#bkdk #tdbk #tdbkdk Omegaverse AU

Beta Izuku works at a library and spends a majority of his time there. He’s a favorite amongst the kids, especially reading them stories. He longs for a child of his own, but being both quirkless and a beta, that dream is crushed
night, he is making his way home when he hears an infant wailing their little heart out.

He immediately follows the source and finds a baby hidden behind a dumpster. Izuku slowly and carefully picks up the child.

The baby, a boy, has blonde hair and heterochromic eyes.
One eye is blue, the other red. Who would leave a defenseless baby out here?

Izuku decides to take the baby home, the child immediately warming up to him. The next week or so, he gets baby clothes, food, and formula. He also tried to file a report of the baby to his local
police station, but…

They are useless as fuck.

Often times, they will just ignore a “less important” matters, including the baby Izuku found. He knows he won’t be hearing from them for months. So he takes care of the little baby.

He decides to call him Hiro.
He takes Hiro almost everywhere with him, people cooing at him and wanting to pinch his chubby cheeks. Izuku even takes him to his job, kids wanting to get a closer look at him.

Hiro just coos and clutches onto Izuku’s shirt. Even one of Izuku’s coworkers takes a pic of Hiro.
“He’s sooo cute Izuku~!” she squeals. “Can I hold him?”

“Sure!” He chirps and tries to hand Hiro to her… Only for the baby to start crying his head off. “O-Oh Hiro!” He brings him back to his chest, Hiro immediately calming down.

His coworker nervously chuckles.
“I-I guess he doesn’t like being held by others?” She asks, Izuku sighing.

“Yeah, he’s been doing that lately. If I’m not quick enough, he latches onto my shirt.” He rocks Hiro back and forth, the baby snuggling into him.

“I see… Oh! Is it okay that post this pic on Insta?”
She shows him the photo of him holding Hiro in his arms, both turned away from the camera and gazing into each other’s eyes… It’s much like the photos Izuku used to see of new mothers with their babies.

Izuku was half of the time jealous of them… But now, he has Hiro.
His coworker posts the picture to her Instagram, making sure to tag Izuku in the photo as well. She writes the caption “My coworker and his baby look so cute together!!”

She and Izuku don’t know that one post will cause a hurricane in a short few hours…
The next day, Izuku has Hiro dressed up in a Tiger onesie in celebration for the new year. Hiro gurgles, sucking on his fingers as they enter the library. He sees his coworker, who looks deathly pale.

“Good morning, Anri-San. Is something wrong?” Image
She squeaks, as if she didn’t realize he was there. She starts stuttering out, “I-I Umm, y-you s-s-see-“

“Midoriya Izuku?”

Izuku turns and sees a man wearing a tan trench coat and hat. It’s his turn to stutter out, “Y-Yes?”

“My name is Tsukauchi and I’m a detective. I would
really appreciate you coming with me right now.”

“D-Did I do something wrong?” He asks, wondering why a detective is here. His beta scent makes Hiro’s nose scrunch up and he whines a bit. Izuku calms him down.

“That’s a matter we will discuss when we get to our location.”
Detective Tsukauchi leads Izuku and Hiro into an unmarked police car, Izuku looking desperately back at his coworker. She’s frantic, honestly not knowing what to do or why the detective is here either…

It’s only after the car is gone when her phone goes off.
She checks and it’s hundreds of notifications from Instagram. Anri hesitatingly looks and covers her mouth while reading the comments.

“O-Oh no…!”




Izuku nervously chews his bottom lip, rubbing soothing circles on Hiro’s back as they drive a fairly long way. Tsukauchi clears his throat.

“Midoriya-san, have you been watching any news lately or been on social media?”

That’s strange question…

“N-No sir, I haven’t been on
social media in a long time and the news they broadcast in our town is just local news.” Tsukauchi begins writing what he said down.

“So you aren’t aware of what has happened as of late?”

Izuku shakes his head, suddenly a pit opening up in his stomach.
“D-Did something happen that I’m not aware of?” he asks, his scent becoming more stressed out. Hiro doesn’t like it and keeps scrunching up his face.

Tsukauchi glances at Hiro, then back up at Izuku.

“There was a kidnapping scandal that happened around 2 months ago.”
“Kidnapping?!” This startles Hiro, Izuku quickly apologizing and soothing him. “B-But what does that…” Then it clicks. Hiro is a kidnapped child that Izuku had been raising for a month.

The look on Tsukauchi’s face says it all.

Izuku quickly says, “I-I swear I didn’t take him!
I would never do something heinous like that! I just happened to find him abandoned behind a dumpster when I was leaving work! I swear!”

Tsukauchi nods, before smiling. “I believe you. My quirk allows me to become a human lie detector and I know you are 100% honest.”
Izuku sighs in relief as Tsukauchi makes a phone call. Izuku tries to keep Hiro busy, making silly faces and letting little hands touch his face. That’s when he catches the tail end of Tsukauchi’s conversation.

“Also make sure the tranquilizer is ready just in case.”
Tsukauchi hangs up as Izuku nervously asks, “I hope that tranquilizer isn’t for me…”

The detective shakes his head. “No, it’s not for you… It’s for someone else.”

“M-May I ask who?”

Tsukauchi glances at Hiro. “This child’s dam.”




Both Izuku and Tsukauchi walk slowly into the Tokyo police HQ, the green haired beta clutching Hiro close to his chest.

Deep in the HQ, Izuku swears he hears growling…
Tsukauchi holds up his hand, keeping Izuku and Hiro back. The growling becomes louder and what sounds like shouting from the back.

The sudden noises startle Hiro, who starts to whimper, tears blooming in his eyes. He’s about to cry and Izuku knows it’s going to be loud.
“Shhh…,” Izuku soothes him, bringing him to his chest to listen to his heart. “I’m here, don’t cry.” He covers Hiro’s other ear to block out the noise. He looks at the detective. “You never told me who the dam is. Are they-“

Then there’s an explosion sound from down the hall.
Tsukauchi curses, radioing for any back up. That the dam of the kidnapped child has escaped and is heading their way.

The explosions become even LOUDER and not even Izuku’s hand can stop Hiro from hearing it. This causes him to tear up again.

And he wails his little lungs out.
An almost animalistic roar answers the infant’s wails, Izuku and Tsukauchi hearing the explosions heading their way. Izuku does his best to calm Hiro when… He sees him and the scent that practically slams into him.

A very familiar scent.

Izuku stares in shock when pro hero
Dynamight stands a little ways from them, his pupils dilated into small pinpricks. Or, as Izuku used to know him, as Kacchan.

Katsuki was around 2 years older than Izuku, the beta having used to follow the older boy around the playground as kids.

Until Katsuki started
bullying him and to leave him alone.

The last time he saw Kacchan, it was middle school and the beta made sure to stay away from him, but admired him from afar.

He didn’t think he would reunite with Kacchan like this… Especially with murder in his eyes.
Tsukauchi stands before Izuku, pressing his communicator for those tranquilizers. Izuku still desperately tries to calm Hiro down as Katsuki charges at them, his potent scent hitting them all at once.

Just before he reaches them, someone shoots five tranquilizer darts at Katsuki
Katsuki stalls, swaying a bit, but still growling and moving towards them. Then he’s hit with two more, making him fall to his knees when he’s right in front of Tsukauchi and Izuku.

His eyes stare directly into Izuku’s soul, then gazing down at Hiro in his arms.
“My pup…,” Katsuki slurs out, reaching out. “Mine… Give… back…”

He passes out, collapsing to the floor. They release their breaths, Hiro now beginning to calm down, but Izuku keeps staring at the blonde. Guilt riddles his body when something occurs to Izuku.
"Tsukauchi, you said that the tranqulizers were for the dam, right?" he inquiries, the detective nodding. Izuku glancs back at Katsuki, who is now being treated by some medics that were stationed in HQ for situations like this one. "So how is he...?"

He can't be the dam.
Because Katsuki is an alpha.

Hiro then gurgles over Izuku's shoulder and Izuku is hit by a much stronger scent of freshly fallen snow, but also the heat of a ragging fire all wrapped into one.

Izuku turns and nearly comes face to chest with none other than pro hero Shouto.
Izuku immediately backs up, quickly apologizing. "I-I'm so sorry!"

Hiro gurgles in Izuku's arms, reaching his little chubby arms out towards Shouto. Shouto does one of his very rare smiles and reaches out his hands for the infant. Izuku hesitates, Shouto finally looking at him.
"You must be the one that found Asahi," says Shouto, who bows to Izuku. "I want to thank you for finding him and keeping him safe."

"O-Oh! No need to bow!" he places a hand on Shouto's shoulder. "It was my pleasure to have found and took care of Hir- I mean, Asahi."
Shouto comes up from his bow. “My mate and I are very thankful that our son is unharmed.”

The medics put Katsuki on a stretcher and the four follow them into another room for privacy. Shouto reaches for his son again, Izuku now obliging.
He doesn’t let it show that his heart is breaking when Hir-Asahi is taken from his arms. What they don’t expect is him latching onto him instead.

