Finnish authorities also spreading misinformation about how to avoid COVID-19 transmission. Hygiene is the first measure, even though there are ZERO cases of surface transmission (…)
Not surprising that they are failing to control the spread, now in winter when people share the air indoors a lot. More cases than before we had vaccines.
Transmission is dominantly #Airborne (…), so the DOMINANT message needs to focus on ways to protect ourselves from airborne transmission.
This government misinformation (a problem in lots of countries) won't end until @WHO says VERY LOUD AND CLEAR that #COVIDisAirborne, as they have actually admitted:
Vacunen a sus hijos en cuanto puedan. Nosotros vacunamos a nuestro hijo de 7 años en cuanto pudimos
Y no escuchen las mentiras de q la COVID no afecta a niños (algunos casos graves y muertos, y mucha COVID larga). Y contagian a mayores (millones de niños han perdido padres)
Tampoco escuchen las mentiras de que los efectos secundarios de las vacunas son comparables o peores que los efectos de COVID. No hay comparación, COVID muchísisisimo peor.
1/ As many of you know, we have been recommending respirators (N95, FFP2, elastomeric) for increased protection against the dominant airborne transmission of COVID-19.
For men with beards that want to wear a respirator, you need to consider the seal between respirator and face
2/ Facial hair gets in the way of the seal between the face and the respirator, which is achieved when the respirator material is pressed against the face.
@CDCgov has a guide of which facial hairstyles work best for this purpose:
3/ I had posted a version of this idea earlier today, but I mistakenly said "masks" instead of "respirators" in the first tweet, and it seems to have caused a lot of confusion.