:AM; this will impose rational order on sleep; if he is tired he can go to bed early if not later, however wake up time is not negotiable
Liban is exercising now and his system is administrating aversive stimuli, anxious feelings around the chest and pain on the left side of the brain to decrease the probability of exercise now and in the future. In the absence of observation and reflection, he may comply with this