Izuku panics a little and tries to gently pry the pup off of him. But the stubborn infant doesn’t want to let go.
"It appears that he has grown fond of you," says Shouto, sadly letting his son go. Asahi snuggles back into Izuku. "I'm... a bit jealous."

"I-I'm sorr-" Shouto holds up his hand to stop him from apologizing.

"No need, he had been like this when he was born." He rubs the back
of his head. "I believe it's my scent. He sometimes wants to be hld by me, but my scent is a bit... strong."

Izuku has to agree. Even with his beta sense of smell, Shouto's scent is stronger than even a normal alpha's.

"I believe that it has to do with me being an enigma."
Izuku couldn't believe his ears. An enigma?! Enigmas are considerably rare, the last known enigma having died 50 years prior. After their death, there hasn't been any record of enigmas being born at all. As if sensing his many qustions, Shouto answers him.
"A majority of my birth records had been sealed off from the public," Shouto explains, turning to where Katsuki is laying down. He gently pats the blond's head. "When I presented, I was given suppressants to null my scent when in public."

Izuku nods, seeing the logic in that.
If Shouto wasn't on suppressants, then every alpha in the vicinity would submit to him, unable to fight back. Shouto turns to look back at Izuku. "The suppressants gave me mood swings and I would grow agitated if I was on them for too long. That's how he was able to figure out
what I was."

He looks back down a Katsuki, a smile gracing his face. Izuku or anyone for that matter has seen Shouto smile this much. The green haired beta can't help but feel... jealous of their relationship.

"He barged into my dorm room one night and told me to stop taking
the suppressants and, I'm quoting from him, 'Be a goddamn enigma and release your full scent.' I honestly didn't know if he felt insulted or was geniuely concerned for me being on suppressants for so long."

"That sounds like Kacchan...," mumbles Izuku.
Shouto looks at him quizzically. "Kacchan?"

Izuku silently curses, him hoping the enigma didn't hear him say that old childhood nickname. He quickly starts to explain as to not cause a misunderstanding.

"O-Oh, I know it's hard to believe, bu me and Ka- I mean, Dynamight grew up
in the same neighborhood. I'm around 2 years younger than him and used to follow him around the nighborhood. He probably forgot about me when he went into UA."

Shouto is silent, blinking very slowly and Izuku hopes that he believe him.

"Oh, so you're the Deku he talks about."
Izuku couldn't believe what he had just heard. 'Kacchan... Talks about me? No, that can't be right.'

He is snapped out of his thoughts from Asahi patting at his face, making gurgling sounds at him. He feels the infant's tummy rumbling. "Sorry, I didn't get the chance to feed him
more before all that has happened today."

Shouto nods as Izuku digs into his bag to pull out a bottle, water, and formula. He feels the enigma's eyes on his every move. Izuku is mixing up the formula in the bottle when Shouto speaks.

"Katsuki, at first, had an ego the same
size as my father's. We butted heads a lot, but we worked through it and eventually started dating." Izuku glances up at him, still honestly surprised that Shouto is sharing this with, to him, a total stranger. "Even while dating, he was very hush about his childhood."
Izuku finishes making the formula and puts the top on before feeding the hungry infant. Shouto glances at Asahi bfore looking back at the beta.

"Then one night, we got a bit drunk, well, he got drunk and I had to stay with him when he revealed how he wanted to find someone he
used to know in his childhood. Someone he had wronged."

"K-Kacchan didn't-"

"He told me that he used to be a bully and that if anyone disagreed to not believe them." Izuku shuts his mouth as Shouto continues. "But he said he couldn't find them anywhere online. And he tried
contacting the person's, well, your folks about where you went. But your dad hung up on him, but not before calling Katsuki every name in the book. I never saw his eyes look that afraid before."

Izuku groans. He would have to call his father, Hisashi, later and reprimand him."
"I'll will apologize to Kacchan once he wakes up," says Izuku, Asahi finishing up his bottle and falling asleepy against him. That reminds Izuku... "I heard that Hi-Asahi was kidnapped. How did that happen?"

Katsuki and Shouto were top heroes with state of the art security.
How was Asahi taken?

Shouto looks down, what appears to be guilt and sadness in his eyes. "Katsuki was on leave to take care of Asahi. I wanted to stay too, but Katsuki wouldn't let me after around 2 months. So I went into work..." He sighs in frustration. "I shouldn't have..."
"W-What happened?" Izuku inquiries, his gut twisting at the look in Shouto's eyes.

"A group of villains had managed to hack into our building's security system... They also brought one of Chisaki's incomplete bullets with them."

Izuku knows of Chisaki. He was a man who hated
quirks and sought to get rid of them all together. That feeling grows inside him as the enigma continues.

"They used the bullet on Katsuki, thus shutting off his quirk. My mate did fight back, but one had a quirk that interfered with his equilibrium, knocking hm off balance.
Then they jumped him. I came home to our home trashed and my mate a bloody mess, handcuffed and unconcious while stuffed inside a closet. And...," he pauses, reaching over to pet Asahi's head. "Our baby was gone... Taken right from his crib."
Izuku had to bite his lower lip, to quell the emotions inside him. He couldn't imagine losing a child like they did and not lose his mind completely.

"Katsuki was unconcious for an entire week. And I glad that he was because that was when they started making their demands."
"Demands? What did they want?"

Shouto sighs. "They first demanded certain dangerous prisoners my mate and I had arrested to be released. We refused at first, to request something else. Then they sent us a livestream link..."

Izuku gulps. "A livestream of what?"
TW: Infant/child abuse and harm / viewers discretion is advised

Shouto's scent turned downright murderous. Both his teeth and fists clench tightly. Izuku is afraid, Asahi twitching his sleep at his sire's scent. The next words out of his mouth make the beta sick to his stomach.
"They demanded the prisoners or...," Shouto pauses again, covering his mouth to stifle a sob. Then the enigma composes himself, but still had tears in the corner of his eyes. "I watched in horror as they punched my infant son in the face and causing him pain."
Now it's Izuku's turn to cover his mouth, tears pinpricking at the corners of his eyes. Shouto tearfully continues the heart wrenching events.

"I made the Hero Commission give into their demands, wanting my child back at all costs. SO they did... But the kidnappers kept
demanding more, showing even more livestreams of them hurting Asahi. After Katsuki woke up, me and our former classmates tried to keep him from seeing the videos or anything related to our baby. But..."

"He found out anyways," finishes Izuku.

"Yes and my mate wanted blood."
Izuku holds Asahi close, his own hands trembling. Now it makes sense… When he first found Asahi, he just had a few bumps and scrapes. Izuku assumed it was from being behind garbage.

Then there was his night terrors. He would scream his head off some nights, his body running a
fever. Izuku would try his best to counsel him, give him medicine to bring his fever down. Days after, Asahi would latch onto him and /tremble/.

Now Izuku knows it was because of those bastards…

“Did you guys catch them?”
(*console, not counsel 😓)

Shouto glares. “We only caught his underlings at the location. And we found a doctor they also kidnapped as well to constantly heal our baby only to torture him later on live…”

His scent, even through blockers, is murderous. So much so, it starts to
rouse the unconscious Katsuki beside them. Izuku tenses a little as Shouto pats his head, soothing the blond. But the blond’s eyes still open a bit, his pupils still pinpricks.

“Asahi…,” he mumbles, his hands reaching out. Shouto glances at Izuku and the beta gets the message.
He carefully and cautiously walks over to Katsuki and holds up a sleepy Asahi up to him. “Kacchan… Look, Hi-Asahi is here now…”

Izuku gently sets the infant next to Katsuki and Katsuki’s arm immediately wraps around his son. Then a loudly rumbling sound escapes the blond’s

Both Shouto and Izuku watch as Katsuki aggressively scents Asahi, the baby babbling and whining a bit before settling down. Katsuki continues to rumble, Izuku assuming it’s a form of purring like omegas do.

He brings Asahi close to his chest as his pupils turn normal.
Katsuki slowly blinks, adjusting to everything around him. Then the blond groans, sitting up while still clutching onto Asahi. Shouto smiles at his mate.

“Welcome back to sanity,” he chuckles, Katsuki glaring at him.
Asahi coos in his sleep, alerting Katsuki to his presence. Izuku can’t even count the many emotions coursing through those red eyes.

But they all result in the tears streaming down Katsuki’s cheeks.
“Asahi…!” Katsuki chokes out, cradling his child close to him. Izuku has never seen Katsuki look so vulnerable before.

He was always the strong one as kids, but Izuku knew there was a breaking point.

Shouto sits on the bed with Katsuki and cradles both mate and child.
They look so happy together… The beta feels like he’s intruding on such a happy and vulnerable moment.

So he gets up to quietly leave, not wanting to disturb them. Izuku looks sadly down at Asahi. He reunited the pup he found behind the dumpster with his parents.
Their family is whole again… While Izuku feels himself breaking. He goes over the list of baby and toddler stuff he had accumulated over the last month. Maybe even give some away…

Izuku is about to reach the door when a voice calls out to him.

