We now hear from @macleank: "Decarbonisation is simply such an important topic. We've had many years and reports setting the aspirations around #ClimateChange, but now is the time for action. The recognition of the need for a #NetZero delivery authority is a key recommendation"
"We have not done anything like this before. Government has recognised the scale and pace of change required and we welcome their targets announced at #COP26 and recent strategies. We have to think now urgently about how to deliver on these." @darrenpjones#ConnectingTheWatts
Report co-author @reindeloor: This has been a pivotal year for #NetZero policy in the UK, as #COP26 President and publishing key government strategies. Now is the time for action: we need clear and decisive leadership to deliver #NetZero. #ConnectingTheWatts
.@reindeloor says "There are three important steps government must take to ensure we meet our #NetZero goals: 1. Every government department needs to sign up to apply a Net Zero Test to its individual strategies and policies.
2. Local government and partners need to be empowered to plan the transition and resourced to make it happen. 3. Government must establish a #NetZero Delivery Authority to bridge the gaps between gov and its agencies and between local and national levels.” #ConnectingTheWatts
This action-oriented report says a #NetZero Delivery Authority is urgently needed to provide delivery leadership and ensure a just transition, including recommendations for government in four areas: governance, skills and standards, public engagement and business models.
Report co-author Verity Winn outlines the recommendations in #PublicEngagement, including that government and the Delivery Authority should roll out independent consumer information hubs to provide tailored advice about #NetZero. #ConnectingTheWatts
Our next speaker is @IanMcCluskey, Head of Technical and Policy @IGEMGi. "One of the key findings of this report is the need for a whole-systems approach bringing together gas and electricity supply and distribution among others." #ConnectingTheWatts
Next up is Professor Paul Ekins from @UCL: "In order to get anywhere near #NetZero, we need a revolution in #Skills; we need businesses that can make money by getting to net zero; and we need communities that are prepared for the net zero transition." #ConnectingTheWatts
We now move to a Q&A between our attendees and speakers. #ConnectingTheWatts
.@reindeloor wraps up today's session speaking out the next steps for this inquiry, as we now begin the challenge of making these recommendations a reality. #ConnectingTheWatts
Moving away from high-carbon heating systems presents a massive challenge, with almost every existing home needing to be retrofitted to a low carbon heating system. It must be a priority area to ensure we meet our net zero targets (2/13)
Despite heat from homes contributing as much carbon as all cars on the road, @YouGov and @Survation polling for this report showed that both the public and MPs rank decarbonising heating at the bottom of their priorities of sources of emissions the Government should tackle (3/13)