Fascinating that the term Catholic Church, is still a declaration of Hellenism. It is in Ancient Hellenic, Katholikos.
Which explains why Hellenism died in Byzantium, but thrived in the West.
If you preach Catholicism, you start with preaching Hellenism first.
And that explains the failure of Christianity to spread in already existing cultures outside the Roman Empire.
Persians, Chinese, Indians etc would never accept to be taught Hellenism as superior to their culture.
By christianising, the church de facto hellenises first, and then preaches Christ.
Which explains Copts, Armenians, Assurians etc. They felt their culture was not inferior to Hellenism.
And that explains Desert Fathers, escaped from complex theologizing to the desert.
And that explains Protestantism as German Nationalism.
Protestants switched from only the church can interpret the Scripture, to anyone with grace can interpret the Scripture, in any language.
Protestantism gave birth to European nation-states.
Everything is theology.
Which explains why Xi Jinping is persecuting both Christians and Muslims.
De facto Christians teach Hellenic culture supremacy over Chinese culture, and Muslims teach arab culture supremacy over Chinese one.
Everything is theology.
Which explains the most recent attempts by christian theologians to find Trinity in Hinduism, in order to evangelize Hindus, not teach them Hellenism first, which is offensive for them. They can't accept Hellenism is superior to their culture.
I learned this angle by reading a book about History of Arts. There, it's explained that Chinese elite at one point in time, rejected Buddhism as ...foreign..., once it got stronger as elite.
Which actually explains Turkish Islam or Persian Islam as non-arab islam, as de facto preaching Islam is preaching Arabic culture first, then Islam.
Persians and Turks can never accept their culture is inferior to Arabic culture, hence Persians adopted shiism as non-arab, and Ataturk invented Islamic Nationalism for Turkey, copying frim Christian nationalism.
European Christians succeeded in "Christianizing" Africa and South America by........destroying those Cultures first, then Hellenizing them (aka Christianizing them).
They failed destroying (hence failed to Hellenize) Persian, Indian and Chinese Cultures.
Re-Hellenization by force of (the so called) Byzantine Orthodox Faith in the 19th century by German Romanticists, thus creation of the Church of Greece, caused REACTION by all Balkan nations to de-Hellenize the orthodox faith, by fantasizing the imaginary Ethno-Orthodoxy.
The word Art came from Latin meaning skill, hence the word Artisan.
Arts didn't exist until 18th century Humanism, it was all Culture, from Cults.
Arts split from Culture in the same way that Philosophy split from Theology in the 18th century.
The concept of Secular Art, art for the sake of art, was unknown in antiquity and middle ages, until Humanism.
Then, when God was removed from the equation, Humanists reformatted meaning to new words, Arts in lieu of Culture and Philosophy in lieu of Theology.
Until Humanism, all creation of figurines, all paintings, were simply Culture, humans negotiating with Cults, the artist was like the mason or woodworker, nothing else.
Humanism made Artists a separate field of work, splitting it from Cult creation, hence Secular Art.
It is absolutely fascinating that Bosnians claim to be a Nation based on Kulin and Bogomilism, which were Christian Sects, but who converted to Islam.
That reinforces the self evident fact that identities were created on religion, not ethnicity.
So, we have Orthodox Serbs, Catholic Croats, and Bogomilist Bosnians, 3 different christian denominations for the same..........ethnicity, who speak the exact same language.
So, if you don't like me when I say that Bosniaks are Muslim Serbs, I can easily revert that to Serbs being Orthodox Bosniaks.
You get my point.
Ethnicity = bosnian-croatian-serbian (south slav)
Ndarja Katolik-Ortodoks ndodhi de fakto vetëm pas vitit 1870, Këshilli Vatikan I, që vendosi Pagabueshmërinë e Papës, dhe vendosi që Kisha e Romës të quhet zyrtarisht Kisha Katolike.
Deri në atë moment, fjala katolik kishte kuptimin e besimit të plotë pa cen, e cila është një fjalë në greqishten koine të vjetër Katholikos.
Kush nuk ishte katolik, ishte automatikisht skizmatik (jo i krishterë i plotë) apo heretik (armik i kishës).
Një kishë e krishterë e çfarëdolloj denominacioni, nëse nuk është katolike, atëherë nuk është e krishterë.
Vatikani I në 1870 pati efekt në dy drejtime
1) Pronëzoi fjalën Katolik
2) Pranoi denominacionet e tjera si të krishtera, jo si skizmatike apo heretike.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
(New Living Translation)
For everything there is a season,
A time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
A time to search and a time to quit searching.
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear and a time to mend.