[About to head to bed. If you like my work and want to support me more, then consider buying me a Ko-fi at the link below ⬇️]

Izuku freezes, not knowing whether or not to move and face the one who called out to him. But it doesn’t seem like Katsuki will wait.

He feels a hand on his shoulder before being twisted around and facing familiar red eyes looking down at him.
His breath hitches in his throat at the close proximity. Katsuki’s campfire scent mingles with the nitroglycerin of his palms. So a sweet, smoky scent invades Izuku’s being.

He thanks the Gods this time for being a beta and not having a strong scent.
Asahi’s content purring and Katsuki gently shaking him snaps Izuku out of his daze. He glances at Katsuki’s face once more and sees the emotions range from relief to puzzled to exhaustion.

“Been looking for your ass for years and you so happen to be the one who found my pup.”
It takes a few seconds to find his voice. “S-Sorry you’ve been looking for me and finding your pup was just pure coincidence. I didn’t even know he was yours or that you had one.”

Katsuki quirks an eyebrow, adjusting Asahi closer to his heart. “So you had no clue? At all?”
The beta shakes his head. “No idea. I’ve been off social media for a couple of years now. My coworker’s post was the first picture I’ve had online in years.”

“Post?” Katsuki inquiries. Shouto butts in with his own remark.

“That’s how we found out that Asahi was alive. But you
went into semi-feral moment they second you were told. So you never got to see the post.” Shouto pulls out his phone and goes to Insta., looking for the post. Then his eyes turn worried. “Oh no…”

“I-Is something wrong?”
“Do you want the bad news or good news first?”

“Umm, good news?”

“Well, that one post by your coworker helped gain attention for the library you apparently work at.”

“And the bad news?” Izuku fidgets.

“That one post gave the library attention… But of the notoriety kind.”
“W-What?! Why?!” He hates to think of his boss yelling at Anri right now for a simple post of him and Hi-Asahi on her Insta. Shouto flips his phone around to show him the comments.

“It’s better if you read it yourself.”
Izuku gingerly takes Shouto’s phone and begins reading through the comments.

C0ckSucker0001: [Hey that’s the kid that’s been on tv!]

LuvGurl2001: [WTF?! I bet this guy is one of those kidnappers! Has anyone arrested him yet?!]
FlowerChild01: [Dudes, I don’t think he’s one of “those kidnappers”. Maybe he kidnapped the kid from the kidnappers and kept him for himself while Dynamight and Shouto suffered!]

H8ter2000978: [I just looked up this library and saw they are stationed in a beta zone.]
GamerGurl: [So I saw this place has majority betas and that explains so much. Betas are just notorious baby thieves.]

BetaHatEr2: [Betas are the worst! Always jealous of alphas and omegas with pups that they have to steal one. Hope he got arrested and beaten.]
Izuku can’t read anymore, feeling sick to his stomach. Yes, it maybe true that some Betas do get jealous, they don’t steal others pups! Betas have always been discriminated against for years.

They are considered the most “useless” class because they can’t reproduce “normally”.
His scent is sour and he knows the enigma and alpha can smell it despite how weak it is. This is why Izuku isn’t on social media anymore… Too much harassment once others find out that not only is he quirkless, but a beta as well.

His scent wakes up Asahi and he begins squirming
in Katsuki’s arms until the alpha calms him down.

“Let me see that damn thing.”

Katsuki takes the phone and begins to read the comments himself. The more he scrolls down, the more his face becomes irritated.
“Motherfuckers…!” He swears quietly as to not disturb the sleeping Asahi. “Get Tsukauchi’s attention on this shit right now.”

Shouto nods and Izuku is fumbling a bit when they all leave out the door. Shouto perks up. “We should let Izuku’s district police know about this too.”
“Umm, I wouldn’t go to them for anything,” Izuku pipes up, earning two sets of eyes on him. Shouto looks puzzled.

“Why is that, Midoriya-san?”

Izuku sighs. “The police in my district… are the laziest bastards there is and don’t give a shit about crimes in our district.”
“What the Hell?” Katsuki has a look of disbelief on his face. “So, they just don’t do any cases or anything?”

“They take cases, but wait months until finally doing them.” He glances at Asahi. “I even reported Hi-Asahi to them a month ago and they didn’t do anything about it.”
There is a chilling silence, Izuku nearly walking straight into Katsuki’s back. The scents of both alpha and enigma permeate Izuku’s nose. He looks up and freezes by the look on their faces.

Stone cold fury.

It’s Katsuki that speaks.

“They. Fucking. /KNEW/?!”
[About to head to bed for work later today. Sorry for the short bursts of the update. It feels easier for me to do that and collect my thoughts. If you like my work and want to support me more, then consider buying me a Ko-fi at the link below ⬇️]
Katsuki’s shout disturbs Asahi and he begins crying, the alpha immediately trying to calm him pup down. He tries rubbing his back and scenting him, but it’s not working.

Izuku glances, fidgeting with his fingers at the poor pup in Katsuki’s arms.

“I-Is it alright that I try?”
The blond warily glances at Izuku, then back to the wailing infant. Emotions course through the alpha’s eyes before sighing.

“Fine…,” he says solemnly, gently passing Asahi into Izuku’s arms.

Izuku begins rubbing the infant’s back, letting out his scent to calm him.
Asahi after a few seconds sniffles and then calms down, falling asleep while clutching onto Izuku’s shirt. Izuku is too distracted with Asahi to notice the looks the alpha and enigma are giving him…

Then Tsukauchi comes, a hard look in his eyes.
“While you were out, we took the liberty of paying a visit to Midoriya-san’s zone’s precinct and,” he sighs, rubbing his temple. “I’ve never ever been more disappointed in a police precinct in my entire life.”
He glances at Izuku. “I found the report you made shoved underneath the chief officer’s trash mail… My Gods…” The sheer disgust is very evident in his voice. “All officers and the chief have all been fired for incompetence and failure to do their jobs properly.”
Izuku lets out a breath of relief. Those officers needed to be gone a long time ago. Especially the ones that tried to get frisky with him and Anri over the course of a few occasions.

Hopefully their dicks shriveled up along with their pride as they got fired.
“We also brought the chief here, under arrest for failure as a police chief and failure to alert other precincts, especially us, about Izuku’s case.”

“So the bastard is here?” asks Katsuki, venom leaking from his words. “He and I need a little /talk/.”
Tsukauchi shakes his head. “No, Bakugou-san, we can’t allow you to see him yet. The best thing to do is get little Asahi-kun home and safe. Midoriya-san, I’ll have some of my officers escort you back to your residence.”

Izuku nods, remembering the comments on Instagram.
“We’ve already escorted your coworker home, so we’ll do the same for you. Later tonight, we should have everything cleared up and resolved.”

Izuku nods and goes to return Asahi to Katsuki.

“It was so nice seeing you again, Ka-Bakugou-san,” Izuku says, stopping himself from
calling the alpha pro hero the embarrassing nickname. “It was a pleasure for me to have taken care of your son. He’s such a sweet boy.”

Izuku is a bit sad, knowing this will probably be the last time he’ll see the little pup. And Katsuki for that matter.
Suddenly, Katsuki’s holds out his hand. “Give me your phone.”


“I’ve been looking for your ass all this time and finally found ya. So, give me your phone.”

Izuku is a big flabbergasted as Shouto comes up beside his mate. “We still need to thank you for what you have
done. So we thought it would be easier to contact you to set up a place to meet.”

“O-Oh, you don’t-“ the look in Katsuki’s eyes makes him stop. “A-Alright, here.” He digs into his pocket and pulls out a simple flip-phone.
“Holy shit, I haven’t seen one of these since Pink Cheek’s in high school.” Izuku blushes bright pink, hearing both Katsuki and Shouto type in their phone numbers into his phone.

Then he hears Katsuki’s phone ring before abruptly stopping.

“Called my phone, so I have your
number now in mine.”

The blond hands his phone back to him. Shouto smiles at Izuku.

“It was a pleasure to have finally met you, Midoriya-san. You get home safe, alright.”

The green haired beta nods, quickly glancing down at Asahi before two officers come to escort him home.




“Izu-kun!” Izuku is tackled into a bone crushing hug by his roommate and coworker Anri. Her ram horns nearly bust his chin as she hugs him. “I was so worried!! I saw all those awful comments and then people started to come into the library and harass us! Calling us
all sorts of awful names, but most were looking for you! I was so scared!!” She cries, hugging Izuku even tighter.

It’s getting hard to breath. “A-Anri-chan, c-can’t-!” He feels his face turning blue when she realizes and lets him go.

He coughs a bit, letting the air back into his lungs. Once he comes up for air, he looks sadly into the living room.

Baby supplies still litters the floor and a little play pen has the toys Asahi was playing with. Izuku knows if he picks up a toy, he’ll still smell the pup.
Anri watches him sadly. She wants to cheer her roommate up, but doesn’t know how.

Then Izuku’s cell phone chimes, a text message coming in. He pulls out his phone and flips it open to read a message.

