Es un tema en q no soy experto. Al principio casi todos los virólogos decían q era origen natural
Mi impresión actual es q origen natural (de animal) o q un virus natural contagiase a un investigador en Wuhan son los 2 posibles. No se sabe seguro
2/ Leo los debates, y ese es mi resumen por ahora: las 2 hipótesis tienen buenos argumentos y son plausibles. No hay uno q sea claramente cierto o falso.
@MichaelWorobey@Ayjchan@c_drosten 3/ Los medios chinos andan echando balones fuera. Si es verdad, por ocultarlo, y si no lo es, para que no se les acuse injustamente.
Here I will try to compile some of the good examples that others should copy.
2G/ UK Government: "COVID is like smoke" with a clear visualization:
[Note that many countries have both good and bad examples. Such is the situation we are in, as @WHO et al. don't provide a strong message that would lead to the good mssgs prevailing]
Does she think that decision has harmed the public health response, or cost lives? No, she says. "People know what they need to do to protect themselves"
2/ I beg do differ. I think that decision by @WHO is one of the LARGEST ERRORS IN THE HISTORY OF PUBLIC HEALTH
Let's compile evidence of how govts and organizations either don't know how to protect their citizens, or use @WHO's ambiguity to avoid doing so
Pls reply w/ examples!
3/ CANADA: TODAY telling a top airborne transmission scientist (@linseymarr) that she needs to remove her respirator and put on a leaky surgical mask, before sharing the air in a bus! As the highly transmissible AIRBORNE Omicron grows exponentially
3/ I've pondered this question a lot. I've been involved in discussions with @WHO, many IPC and public health researchers and practitioners, politicians in multiple countries etc.
This thread summarizes my understanding of the causes of this situation. I look forward to comments
Transmission is dominantly #Airborne (…), so the DOMINANT message needs to focus on ways to protect ourselves from airborne transmission.
This government misinformation (a problem in lots of countries) won't end until @WHO says VERY LOUD AND CLEAR that #COVIDisAirborne, as they have actually admitted:
Finnish authorities also spreading misinformation about how to avoid COVID-19 transmission. Hygiene is the first measure, even though there are ZERO cases of surface transmission (…)