The 25 Deeds of Christmas. Sharing actions from feminists over the past year, it’s been a busy one and we’re preparing to #SleighTheGRA! #WomenWontWheesht the fight goes on.
Deed 3 - women across Scotland have created amazing works of art to be left in public view and gain attention to our cause. This beautiful slate is from @kaymoonshadow#SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Deed 5 - taking David Lammy’s dinosaur remark and absolutely running with it. With humour as well as honesty, we rise above our challengers. Hear us roar! #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Deed 6 - in April @MForstater appealed an Employment Tribunal ruling about her beliefs. She won her appeal & her (our) beliefs that sex is immutable are worthy of respect. Our jobs are a little bit safer as a result ❤ #SleighTheGRA #WomenWontWheesht…
Deed 7 - writing letters! Some women can’t join in with physical activism, due to disabilities or fear of repercussions, for example. But every single one of us can write to our political representatives. These actions make real differences. #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Deed 8 - inspired by women in Fife, Forth Valley feminists held a public meeting on Monday. 3 women spoke with passion about the impacts of self ID on women and children. Getting word out! #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht h/t to J for the amazing video
Deed 9 - on October 31 the Weegie Witches took to the streets in Glasgow to dance for women’s rights. See their statement and the fabulous dance below. #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Deed 11 - Women from all over Scotland and the UK gathered in Glasgow to make visible the fight back against the erosion of our rights, and to exercise our right not to wheesht. Glasgow Green became Glasgow Green White and Violet for the day. #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Deed 13 - Oct 22, women protested in London, Belfast and Edinburgh to highlight how national institutions (NHS, BBC, government depts, etc) and private companies have been captured by #Stonewall ideology 1/
Deed 14 - When we were told to be silent, we made our own noise. If they wouldn't listen, they'd see our voices. We painted cities, parks, bridges - suffragette. We spread the word, Woman. We wrote it in ribbons, let it swell in the breeze. #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Deed 15 - in June women gathered at Holyrood to protest Scot Gov removing women’s rights. According to our govt, woman can be a feeling in a man’s head. Under his eye, indeed. #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Deed 16 - another celebration of those amazing Sole Sisters @VoteWithOurFeet. Tirelessly campaigning to highlight how ScotGov has ignored women’s voices. #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Deed 17 - @mbmpolicy are 3 policy analysts that Scotland's (grateful❤️) women rely on to put Govs, politicians & lobbyists straight. Their calm but forensic approach has been a godsend in 2021's heated arguments over hate crime legislation, accurate data collection & census. 1/
Deed 18 - gathering at Holyrood to demand the government listen to women’s voices. An amazing turnout on a beautiful Edinburgh day, we let MSPs know exactly how we felt. #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Deed 19 - In the middle of lockdown, on #InternationalWomensDay, a few local women thought Bobby was looking a wee bit cold so he got a coat in suffragette colours & a bonny mask to stop the bloody tourists from rubbing his nose bare. #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Deed 20 - protestors gathered outside North Lanarkshire council offices in October to highlight the defunding of three Women’s Aid projects. These services are vital, you can donate here to ensure their work continues
Deed 21 - the ScotFem network! We began with twitter groups created by @shirleysascot covering all areas of Scotland. We’ve gone from strength to strength, supporting the great work of @ForwomenScot and carrying out activism across the country. #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Deed 22 - Today we acknowledge one woman's deeds in Scotland in 2021. A woman who has done more than any other to unite Scottish Women, our "feminist to her fingertips" First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon 1/ #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Sturgeon feels concerns that women have expressed over proposed legislation her Gov is pushing, to allow males to self ID as females (and so acquire their sex-based rights), are "sincerely held" but "not valid". 2/ #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Not that Sturgeon, or her Ministers, would dare to talk to such women, of course. They'd rather spend time with the person (male) who runs the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre. They clearly have had a long friendship. How touching. /3 #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
Has that friendship led to women in Edinburgh/Lothians not having a female-only support service following sexual assault & rape, while employing males, despite advertising for a female vacancies? 4/ #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht…