[Nerd, we’re going to see the old hag and old man this Friday. And you’re
invited to come with us.]

Anri sees him smile as she reads the message over his shoulder. She reads the name of the sender.

“So, who’s Kacchan?”
“Oh, um-“ Izuku struggles to make a sentence as Anri slyly smiles.

“Is this the same Kacchan you used to prattle about when we went to Shiketsu together?” Izuku blushes. “Oh! It is, isn’t it?! You actually met him after all this… Oh… He was Hiro’s dad?”
She now remembers the reports she was able to find online after the post incident. About Dynamight and Shouto losing their child to kidnappers. So…

Izuku sadly nods his head, his eyes losing his light. Anri tries to backtrack.

“H-Hey, you’ll see him again Friday! I’m sure his
folks will bring him to see his grandparents. I’m sure of it! Speaking of.” She glances at his attire. “Ask him where they’re meeting his parents.”

“Why?” He looks at her incredulously. Anri rolls her eyes.

“Just do it.”
Izuku fumbles with his phone, writing a message, then deleting it. Anri rolls her eyes again before taking his phone and begins typing.

“H-Hey! What are you writing?!” He goes for his phone, but she effortlessly keeps it away from him.
Anri waits for the message and once it comes through, she nearly chokes on air.

“Holy shit!”

“Wh-What?! What’s wrong?!”

“They are going to meet Dynamight’s parents at The White Lotus Gardens!” Izuku blinks, having remembered hearing that name somewhere.
“Is that a special place?” Anri looks at him in disbelief.

“And you call yourself a hero fanboy!” She huffs, shaking his shoulders. “The White Lotus Gardens is a heroes exclusive club! Only heroes and those they invite are allowed inside!” Her eyes sparkle.
“When you get there and come back, /please/ tell me how it looks inside!” Then she pauses, looking Izuku up and down. “You need a new outfit. Your wardrobe is a lost cause.”

“H-Hey!” Izuku says indignantly. “My clothes are-“

“Izuku, when was the last time you even wore a shirt
that didn’t have either one of those strange texts or was one of your hero merch?”

Izuku shuts up, blushing furiously. “Sh-Shut up! And give me back my phone!”

Anri hands him back his phone. “First thing tomorrow, we are going shopping and no complaining this time.”
Izuku sighs. “Alright…”

Anri beams, hugging Izuku. At least she got him distracted enough to take his mind off of the pup he found and then lost…





Katsuki and Shouto arrive at Izuku’s apartment building, Asahi in tow. All of them wear disguises.
They were able to calm everything done and cleared Izuku’s name. But there were still a few crazies out there…

“Asahi,” grumbles Katsuki, trying to stop his son from eating his own hands. Shouto chuckles beside him, the blond playfully glaring up at him.
“And what’s so funny, hah?” Shouto shakes his head.

“I still find it funny that the guy you’ve been searching since we graduated was the one to find our little sunlight.” He nuzzles Asahi cheek with his finger. “And I got to say, he is a cute beta like you’ve drunkly told me.”
Katsuki’s ears turn red. “I did not, you fuck-“

“Hello Bakugou-san! Todoroki-san!”

Both turn to see Izuku wearing a dark grey turtleneck with a black overcoat and burgundy pants. His hair is styled a bit and they can smell a small whiff of cologne. Image
Once he gets closer, they also notice his green eyes surrounded in a thin brown-orange eyeliner that just makes them pop. And each ear, there’s simple studs…

But one earring is blue and the other red. Much like Asahi’s eyes.
“Sorry for the wait!” the beta chirps, his voice making Asahi coo and reach out for him. “Hello Hi-Asahi!” His eyes sparkle as he plays with the pup’s little fingers, making the pup laugh a little.

Both alpha and enigma watch this beta be so gentle with their pup. Only one
thought circulates through their brains.

/Claim him/

“Are y’all ready to go?” the beta inquiries, Katsuki and Shouto quickly shaking those kinds of thoughts from their heads.

“Yes,” says Shouto. “The car is waiting just down the street.”
Izuku smiles gently at them. “Alright, let’s go. I haven’t seen Auntie and Uncle in a long time.”

Right, they’re meeting Katsuki’s parents at The White Lotus Gardens. They had completely forgot about them the moment Izuku greeted them.

All four head for the car…
"Brat! Over here!"

Katsuki almost cringes at his sire's voice, but chooses to ignore it as they make their way towards the table. They had thankfully booked a private room in The White Lotus, away from the prying eyes of their fellow heroes.
After getting their son back, heroes would not get off their backs, wanting to see the little pup and make sure he's truly alright. They understand that their pack wants to be helpful, but it gets suffocating.

They also didn't want to overstimulate their child either.
He had been through enough...

Asahi cooes and babbles in Katsuki's arms, his little chubby arms reaching out towards Mitsuki. Mitsuki lets out cooes of her own, making the alpha want to gag.

"Hewwo Asahi~! Come to grandma!" She takes her grandson and smothers him in kisses.
"It's good to have him back safe and sound," says Masaru, smiling until he notices Izuku behind Katsuki and Shouto. "Izuku-kun! It's been too long! Look how big you got!" He goes over and brings to beta into a hug. A blush coats his cheeks.

"I-It's good to see you, Uncle Masaru.
It's been a while." Izuku smiles, that blush never leaving his cheeks.

Katsuki and Shouto bristle, both fighting the urge to pull the beta into their arms and growl at Masaru.

"Oh my! Izu-kun!" Mistuki gently hands Asahi back to Katsuki and goes to smother Izuku next.
Katsuki has to bite his lip to keep from screaming at his mother as the blonde woman brings Izuku into a suffocating hug. But Izuku doesn’t seem to mind and hugs Mitsuki back.

Then Shouto’s hand slips into his, calming him down.
Mitsuki lets go of Izuku. “I haven’t seen you since you started your first year of middle school! Come, let’s sit and catch up, shall we?”

“I’ll be glad to, Auntie Mitsuki.”

Finally, they all sit down at the table and then waiter comes to give them menus.
The moment Izuku receives his, his eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. He looks like he’s about to panic, but calms himself slightly.

The prices on this menu are astronomical!

Over 10,000 yen for a simple steak dinner! And over 30,000 for a bottle of wine!
He would have to sell both his kidneys and heart just to pay for a meal here. No wonder it’s a place known for top heroes. Only they could afford something like this.

Hopefully his dread about the menu doesn’t come across his face.
“So, Izu-kun, how have you been?” Mitsuki inquiries, glancing up from her menu. “I haven’t spoken to your mother for a while after you guys moved. So I’m quite curious to what I had missed.”

“O-Oh, umm…” Izuku fidgets, dread pooling in his gut. “My mom… passed away in my last
year of high school… She had a heart disease that kept getting worse until her heart finally gave out…”

Silence settles over the table, except Asahi’s little babbles. Izuku is looking down, blinking back tears.
A hand is placed on his and he looks up to see Mitsuki’s pained expression.

“I’m so sorry, Izu-kun, I had no idea…” Izuku tries to dispel the negative energy he brought to the table.

“I-It’s fine. She’s no longer suffering. After she passed, I furthered my education in
engineering and technological sciences for hero support gear.”

“Oh, you are a very smart boy, you must work for a large support company now.”

“W-Well-“ The waiter comes, thankfully saving Izuku from explaining that his applications to companies… have all been denied.
The waiter pulls out his notebook to take their orders. “What shall you all be ordering tonight?”

“My mate and I will be having the 8oz bison steak meals with grilled asparagus.”

“I’ll have the Lamborghini chicken in white wine sauce,” replies Mitsuki, “I’ll also have a
bottle of Yamazaki 50.”

Izuku nearly coughs on air when he hears that. Yamazaki 50 is considered Japan’s most expensive whisky ever! And Mitsuki is getting a whole bottle to boot! Masaru goes next.

“And I’ll have the Wagyu beef dish with steamed vegetables and a side of Toro.”
The waiter writes that down before turning his attention to Izuku. The beta nervously looks at the menu, looking for the cheapest item. Even the salads are expensive! But he sees one that doesn’t hurt his conscience.

“I-I’ll have the Hotate salad and a glass of water.”
Shouto glances at him. “Are you sure you just want the Hotate salad? You can order some more.”

“O-Oh no! I’m fine!” Izuku waves his hands to dispel Shouto and everyone else’s looks. “I’ve been trying to eat less nowadays.”

Not by choice though.
He and Anri have been struggling with money after graduating Shiketsu. Both of them were in the support course and have tried to apply for high paying jobs.

But they keep being denied and had no choice be to work at a library, something far from what they aspired to do.
Katsuki glares, Izuku nervously sweating as he barks at the waiter. “Also give him the suppon dish!”


“N-No, you don’t-“

“Quiet nerd. Give him Suppon along with the damn salad.”

“Understood sir,” says the waiter, bowing before leaving with their orders.
Once the waiter is gone, Shouto turns his attention back to Izuku. “Izuku, you said you took courses for support engineering involving hero gear, correct?”

