Hey new journalist followers, do you know about the ABA “debate” regarding Autistic kids?
Do you want to blow the lid off a story of deception, manipulation, exploitation and the $4B driving it?
Because I have a story for you that will make you famous and make you enemies.
The short version is, there is a four billion dollar growth industry called Applied Behavioral Analysis.
This practice was based on work by Ivar Lovaas, who also invented gay conversion therapy.
The premise is that you can make an autistic child seem more normal through abuse.
I wish I was kidding.
This is the ONLY therapy covered by insurance in America for autistic people.
When I was diagnosed as an adult I asked my insurance company for help and they sent me a list of ABA providers.
ABA is purely behavioral: they work with the parent to identify behaviors they want to “extinguish” (say, flapping hands) and behaviors they want to encourage (say, saying hello when someone comes in).
There is ZERO regard for why the kid uses the behaviors.
Countless autistic people who have gone through ABA have testified that it harmed them severely. Research has shown that ABA leads to PTSD in Autistic people.
So why is ABA still the “gold standard” of autism “support”?
Because to this day most people think that “supporting autistic people” means “making autistic people indistinguishable from normal people”.
And that’s the service that ABA is happy to provide. How does it work?
Through operant conditioning. Yes, you read that right.
ABA works by taking away a child’s ability to make informed choices or provide/retract consent.
It says “we don’t care why you are flapping, we don’t care that you are saying no, we don’t care that you are terrified. You. Will. Comply.”
Because they *only* care about behavior.
How do they make kids comply?
Well, Lovaas has a famous quote about beating an autistic girl so badly that she “believed he would kill her”, and THAT got results. She started behaving.
Go figure, right?
“But modern ABA is different!” the ABA practitioners will insist. “Most of us don’t use aversives anymore!”
But do you see how this misses the point?
Achieving with praise and emotional manipulation what Lovaas achieved with violence still isn’t helping anyone.
The GOALS of this industry are to change autistic behavior through conditioning, full stop.
Autistic kids as young as 2 are subjected to as many as 40 hours a week of ABA training.
40 hours a week of learning their “no” doesn’t matter.
Of COURSE they get PTSD!!
So why is this allowed?
Well, it’s a great way for neurotypical people to make money. You see, you don’t need much training to open your own ABA franchise and start torturing autistic kids for profit.
Again, I wish I was kidding.
So, journalists, any takers? I can hook you up with interviews, personal testimonies, research and extensive writing about this subject.
I can introduce you to people far more qualified to talk about it than I am.
Will any of you take this gauntlet up?
This is why I’m loud, and this is why I’m thankful to everyone else amplifying me.
Because the media is telling the wrong stories and it’s killing us.
(I mean that literally - we tend to die under 60 from heart attacks and suicide. Look it up!)
And now, because I believe in letting the people I object to represent themselves, I'm going to do something a bit dangerous.
I'm going to invite #ABA practitioners (who have the #BCBA designation) to respond to this thread and tell us how you justify what you do for a living.
BTW, if you are autistic and white I want you to think really hard about America’s prison population and how many of them are there for behavior or needs that are no different than yours.
Gotten stuck in a feeling and been unable to respond reasonably under stress?
We are white, we get all the second chances. People *just like us* with dark skin don’t.
Be angry about that.
If your problem is that you think it’s not fair to punish an autistic person for harmful antisocial behavior on the grounds that he’s autistic, congratulations, you are into prison reform if not abolition.
Lean into that and see where it goes when it’s not just a white boy.
Autistic people are vulnerable to manipulation. Not because they’re autistic, but because they spend their lives being told that their way of thinking is incorrect and they have to listen to others.
As we keep trying to tell you, this is a recipe for disaster.
Here’s a case where disaster struck - this autistic asshole was radicalized into a violent hate group.
That sucks for everyone involved, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t face consequences.
Now, if you want to talk about criminal justice reform, yes, let’s. But.
Approaching 1k RT's and I haven't received a single serious complaint about the content in this piece. Every autistic person who has read it has cosigned it, with minor caveats that I've tried to adjust for.
I'm more confident than ever that journalists (and editors!) must read.
But something else that keeps happening -- people keep RTing this and saying "But not just journalist, I'm sharing this for my fellow {educators | doctors | academics | etc}" and I'm so fucking moved.
NOBODY knows what Autism is; it's important to talk about it carefully.
If your knowledge of Autism is based on something you learned in school more than a year ago? Your knowledge is out of date, and probably harmful.
If your knowledge comes from experience working with Autistic kids? Your knowledge is heavily limited, and corrupted by power.
I think I am not going to get through this holiday week and omicron crush without lapsing on my marijuana break.
I already lapsed once, and I don't regret it, but I feel a strong desire to be stoned through a lot of the ups and downs that are coming.
I'm really struggling to know how to reason about it. On the one hand I've made a commitment to quit for two months, and that's mostly going well.
On the other hand there's no need to endure a rough patch if I know it's coming and can get some weed in advance. Right?
We canceled our holiday plans due to Omicron and won't get to see loved ones after all. So like, it'll just be more of the same, sitting in the apartment, watching things on the television, working, dwelling, passing the time.
So we did Matrix Reloaded this weekend and I have THOUGHTS.
1) The movie opens with Neo having a nightmare about Trinity dying. Neo has achieved a tentative unity with their inner self, but that unity is fragile.
To me this is clearly about how healing is fraught and fragile.
2) Neo knows who he is now, but he doesn't know what to do with that information. "Ok, now what?"
Well, now-what is he has to work through a series of gatekeepers to reach The Truth, which is that everything he was told is a lie.
3) Very strong Kafka "Before the Law" vibe here. He is made to perform various identities -- for Seraph, for Persephone, for Morpheus, for The Architect.
Each time he makes a choice to submit, provisionally, until the end when he chooses not to.