As well as (@scotgov-funded) Rape Crisis Scotland & the Scottish Government fighting the amendment for victims to choose the SEX of their medical examiner following a sexual assault in the Forensic Services Bill (Dec 20)? 5/…
The Scottish Gov, under Sturgeon's control forced a non-Scot Gov funded women's group, @ForwomenScot , to challenge legislation that redefines "woman" to include "man" as long as he had a gas bill in a woman's name. Yes, you read that correctly. 6/
That's why on 2nd Sept 21 there was the largest women's protest outside the Scottish Parliament there has ever been (until 2022). Sturgeon was booed & hissed. We rallied in spite of her "feminism", against her "feminism" /7 #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
So, 2022 beckons along with a HUGE fight against the proposed changes of @scotgov that will undermine & remove women's rights in Scotland. Women are networked, informed and ready. Sturgeon, bring it on 💪🧙♀️ /8 #SleighTheGRA#WomenWontWheesht
"Judges have been warned that it is “extremely inappropriate” to refer to male rapists who say they identify as women by their preferred pronouns." 1/…
The guidance from the Judicial Office comes amid growing outrage among campaigners over transgender defendants who are biologically male and have committed sex attacks against women being referred to as “she” in court. 2/
Judges have also been told that they must avoid addressing defendants as the opposite sex in cases involving violent offences such as domestic violence. 3/
Oh we know that the rewriting of Surgeon's history is underway for her memoirs but really, such blatant lies? The 'feminist to her fingertips' is the queen of self-delusion. On Sunday it will be 2 years to the day that her beloved Gender Recognition 1/…
Reform Bill passed & she claims there was no "massive public opposition". Yeah, because ignorance of this blasted legislation (now blocked) explains how it got so far, along with an appalling lack of scrutiny. We know because for 18 months before the Bill hit Holyrood we had 2/
stalls on Scottish streets and the public had no idea that @scotgov were bringing in legislation to allow any male over 16 to acquire a certificate to say he was a female, ANY male. There can't be opposition if no-one knows how batshit your plans are. And the inevitable claim 3/
"Children distressed about their gender are pushed onto the Sandyford clinic in Glasgow because the rest of the health service finds their care too hard to handle, a leading NHS manager said" 1/…
Rhoda MacLeod, head of adult services for the Sandyford sexual health clinic, told MSPs that as soon as a child began questioning their gender “everybody goes, ‘Oh, I can’t deal with this. They need to go to the gender service’”.
She described the care of such young patients being dumped on the “too-hard-to-deal-with pile”. MacLeod noted other Scottish health boards had not taken steps to open their own clinics for children with gender issues adding it is “plainly obvious, why not”.
Sandy Brindley's the CEO of Rape Crisis Scotland & on GMS today she said agreed that a female survivor asking for support by rape crisis should be able to specifiy she gets female support (at 2 hours 17mins) & said this was the case across all centres 1/…
Which may come as a surprise to women paying attention to what has been going on in Scotland in relation to gender identity and what appears to be a blind acceptance in @scotgov-funded charities that if a male calls himself a woman he must be treated as a woman 2/
Sandy's been at the forefront of this push &, even if her hands are technically clean of the decision to recruit a male as CEO of Edinburgh Rape Crisis (a male that counsels female survivors & doesn't tell them he's male), we know that the ideology of "Transwomen are women" 2/
2nd article in days about LGBT Youth Scotland in Scottish schools. You need to be asking who is wielding influence in *your* child's school. "My daughter was ‘radicalised’ by Scottish LGBT club in school" 1/
#DefundLGBTYS #EducationNotIndoctrination…
Mother forced to pull child out of state school after uncovering ‘cult-like’ materials shared between members.
Holly* was drawn to her local school’s LGBT “allies” club by her fascination with flags.
When she began attending classes in March 2021, after her school in East Lothian, reopened from lockdown, she found noticeboards and classrooms plastered with Pride and trans colours. Teachers even displayed their pronouns on rainbow-coloured signs on their classroom doors.
Is there any other lobbying group in Scotland allowed such easy access to our children, schools & curriculum as LGBT Youth Scotland (& TIE), to imprint their ideology on prepubescent minds. If you're not furious, you don't understand what's happening 1/…
Scottish primary schools are appointing children as “LGBT champions” and are being urged to ask pupils as young as four if they are gay, lesbian or trans, The Telegraph can reveal. 2/
Documents show that schools are setting up LGBT clubs and “gender and sexual orientation alliance groups” for pupils as part of their membership of a scheme run by the charity LGBT Youth Scotland.