“Y-Yes, I did.” Izuku doesn’t like where this is going.

“Then why are you working at a library?”

There it is.
The question he has been dreading.

The only thing he can do is give a half truth. Especially with Katsuki’s parents looking at him now.

“I’ve sent applications in and haven’t heard anything back yet. So I’m working at the library for now until I hear back.”
He can feel Katsuki glowering at him, but thankfully don’t pry any further when Asahi starts to become fussy. Katsuki turns his attention to his son is when Izuku notices what the infant it wearing.

Asahi is wearing the tiger onesie Izuku got him.
Katsuki seems to notice Izuku’s staring and shrugs his shoulders. “He would keep whining when we would take it off him or it was out of his sight. We finally caved and let him wear it today.”

Asahi coos and then makes grabby hands at the beta.
Izuku smiles and reaches out to let Asahi grasp one of his fingers. The infant gurgles, a toothless smile gracing his face. Then he does something quite unexpected.

“P… P-P… Pa… Pa…” Izuku is in shock while Katsuki and Shouto grow rigid.

Asahi said his first word.
The poor beta internally panics, the table growing silent once more. He gently removes Asahi’s fingers before saying, “I’m not papa, Asahi.” He points to Shouto. “That’s your papa.”

Asahi looks at Shouto, then looking back at Izuku. Then he reaches out again. “Pa… Pa…!”
Izuku sighs in defeat. “I’m sorry…!” He says to Shouto and Katsuki, hoping this doesn’t cause any negative feelings between them. Before they could reply, Mitsuki snorts out laughing.

Katsuki growls at her. “What’s so funny, hag?!”

“N-Nothing!” snorts Mitsuki. “Except now
I know that cute little Asahi is truly your kid.”

“Old hag!” Katsuki squawks, offended. “You were literally in the delivery room when I delivered him!”

“I know, but I still couldn’t believe it. Until now. You know, Katsuki used to do the same thing as a baby.”
“I-I did not!” Katsuki’s ears turn red as Mitsuki continues.

“Yeah, we had a nanny that would take care of him while we were gone for one month. We came back and he kept calling him “baba” or “ma”. Any time the nanny tried to correct him, Katsuki the little shit refused.”
Shouto snorts and Izuku has to cover his mouth to keep from laughing. Asahi continues babbling at Izuku, arms still outreached towards him. Then he starts to whine and starts kicking, his cheeks turning red.

“Alright, alright,” grumbles Katsuki, settling his son back in his arms
and rubbing his back. “You’re embarrassing me…”

Then he gets up and heads over to Izuku, Asahi squealing as Izuku nervously laughs. “Are you sure, Baku-“

“Kacchan is just fine nerd and yeah,” Katsuki says, rubbing his nose slightly. “He won’t stop until you take him.”
Izuku chuckles and gently takes Asahi from Katsuki’s arms. The little infant immediately latches onto him, nuzzling into the beta’s scent gland.

He feels Asahi relax in his arms, small purrs escaping his tiny throat.

“Awe~!” exclaims Mitsuki, happiness in her scent.
“You are very good with kids, Izu-kun,” remarks Masaru, smiling at his grandson bonding so easily with someone after the ordeal this poor infant went through. “A true natural.”

“Oh, I used to watch the young kids when their parents would look around for books. Would read them
books or let them try to say words in any children’s book they chose.” Izuku smiles bashfully, gently rocking Asahi against his chest. “I got the occasional infant to let a tired dam finally get some rest and read. That’s my favorite part of my job.”

Masaru grins.
Mitsuki grins as well, Izuku not noticing her eyes shifting towards Shouto and Katsuki, wiggling her eyebrows.

Her son’s face turns red and murmurs murderously, “Stop that!”

Mitsuki only feigns a look of confusion.

Shouto turns his attention to Izuku.
“So you went to Shiketsu High, Midoriya-san?” Izuku nods his head, Asahi batting his face with his tiny hands. Shouto continues, “So how come-“

“Your orders, lady and gents,” interrupts their waiter, another beside him helping him set down the food. “We do hope the food is to
your liking and please let us know if anything is or isn’t to your liking.”

“We will, sir.” Shouto watches as Izuku’s eyes light up a bit at the food presented before him. The Suppon is considered a delicacy in Japan and also a health food.

He needs more healthy food.
He can feel his mate beside him also glancing Izuku’s way. When they met up outside his apartment, both began to notice how thin the beta was underneath his clothes.

At how thin his wrists were or the subtly hollowness of his cheeks.

They recognized the signs of malnutrition.
So hopefully the Suppon will help fill his stomach up. And by the way his eyes slightly light up after taking a bite, they feel themselves filling with pride.

Shouto decides to wait until after dinner to ask Izuku his question.

One that has been bugging him since Izuku
mentioned that he attended Shiketsu High.

If he attended the second best school in Japan, in the support course no less, why didn’t any of the faculty assist them in finding any jobs?

[Heading to bed. For those wondering what Suppon is, it’s basically soft shelled turtle soup. It’s considered a delicacy and a power food in Japan. If you like my works and want to support me more, then feel free to buy me a Ko-fi at the link below ⬇️]

“Thank you for inviting me to dinner,” says Izuku, adjusting Asahi in his arms. The infant fell asleep and his little hands clutch onto his shirt tightly. Mitsuki smiles at the display.

“You’re welcome sweetie!” She hugs him. “We’ll take you out to dinner any time!”
“You’re not the one who invited him, Old Hag!” yells Katsuki from the hostess stand. “And you use us to eat at all the exclusive restaurants!”

“Shut it brat! I still can’t believe I gave birth to an ungrateful son like you!”

As mother and son argue, Masaru walks up to Izuku.
“I’m still really glad we got to see you again and thank you,” says Masaru tearfully. “Thank you for finding my grandson and taking such good care of him.”

Izuku tries to stop his own tears from coming out. “I-It was my pleasure. He’s such a good little boy.”
Izuku rubs Asahi’s little knuckles, causing the infant’s hand to reach out and latch onto his finger. “It was fate that day that I found him.”

Izuku remembers taking Asahi home and how the infant would wail and wail. He didn’t even like Izuku at first. Would shove him away and
tried to crawl to get away. The beta honestly didn’t know what to do or why an infant was acting this way.

Now after hearing what happened, Izuku now understands why.

Only a few of Asahi’s kidnappers were apprehended. The leader made his getaway though and still out there…
The beta brings the infant closer to his body, gently rubbing Asahi’s back. Asahi let’s out little purrs, sleepily nuzzling into Izuku’s scent gland.

Izuku is honestly surprised that he likes his scent so much.
His scent isn’t really strong, but people have commented that it smells like vanilla with a hint of lavender. Helps soothe the young kids that would come into the library.

Izuku goes to pull out his wallet when Katsuki says, “But your shitty wallet away.”
"W-What? But I-"

"You work as a freaking libraian, Deku," points out Katsuki, Izuku blushing in embarassment.

"B-But the food- We ordered so many expensive dishes! I can at least pay for what I can."

Shouto turns his attention to Izuku. "The cost of the food won't even put a
dent in my savings. So let us handle the bill, Midoriya-san."

Shouto then pulls out a card and Izuku has to blink several times to make sure he isn't seeing things. That's a black card! Shouto has a black card!

Izuku has only heard of them when he used to scour the internet.
It's an invite only credit card for the ultra-wealthy that doesn't seem to have a limit. He never thought he would live long enough to see a card like this in person. What did he expect.

Both Katsuki and Shouto are top heroes along with belonging to wealthy families.
Katsuki glances at Izuku, seeing the shocked look on his face. Thankfully, Shouto displaying his black card makes the nerd put his wallet away. He turns his attention to his mate and husband when he sees the name on the card.

"Shouto, did you take your old man's card again?"
Shouto just stares before saying, “He won’t notice the charge until next month.”

“That’s not the point Shouto, stop stealing your old man’s card. You have your own, damn it. I swear you can be a petty fuck with him.”

“And my pettiness got us out to eat with Midoriya-san.”
Katsuki grumbles, “Still not the point, fucker. What you are basically doing is still a crime.”

“Consider this payback for all the times my father said you weren’t good enough for me.” Shouto smiles, adding, “And also for that time he sent you to Antartica for 6 months.”
Katsuki turns deadly silent, Shouto knowing his husband is remembering the time Endeavor sent him on a 6-month mission to one of the coldest places on Earth.

“Next time, let’s get more food AND more toys for Asahi,” Katsuki states, not a hint of remorse or guilt in sight.
Shouto only chuckles as they all head out to their cars. Mitsuki brings her son into a one sided hug.

“Thanks for the dinner, brat! It was so nice to see Izu-kun again! So~,” she has a mischievous smirk that makes Katsuki bristle, “when are you both going to date him?”
If Katsuki didn’t have such good control over his quirk, sparks would be flying from his palms. He glares at his mother as he seethes out quietly, “Old hag…! What the Hell…?!”

