The countries removed from #AGOA are: 1. Ethiopia - which balks at US insistence it negotiate with a terrorist insurgency. 2. Guinea - which experienced a coup undertaken by troops trained by the US 3. Mali - which has employed Russian mercenaries
2. Ethiopia @mosaleg - "Shouldn’t the United States be encouraging liberty and individual rights?"
Envoy Feltman - "... these are MOSTLY questions that the Ethiopians themselves have to address."
@mosaleg What's going to happen when the U.S. Govt's blunt stick method of controlling the poor nations of the world - from which it wants to extract the mineral resources it needs to implement a Climate Transition -stops working?
Phase one of this major Middle East #ExtremeWeather rain event commenced yesterday evening and brought rain to large areas of Eastern Central Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar starting Christmas Evening.
These four images show snapshots of rain radar measured rainfalls over night [25th 7pm, 26th 1.30am, 7am and midday].Yellow areas indicate very intense rain.
Here's a GFS3h model rainfall forecast for a 39
hour period starting yesterday. It is clear from this that rainfall forecasts for this event are already under-estimating actual rainfall. This has been a consistent pattern and not-unexpected, presumably due to historic records.
I’m starting to get the impression that Ethiopian Twitter is getting a bit tense. The current apparent end in active hostilities and occupation is still fragile, and it would be sensible to realise that the threat from TPLFand its foreign enablers in the IC is far from over.
Maintaining a sense of unity and mutual understanding of the massive stresses all have been under - especially those on conflict affected areas - is important.
Winning the war, if that has happened is only the first step. The peace needs to now be won and stabilised.
Much remains to be done. And there are many powerful forces which have not yet given up on their objective to divide and destabilise Ethiopia.
Still at the beginning with the history intro from @UbuntuEthiopia. Some of this rings a bell but his declaration that “the attack on Northern Command has never been the cause”….
… has me raising my eyebrows. Who is he and what is the background to this call. @daddyhope may be hosting this, but as far as intros go, this intro is pure TPLF.
At 32.29 @UbuntuEthiopia says the causes of the conflict are:
- The relationship with Eritrea
- The election (in Tigray)
- The constitutional amendment
- Tensions [over Federalism]
- Dissolving the EPRDF
The weather in the middle east is already pretty weird - but it is about to get a lot weirder.
Simulations show a spectacular monsoon driven burst of water and energy pulsing over the Arabian Peninsula, bringing rain to the entire desert land mass over the next three weeks.
The animations above and below are both from this afternoon. And they show the developing weather patterns which will bring this event.
This is part of series of threads looking at a developing Sahara Water Transportation event (atmospheric river) which appears to be central component of this which was first noted here on December 5th (#AwesomeClimate) .
For the United States @StateDept, coercion is the objective of much of its foreign policy activities, officials and senators openly talk about "use of the stick" for this purpose, teaching subordinate nations to do as they are told, and set an example for other nations to comply.
This interview discussion on ESAT between @AmbShinn and @mosaleg from September, back when TPLF was last on the back foot and the USG responded with sanctions against the Ethiopian Govt. The use of these policy instruments by the US is very explicit.
@AmbShinn@mosaleg Host @mosaleg asks why the sanctions text did not contain any call for the TPLF to withdraw its terrorist forces from Amhara and Afar. @AmbShinn is actually one of the few former US policy players who is sympathetic to Ethiopian's position. His comments are revealing.
A deeply retrograde decision from the @JoeBiden Administration, against the wishes of important members of the Democrats Congressional delegation, and tone deaf coming just as it appears that peace has a chance in Ethiopia.
@JoeBiden Reflexive US Foreign Policy use of sanctions, whilst ever blind to the harm US policy causes, echoes the horrors of the US's slave owning era, and the brutality of slave overseers. Economic sanctions imposed against the powerless are also illegal at intl. law.
The AGOA sanctions initiative was driven directly by the TPLF's lobbyists @batten_von, and supported by their tame Senators and Congressional representatives @ChrisCoons et. al.