To me, prostitution is a necessary part of society. The demand is high. The supply is high. Legalization is necessary to protect the the ones on the street from sexual abuse and economic exploitation. Their colleagues working from home and on the Internet don't need protection.
The problem with prostitution in Nigeria is denial. People who prostitute don't want to admit to prostitution and don't want to be seen as one. Hence, they use all sort of euphemism to address the prostitution.
But prostitution in our society is large scale.
The ones we call prostitutes are actually street prostitute. Prostitution exists in our clubs, bars, massage parlour, small and medium scale businesses are used as front for prostitution both online and offline, 9 - 5ivers used their weekend travelling to satisfy customers.
Students are being arranged for parties to entertain party goers and and negotiate their professional fee with new clients.
It is rampant.
Admittedly, the judgement is overt and loud - even by those who patronize prostitute. However, those who prostitute live in denial.
It is a complex mode of existence because you could sit with 5 guys over drinks and discuss this and everyone admit to the reality, can mention names and recommend clients. You sit with 5 ladies prostituting and none would admit because they are not in front of Pekas.
Prostitution by any other name is still prostitution. It is defined by an exchange of sexual service for money. Mode of operation is irrelevant. Thus, whether you stand in front of ICM or sell yourself on SM or use business as front or run sugar babying career, it is all the same
This fear of judgement is not limited to self denial but pushes other narrative like:
- I hate men who kiss and tell
- Mind your business (when a prostitute is engaged to a friend/brother)
- You just love to shame women and see women succeeding as prostitute.
I'll dismember
- I hate men who kiss and tell
They actually don't for real because they too kiss and tell. The problem with kissing and telling is that it expands the circle of judgement. People want to be free to prostitute without a possibility of it reaching home or those they care about.
- Mind Your Business
"Marriage is overrated" and "Not everyone wants to be married" is mostly self delusion that arises from not finding the love you want. Hence, when it arises, they are desperate to protect a past/reality that can put a dent to the biggest day of their life.
- You just love to shame women succeeding and see them as prostitute.
Even the devil can smell the dishonesty because real career women excelling are always celebrated and honoured. This statement arises only when someone actually prostituting is ousted.
Even romantic relationship are mostly a front for prostitution because it is embarrassing how one sees sex with a lover as transactional. Lets ignore the fact that even at that, fidelity is far from guaranteed.
The truth of the self denial naturally falls out when 2 women fight.
I do not believe in shaming prostitute. It is a necessary business. However, like every service provider, you have to live with the job hazard and consequences and that comes with the job. You can't choose to control the narrative especially when you always lie about what you do.
The consequences of the job includes people telling their friends and brothers who have relationship/marital interest in you, that you are a prostitute. You wouldn't tell the truth so those that love them have to do it.
You're not mad you are ousted. You are mad because you actually want to get married - albeit while hiding rhe truth.
You would never have been angry if you were being ousted to a richer customer. You don't want people minding their business if it would boost your business.
I know people go into it for various reasons - including poverty. However, poverty is not the primary reason. Those with jobs and business are very active in prostitution. Prostitution is an easy and fast way to wealth. That is fine. The vagina is a trump card. Just be honest.
Those who patronize prostitute should not be in the business of shaming them. It is okay if you won't marry them or allow your siblings be involved in prostitution or inform your friend/brother about whom they are in love with. But you shouldn't be shaming your service providers.
It is interesting that those who patronize prostitutes openly talk about it. Those prostituting openly deny it. Both client & customer are in same space "saying their truth"
Nobody really minds their business because it is not human to do that. Prostitution won't be an exception
In the end, knowing the truth about the opulence of prostitution in the society, I hope people evolve enough to admit what they do with their chest rather than beat around the bush with dishonesty. Stop with the lies and self deceit. Everybody knows the truth.
We can choose to allow the extant reality fester - prostitute and deny while the world move on or we are honest about the conversation.
Either way, the truth is intrinsic. The major problem with prostitution in our society will forever be DISHONESTY.
Peace, Love and Spaghetti✌
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PROFILING is another abused word on Twitter and the daftest among them are those who always bring up EndSARS to argue against profiling.
There is NOTHING wrong with profiling. Everybody profiles because it is the smartest way to use your intuition.
The problem with the Nigerian Police wasn't profiling. It was unlawful profiling. Unlawful profiling connotes discriminatory practices that imposes a presumption of guilt on a person.
Whether you like it or not, you are being profiled everyday.
Whether you admit it or not, you profile people everyday.
That is why in Oshodi, you rather walk up to that guy with glasses and school bag who looks like a student than that guy sagging his jeans with brown teeth and red eyes drinking agbo.
Someone wants to sell off some household items. They are all brand new. Location is Osogbo but can deliver to any state. Please indicate if interested. Thank you.
I understand we are all have attachment towards our gender because men and women experience the world differently. However, reducing relationship to rows and columns to check who win and who lost helps nobody. One unique trait is that evil exist abundantly in both gender.
Everyday, we are encompassed with how much harm men do to women and how much harm women do to men. The problem is not gender. The problem is the flaw in human behaviour.
While we are trying to be careful and putting up emotional-proof to avoid hurt, don't get obsessed with evil.
Men don't deserve goodness
Women deserve wickedness
These are how we convince ourselves to create a ripple effect of wickedness and expand the ever growing market of heartbreaks. Men are not to blame for the wrongs of Ikenna and women are not to blame for the wrongs of Sarah.
Reputation isonu. This Femi guy was all about the money but I'll leave you to read for yourself. This lady is a good lady. This is her last statement and they will be under the rader. The business will go on and mentors will et value for their money.
Femi is a despicable friend. You don't kick a friend when he is down. In every sphere of human relationship, there is an acceptable codenof conduct.
Oh well 🤷♂️
This was when Chizom was having issues drawing 1.5m from Dafribank to pay employees
Within the home, leadership is gendered. A man must govern the house irrespectiveof who earns more. The problem with this generation is that we are money obsessed but money is not the value on which a home a built. Money is for bills and comfort.
Family values is the most important value in building a home. There is no personal income in marriage irrespectiveof who earns more. All income are family income and should be expended in the best interest of the home.
As a man, you have to govern your home financially, spiritually, emotionally, making decisions in the best interest of family, sacrificing yourself for the benefit of wife and kids, loving and treating your wife right, raising Godly children on your personal and spiritual values
1. Undying love exist to the extent you are willing to love your partner. Love isna verb not a noun. It is what ypu do, not how you feel. You chose your partner and pledge to love them and do right by them - that itself is sufficient unto the day of rapture.
The fire don't go out unless you let it. It is your responsibility to intentionally fan it daily and regularly so it doesn't go out. You don't leave the fore to itself and wait to see how itbgoes. It will die. Relationship is hardwork even on the best days.
Like T.D Jakes said, "you have to go to your partner when you are in love. You have to go to them when younare not in love until you are in love."
I've said lot if times that "falling in love" is just emotional attachment. Whether or not that feeling is there, love your partner