She giggles. “You both are not smooth at all. I saw all those glares and possessive pheromones
wafting off you both. I can understand Katsuki since he knew Izuku the moment he was born. But Shouto-kun… It was love at first sight, wasn’t it~?”

Shouto looks away, a blush coating his cheeks followed by steam coming off the left side of his body.
Mitsuki only smirks before looking back at Izuku talking amiably with Masaru, Asahi tucked safely against his chest.

"I can see why you both fell for him. He's as lovable as his mother was," she remarks, a hint of sadness laced in her words. Katsuki feels bad too.
Inko was like a second mother to him, often babysitting him, even after Izuku was born. He'll have to ask Izuku if he has a shrine for her in his home and offer his late respects to her. Mitsuki nudges him slightly, earning a scowl from him.

"So, next time, take him out on a
real date without anyone else tagging along."

She has the audacity to wink at them just as Izuku walks up to them and sees the steam still coming off his body.

"T-Todoroki-san! Are you feeling alright?" Shouto waves him off.

"I'm fine, Midoriya-san."

"A-Are you sure?"
Before either could stop him, Izuku puts the back of his hand on Shouto’s forehead. The poor enigma’s face turns brighter.

“Oh, Todoroki-san! You are burning up! Is it from your quirk or are you sick? If you were sick, we didn’t need to come out tonight. Now I feel bad that you
were burning with a fever this entire time and didn’t say anything. I can just take a taxi home and Kacchan can-“

“Breathe, nerd,” says Katsuki, stopping Izuku’s word vomit. “Icy Hot’s fine. He just got cold and used his hot side to warm up.”

“O-Oh, how silly of me.”
Izuku smiles and the mated pair feel like they need sunglasses to look at him. His smile is literally made out of sunlight! How does he not have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet?


This makes them pause as the same thought occurs.

Izuku could have a partner at home…
“So~?” Anri pops up beside Izuku as he organizes the shelves of the library. “How did your date go~?”

Izuku sighs. “Anri-chan, for the last time, it was not a date.” His cheeks are red. “It was a dinner for helping Asahi and to reconnect with Ka-Bakugou-san’s parents.”
“Oh Izu-kun, omegas and women would die at the chance to even be in the same room as them,” she says slyly. “And if I remember correctly, during one of our Friday nights where we drink to our heart’s content, you mentioned still having a crush on /Kacchan/~”

Izuku so desperately
wants to die and hopefully reincarnate into one of his favorite novels instead of here.

Out of all of the things she had to remember while drunk, it had to be Izuku’s drunk confession.

She smirks, knowing she got to him.
Izuku sighs again. “Anri-chan, I know you see it as a date, but I don’t. It was a dinner out of a sense of obligation and nothing more. Besides,” he moves to another bookcase, “they are way out of my league AND /mated/ along with /married/.”

“Oh Izu-kun, you need more confidence
in yourself more. If I wasn’t a lesbian, I would have taken you out on several dates.”

“Thanks Anri-chan, but…”

She suddenly smooshes his cheeks in her hands. “Do //NOT// think of that asshole’s words. He was full of shit and still is a two faced bastard.”
She smooshes his face harder. "Now repeat after me. I am lovable and can be loved. I don't care what any douchebag says."


"Repeat after me."

Izuku grumbles. "I am lovable and can be loved..."

She lifts up a brow. "And?"

"And I don't care what ant douchebag
says. There, are you happy now? And can you let go of my face now."


She lets go of his face and heads back towards the front. Izuku needs more confidence in his self, especially ever since that asshole from high school. That bastard was just like his older brother.
Anri still wonders how those two faced bastards are still heroes. Whenever she sees them on a tv she passes, she only wants to deck them. She reaches the information desk, smiling at parents who bring in their kids.

Ever since the post incident, business was slow due to some
assholes harassing her and her fellow coworkers.

Especially trying to go after Izuku. Lets just say a harasser is missing a front tooth.

She is typing away on a computer when she vaguely hears a set of what sounds like combat boots. Anri doesn't pay it any mind, thinking it's
one of the local ex-military people that live around the library. Glancing up, she is about to greet them when a gravelly voice asks her, "Oi, is Midoriya De-Izuku working today?"

Anri glares, her knuckles turning white. "Who's asking? If you're one of those asshole's from

She suddenly hears a gurgling noise and finally notices a baby sling on the front of the, she assumes, alpha. Then a little face pokes out, one she instantly recognizes. It's Hiro, or, as found out later, Asahi.

Glancing up again, she starts to recognize the alpha.
Pro hero Dynamight stands before her, in a simple disguise of a simple black, long sleeve shirt, hat to cover his hair, and shades to conceal his eyes.

Asahi gurgles, wearing a Shouto onesie. Katsuki glares.

“I asked if Midoriya Izuku is here. Or I’ll go find him myself.”
[Tbc. Hope y’all love the update so far! If you want to support me more, then feel free to buy me a Ko-fi at your own convenience. ⬇️⬇️]

Katsuki follows the beta woman with ram horns down the aisles of the library. It's a rather small place, so it's not hard to find that familiar head of green curls. He's putting away some books, but appears that he is not alone.

In his other arm is an infant, fast asleep.
The infant is definintly not Izuku's, judging by the sleeping dam that's lounging on a couple of beanbag chairs in the kids area. Katsuki can't help put feel the feeling of relief that Izuku didn't have kids with other people.

But is seems Asahi got his jealously gene.
Asahi peeks from his baby sling and smiles when he sees Izuku… Then Katsuki can just feel him glaring at the other infant, his little body trembling that he knows will-


Asahi shrieks, face red that startles everyone around them.
“W-Wha-“ Izuku is trying to calm down the now awake infant in his arms before turning to look and sees them. “Kacchan?! Asahi-kun?!”

Asahi sees Izuku dotting on the other baby and just cries harder.

Katsuki tries his best to calm his son down. But damnit, Asahi inherited his
lung capacity and volume.

“Let me help, Izu-kun,” says Anri, taking the wailing infant from Izuku as Asahi reaches out towards him.

“Deku, hurry, he’ll just keep screaming.”

“R-Right!” Izuku walks forward and goes to reach for Asahi…

Only for his and Anri’s boss to show up.
“Midoriya! Kamado!” Anri and Izuku flinch as a portly man glares at them from down the aisle. His beady eyes squint at them, making a disgusting noise at them. “Keep those brats quiet or it’ll come out of both of y’all’s pay. Ya hear me?”

“Y-Yes sir!” Both Anri and Izuku squeak.
“Stupid betas… Bunch of hoodlums and freeloaders…” they hear him say before he waddles off. Katsuki didn’t like that one bit, ready to yell at that piece of shit for his very obvious beta discrimination.

But Izuku says, “Don’t… Just leave it for now.”
He now has Asahi in his arms, the infant instantly latching onto him possessively. The little squirt is even rubbing his cheeks against Izuku’s neck to get the other infant’s scent off of him.

Izuku rubs his back, soothing the infant. “Let’s head to the break room, shall we?”
“So, Kacchan,” says Izuku, sitting down at one of the small tables in the break room. “Why are you here? We just saw each other the other night?”

Katsuki growls and then points to the sleeping Asahi in Izuku’s arms.

“That little pipsqueak, after seeing you again, wouldn’t go
to sleep,” explains Katsuki, quietly thanking Anri who gives him a cup of coffee. “Kept me and Shouto up half the night…”

“I-It couldn’t be that-“ Izuku quickly shuts up as Katsuki lifts up his sunglasses. He has dark circles and bags underneath his eyes.
“Damn, he must have kept you both up all night…,” murmurs Anri, taking a sip of her own coffee. “I don’t see your mate with ya. Is he at work or home?”

Katsuki glares up at her. “And who the fuck are you?”

Anri glares right back. “The Empress of Japan, sleepless fuck.”
“What did you just-!”

“Stop it! Both of you!” says Izuku sternly, Asahi cuddled against his chest. “I don’t like rude people…” The way he says it sends guilt down both of their guts. Anri apologies and Katsuki begrudgingly does the same. “Now, where’s Shouto, Kacchan?”
Katsuki sighs. “He had a few days off of work, so he’s at home pats out. He tried to come with me, but couldn’t even put the key in the door properly and nearly fell asleep in the elevator.”

Shouto really wanted to come too, especially not wanting his mate and baby being alone.
Katsuki knows that he fears that what happened those months ago will happen again and that he isn't there to help. That's one of the reasons why they had moved to an undisclosed location. Not even their friends and family know where they live.

All to keep little Asahi safe.
"I'm so sorry you both lost sleep because of me," says Izuku, guilt laced in his tone. "He used to get nightmares constantly and only calmed down when I scented him, his toys, and blankets. Sometimes he wouldn't let me go and I had to bring him into my bed most nights."
Katsuki rubs the back of his neck, exhaustion in his bones. “Not your fault…” He begins to yawn and looks like he’s about to pass out.

