1) Supply chains started breaking down in 2013, I noticed it in 2014.
2) The trigger was QE3 activation by the Federal Reserve.
3) Readjustment of supply chains away from China started in 2015 in Washington DC.
4) China reacted by taking advantage of Covid lockdown to shut down supply chains, thus openly starting #SupplyChainWar
5) The breakdown is beyond the point of no return, it can no longer be reversed.
6) Dechinesification is under way until 2030.
7) Dechinesification will be very painful for both West and China.
8) Beijing can use mortal and brute force to handle it, the West cannot.
9) The breakdown of supply chains will multiply global conflicts.
10) Global conflicts will not be in nature of Afghanistan invasion, they will be in the nature of short and intensive local conflicts fought by proxies between US/EU/Japan/Australia/Canada vs China/Russia/Turkey/Iran/Serbia.
4/4 END
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Ankaraja, Beogradi dhe Athina pas 30 vjetësh të demokracisë, ja kanë arritur qëllimit që Evropa të shohë shqiptarët si Bosnja, Shqiptar = Mysliman.
Elita jonë bajraktare ndërgjegjshmërisht ka bashkëpunuar me këtë program të koordinuar Ankara, Athinë, Beograd.
Taninë e gjithë politika evropiane ndaj shqiptarëve është e barazvlefshme me atë të Bosnjës.
Kjo politikë sheh myslimanët që nuk i përkasin Evropës.
Ne e kemi humbur betejën e të qenit evropianë në sytë e Evropës.
Kjo duket e qartë dhe me eksodin e të krishterëve nga Shqipëria, ku me llogaritë e mia, 50% e të krishterëve janë larguar nga Shqipëria gjatë këtyre 30 vjetëve, duke kërkuar jetë normale me rregulla perëndimore që në Shqipëri/Kosovë nuk ekzistojnë.
This quick explanation of Convexity reminded me of my job as Sales Engineer. I had to converse daily with contractors, design engineers, school administrators, factory workers, purchasing manager, the president, the controller, the bookkeeper etc.
Taleb @nntaleb academically uses the term Convexity, but I have trained myself to find and use the easiest words possible to explain the current situation to many kinds of people.
So, to converse with my twitter friends I found the term Output/hr or Throughput/hr.
@nntaleb If I used the word Convexity here on twitter or with my customers and factory workers, I'd have to spend the extra time and effort of explaining.
And that is why I say Output/hr or Throughput/hr.
Sistemi i pagesave të ujësjellësit të Kavajës ka 3 muaj që nuk punon. Tani më duhet të shkoj në Golem që të paguaj ujin.
Kjo tregon qartësisht që shteti po shkërmoqet.
Siç e kam shpjeguar disa herë, një Shtet është si një Korporatë, ka presidentët dhe bordin drejtues, ka Menaxherët e Mesëm (KPM lart), ka dhe punonjësit.
KPM lidh Presidentin/Bordin me Punonjësit.
Pa KPM, sado fonde të hedhë bordi, sado vendime që të marrë, asgjë nuk ndodh.
Kjo po tregohet qartë tek rrogat e ulëta, tek emigracioni masiv, tek helmimi i ujit në Krujë etc.
KPM ndërtohen në një proces 10-20 vjeçar, ku një President ja kalon stafetën presidentit tjetër, për një korporatë.
@nntaleb In the 19th century when the current concept of Europe was created, it was believed that Rome copied Greece, and Greece invented stuff by itself.
Now, it has been discovered that Greeks copied from Egyptians, Assyrians and Phoenicians.
@nntaleb Heck, even the name Europe comes from the Phoenicians, now modern Levantines.
We can say now that Modern Europe is based entirely on what is now called Middle East, Iraq, Levant, Egypt, knowledge unknown in the 19th century.
It's fascinating that in 2021, Greek Government doesn't dare tell their own citizens that Kacifas was a terrorist on his way to killing the Greek minister of culture visiting Albania at the time, whom he deemed as traitor.
Majority of Greeks still have remained deeply just Orthodox Turks unable to be Westernized.
In any western country Kacifas would be deemed as terrorist, just not in Greece.
It is even further fascinating that the entire rationale of Megali Idea invented by Germans to create the Modern Greek Nation has collapsed due to DNA technology.
Cypriots are simply Turkified Greeks, and Modern Turks are Turkified Greeks who were Hellenized Anatolians.