“Kacchan, I think you need to rest for a while…” Izuku and Anri lead the very exhausted Katsuki to the break room couch.
“Sorry it ain’t comfy, your alphaness,” remarks Anri, hands on her hips. “It’s all that we got for-“

Both betas hear the alpha snoring, completely knocked out on the couch that seems so small for him. Izuku just grabs a nearby blanket and covers the alpha.
“Lets let him sleep in hear for a while… We’ll tell our coworkers not to disturb him.”

Anri nods as they quietly leave the break room. Asahi yawns and snuggles into Izuku deeper, little trills escaping his tiny throat. Anri smiles.

“He missed you a lot, Izu-kun.”
Izuku smiles, bending down and gently giving Asahi a little kiss on his head. “I’ve missed him as well…”






“Midoriya! Kamado! Come to my office. NOW.”

Anri and Izuku were in the middle of organizing the kids area when their boss called them.
Asahi is still peacefully asleep in the baby sling they were able to get off of Katsuki as he slept. They feel pits growing in their stomaches as they enter their boss, Kasai’s, office.

The portly man sits behind his desk, looking none too pleased to see them.
“I-Is there a reason you called us, sir?” Anri asks, fiddling with her thumbs. Kasai glares at them, his weak alpha scent sour & bitter.

“I’ve been thinking this over since the post Kamado made earlier and how we have been getting hoodlums looking for you, Midoriya.” He glares
harder, especially looking at Asahi sleeping on Izuku’s chest. “And you having that infant around or carrying any infant is only gonna cause trouble. That post has cost this library financial and property damage.”

Anri and Izuku stiffen, knowing what’s come next.
“So I’m terminating your employment at this library at once,” he says a little too smugly. “Go clean out your lockers and leave the premises once you’re done.”

“B-But sir, we didn’t-!” Izuku tries, but Kasai growls, his scent agitated.

“Leave or I’ll have security escort you
out of the building.”

Anri and Izuku are completely dejected as they leave the office, doing a walk of shame as their now ex-coworkers look on with pity. This was one of the few places that would accept betas and now they won’t be able to pay rent or anything.
“I-I’m sorry, Izu-kun,” replies Anri as they enter the area where their lockers are. “I-I shouldn’t have posted that pic. It’s my-“

“It’s not your fault, Anri-chan. We didn’t know any of this would happen.”

“But still… how are we gonna pay for rent in a few weeks?”
“We… We will think of something.”

Izuku is honestly not sure what to do. He and Anri, with their certificates and diplomas from Shiketsu’s support course along attending such a prestigious school should have helped them get high paying jobs despite being betas.
But one of the support course instructors that is supposed to help them find jobs after high school always sent them to places with shitty pay and hours.

They knew that instructor didn’t like beta and often discriminated against them. But he always made sure to stay under the
radar to not be caught by the school system. He was a good performer and knew how to act to make him seem innocent.

And no amount of beta students complaining got him fired or in trouble.

They both hope someday, karma will bite him in the ass.
They enter the break room where Katsuki is still asleep. Izuku feels the pit growing stronger in his gut; all he feels is embarrassment. He feels like he’s failed not only himself, but Katsuki and Shouto too…

“When we wake him up, don’t mention us being fired to him.”
“B-But Izu-kun-“ Anri stops when she sees her poor friend quivering, most likely stopping tears from coming out.

He lets out a weak, “Please… Don’t bring it up to him or Shouto…”

Anri’s heart clenches, knowing that Izuku feels embarrassed and most likely blaming himself.
Izuku gently nudges Katsuki awake, the alpha groaning that his sleep got disturbed. “Kacchan, we are about to head on home. Time to get up.”

Katsuki sits up, stretching his limbs. But he still looks beat. “How long was I out…?” He yawns.

“About three hours.”
“Fuck… Didn’t mean to sleep that long.” Katsuki glances at them, his eyes narrowing at them. “Did something happen while I was asleep?”

Anri desperately wants to tell him what happened, but Izuku interrupts and smiles. “No, we’re fine. It’s just been a long day.”
Katsuki stares at Izuku with suspicion, but is interrupted by Asahi yawning and waking up a bit. He whines a bit, his little tummy grumbling.

“Have you go feed him,” says Katsuki, gently taking his son from Izuku. “Is there a restroom here?”

“Y-Yeah, I can show you,” replies
Anri, silently leading Katsuki out of the break room, Izuku following close behind. But Katsuki puts up his hand to stop him.

“She’s enough to lead me there, nerd. Wait for us outside the building.”
“A-Alright, don’t take too long.” Izuku glances at Anri when Katsuki’s back is turned and zips his lips shut. Thus telling her to not tell Katsuki a thing.

Anri can only solemnly nod her head as she leads Katsuki to the restroom. Once out of Izuku’s sight, Katsuki glances at the
horned beta.

“Alright, spill it, what are you both hiding,” he asks, but it doesn’t sound like a question. More like a demand.

Anri nervously chuckles. “We aren’t hiding a-anything. I-I swear!”

Katsuki glares at her, ready to retort, only for Asahi to become fussy.
He soothes his son because he’s not done yet with her. She is definitely lying to him and he’s going to pry it out of her.

“Nothing my ass, you and the nerd were acting weird and shit. Now tell me-“

“Oi!! I thought I told you to get out!”
Anri flinches because Kasai, her boss, spots her. The portly man comes marching her way, completely ignoring Katsuki next to her.

He points a finger into her face. “I thought I told you and that green haired bastard to leave to premises after you cleaned out your lockers!”
“W-We are sir! I-I just had to-“

“I don’t want to hear your damn excuses! Leave or I’ll call-“

Then a large shadow makes Kasai look up and his face pales more than Anri has ever seen. She looks too and sees Katsuki looking at Kasai with a blank face. And that’s terrifying.
From what Izuku told her, if Bakugou Katsuki ever turned silent and didn’t show his emotions on his face, then he was REALLY pissed off.

Katsuki calmly hands Anri his son, the infant fussing a bit because it’s not his dam’s or Izuku’s arms. But she takes him regardless.
“Hey fucker, let’s go somewhere and /chat/ for a while,” says Katsuki in a eerily calm voice, but makes one have goosebumps rise on their flesh. Not even his scent gives away the storm that’s brewing in his core.

“S-See here! I don’t know how you are-“
Kasai literally squeaks in fear when Katsuki places a hand on his shoulder and it starts smoking.

Then Katsuki/smiles/ and Anri feels like she’s going to witness a very violent crime.
Katsuki begins to drag the blubbering idiot away as Anri can only look on with a fussy and hungry baby in her arms. One who decides to try and suckle on her chest since she has a big chest like his dam and thinks they are full of milk.

“N-No! I don’t have milk in them!”
Now she knows why Katsuki really wanted to go to the bathroom for.

She hurriedly goes to find one of the dams in the library for some formula before Asahi starts wailing again.





Katsuki drags the man to where he can smell the horrendous stench of the lesser alpha. He almost throws the alpha inside when he kicks open the door.

“Y-You are damaging library property!” The useless alpha wails, his face red as a tomato as his employees look at them.
“Do I look like I give a fuck?” replies Katsuki darkly, his eyes glaring daggers at the man. The fucker smartly shuts up as he is shoved harshly to the floor.

Then Katsuki marches towards the desk, the fucker turning paler.

“D-Don’t go pilfering through my desk, you hoodlum!”
“Ya know,” says Katsuki, slowly opening the drawers, “if someone says not to look through something, especially a desk at a business… It means the person is hiding something.”

He notices a few drawers that look suspiciously more deep than what he sees on top.
He lifts up the fake bottom and-

“Oh, so you’re of of those fuckers huh…,”Katsuki whispers, looking at spreadsheets of money not paid to the Japanese government. And more sheets of money being docked from employees’ paychecks without their knowledge.
“Tax fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering is considered federal crimes,” he calmly explains, Kasai standing up, his face red in anger.

“Who the fuck are you anyways?! You’re a damn investigator aren’t you!” Kasai then grins. “Maybe I can slip you-“

“Attempting to bribe with
stolen money. Another crime to add to the list.”

He reaches inside another drawer and Kasai literally lunges at him. “Keep out you filthy-“

Katsuki sends an explosion to his face, knocking him back when he pulls out indecent pictures of some of his employees.
A majority of the picks were from the women’s locker room. Some pics were of Anri changing into her uniform at the library…

Then there are the ones from the men’s locker room…
A majority were of Izuku in various stages of undress…

The air turns deathly silent, Kasai feeling dread and death breathing down his neck. Then Katsuki looks up and if Death had a face, he was looking right at it…

Katsuki pulls out his phone and punches in a number.
“Tsukauchi… I’m at the library where Midoriya Izuku works and I found something /really/ foul here…” He steps up to Kasai and harshly grabs the front of his shirt, smoke pillowing from his fist.

Kasai shakes, nearly wetting himself as Katsuki glares at him.
“So I need you and your men down here to clean up the mess… Also… You may need to arrest me because I’m about to commit murder,” says Katsuki, never taking his eyes, pupils pinpoints, off the fucker. “And I won’t regret it at all…”

He hangs up the phone…

Shouto, across the city finally waking up and sipping coffee: Image
Izuku is waiting nervously outside, fiddling with his thumbs. Anri and Katsuki are taking an awful long while…

He desperately hopes his friend hadn’t told Katsuki what happened.

The embarrassment and mortification would be too much for Izuku.
He’s as useless as he was in middle school. Hell, his entire life!

There was one other job that would have paid him good…

He pulls out his phone and scrolls down until he finds the number.

Teasing Beta…

Both a bar… and a strip club.
He knows he should wait and apply other places… But he and Anri have tried, but places either denied their applications because of their beta status.

Or just ghost them completely after getting their hopes up.
Just then, he hears a high pitched screaming coming from inside the library. It startles Izuku and anyone else in the vicinity. Anri comes bolting outside the next second, Asahi clutched in her arms.

“A-Anri-chan! What happened?!”
“U-Um, good news, I kept my mouth shut,” she says nervously. “Bad news… Kasai the bastard showed up and told me to get out and that he fired us… Right in front of your volatile crush.”

“W-What?!” Izuku goes to rush inside, not before yelling. “And he’s not my crush!”
“Keep telling yourself that,” mumbles Anri, deciding to follow. “I have had to deal with your lovesick butt every since you reunited.”

They enter and the screaming and crying seems to be coming from Kasai’s office.
Izuku rushes towards the office, a former coworker immediately grabbing the back of his shirt.

“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you, Izu-kun. Your boyfriend is doing a number on the bastard.”

Izuku blushes a bright red. “H-He’s not my boyfriend! He’s a married man!”
“A married man that’s hot though,” says his coworker, Izuku ignoring them before Kasai is literally trying to crawl out of his office.

He’s covered in bruises, burns, and cuts. His clothes smell burnt along with the toupee on his head. He desperately tries to get away.
Only for him to be dragged viciously back inside like in a hour flick, screaming for help along the way.

Izuku hears a low guttural growl.

“K-KACCHAN!! STOP!!” Izuku rushes into the room. The room is trashed, broken and burnt furniture everywhere. He sees Kasai trying to keep Katsuki’s jaws away from his throat using a piece from a broken chair.

Kasai spots him. “You!! Help me damnit!!”
Katsuki growls louder and the piece of wood in his mouth starts to crack. Izuku immediately lunges and wraps his arms around the alpha, trying to make him stop.

“K-Kacchan! Stop! You’re going to murder a civilian!” He doesn’t particularly like Kasai, but his death would haunt
Izuku’s consciousness for the rest of his life. So he had to stop this now. “Kacchan! Please!”

But his beta strength is no match for an angry alpha. Why was he so angry at Kasai to the point of this level of killing intent?

He gets his answer when a phot captures his attention.
It's a picture of himself, taken with what appears to be a hidden camera in the locker room. It's at an angle where it looks up is-

"Y-You pervert!!"

In an act of mortification, embarassment, and anger, he punches Kasai in the face, a crunching noise coming from his nose.
There's a pause in the air, everything stopping to stare at Izuku's fist planted in Kasai's face. Even Katsuki stops ands stares as blood gushes out of the bastard's nose. Then the screaming begins.

"You little motherfucker!"

Izuku doesn't have time to react when Kasai rips
out the piece of wood from Katsuki's mouth and bashes it into his skull. Ringing echoes in his ears, seeing with blurry vision of Anri coming in the doorway with Asahi crying and wailing in her arms. His little arms reach out towards him...

Izuku collapses to the ground, blood
dripping from the gash wound. Kasai is breathing out heavy, blood of his own dripping down his chin. A disgusting smirk takes over his face as he gazes down at Izuku.

"That's what you get, you little whore! And to think I would let have let you sleep with me to get your job back
like the others I've fired before! Now-"

He didn't get to finish when Katsuki grabs him by the throat and pins him harshly to the floor. Katsuki being pissed is an understatement; he is downright furious! He squeezes the lesser alpha's throat tighter, slowly choking him.
Kasai struggles, kicking as his employees look on with horror… But they too start to see the photos… Many women begin to smile, watching this man get what is coming to him.

“K-Kacchan!” says Izuku, slowly getting up. “Y-You’re gonna kill him!” He once again wraps his arms
around Katsuki, trying to make him stop. He can smell bloodlust coming off in droves from Katsuki’s body, his alpha taking over. “Stop! Don’t kill him! Let him go rot in a prison cell for the rest of his life! You don’t want to go to prison too, do you?! What about Asahi?!”
At the mention of his son’s name, Katsuki stops as Kasai passes out, eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Then Asahi’s mournful crying reaches their ears. His little face is red as tears stream down his cheeks. “Da… Da…!”

He says this while looking at Katsuki.
His little arms reach out towards them just as Tsukauchi and his team come barging into the library, some members carrying tranquilizer guns.

Tsukauchi peeks in and sees the bloody, but still breathing man, on the floor. An angry alpha with bloody fists, and a beta with a gash
on his head from a heavy blow.

But he sees Izuku having his arms wrapped around the blond, stopping his rampaged; and most likely murder that would have put an end to his hero career no matter how unjust the victim is.
“Let’s head to the hospital shall we?”





“I would have killed him if I was there.”

Katsuki glances at Shouto sitting in the chair next to the bed as a nurse wraps his bruised knuckles. His scent is agitated and murderous.
“I would have and… I wouldn’t regret it at all. But you know how the Hero Commission and others view me.”

Shouto can only nod. They would have labeled his husband an unstable hero and killer. Most likely would have taken his hero license and then take him to prison.
And he would have lost custody of Asahi as well.

Asahi is in Shouto’s arms, sticking his little hands into his mouth. He slowly takes the little fist out, it covered in saliva.

He quickly changes the subject. “Midoriya-san thankfully doesn’t have a concussion from the ordeal.”
“And the bastard?”

Shouto grins. “A severe concussion, a fractured femur, two degree burns on his arms, shoulders, and part of his face. Then there was the broken nose.”

“Yeah… Deku only had to punch him once to break the fucker’s nose,” says Katsuki, the nurse leaving and
giving them privacy.

“I don’t blame Midoriya-san at all for punching him. Who wouldn’t?”

Katsuki nods, Shouto seeing a small dusting of red on his ears. “Yeah. It was unexpected… And the hottest fucking thing I ever saw from him.”
“Yeah?” Shouto smirks. “I would have loved to have seen Midoriya-san breaking that bastard’s nose. To see the normally docile beta punching a man? That /is/ a turn on.” Shouto pauses, then asks, “Say, when did you realize you liked Midoriya-san like that?”
Katsuki grumbles a bit, the blush spreading to his cheeks. “I didn’t realize it right away… It started when puberty started for me around 12 years old. And you know how boys class would start checking out girls and omegas…”

Shouto sort of understands, but didn’t interact with
his classmates in elementary and middle school often. Katsuki sighs.

“While they were doing shit like that, I started thinking how cute the little nerd was that would follow me around… And I didn’t like that at all at that age.”
“So… You started bullying him.”

“Bullying him more actually…,” mumbles Katsuki. “I didn’t like the extras making fun of me having for having a “useless” beta around. Especially a quirkless one…” Katsuki rubs his temple. “So I took out my anger on Izuku.”
Shouto nods, remembering the drunk nights he and Katsuki shared once they graduated. Katsuki, while drunk, is an emotional one. Bashing his younger self and then crying at not being able to apologize.

And those tears running down his cheeks went straight to his-
“I know what you are remembering, you perv,” snarls Katsuki, his own blush growing tenfold. “I can smell it all over you and your gonna flood this floor with it.”

“What can I say, you are more beautiful with-“

“If you finish that sentence, I will gut you.”
“Fair enough.”

Asahi then starts to whine in Shouto’s arms, his enigma scent starting to become too much for the little infant. And he’s still hungry too.

“Give Asahi to me.” Shouto does as he is told and Asahi gurgles as Katsuki takes him, pawing at his chest.
“Is food all I am to you?” He asks the infant, Asahi drooling and pawing at his chest even more.

Katsuki just chuckles before grabbing something to cover himself to let Asahi eat. If he doesn’t, then the fucker that is his husband will try to go for his chest too.
Once covered from his husband’s gaze, he unbuttons his shirt and Asahi latches onto him, suckling away. His tiny hand grips at his shirt as he feeds.

Feeding his son, out of everything, is secretly Katsuki’s favorite moments with his child.
But his leave will be over in a couple of weeks because he and Shouto both own their agency. He can’t keep away for too much longer from both the office and the field.

And their schedules would also need arranging, especially with other agencies as well. That means they would
have to leave Asahi, but after the kidnapping scenario, they don’t trust even their friends to watch their child while they are working.

Then the image of Izuku with Asahi enters his mind and then the words the bastard said.

“Izuku was fired from his job today…”
Shouto looks at him with sad eyes. “I remember Kamado-san mentioning that when I spoke with her earlier. And with the investigation of the library and the establishment owner’s involvement with tax fraud and unsolicited pictures, the business has been shut down.”
“So everyone in that business was let go?” Shouto nods.

“Sadly yes. And most of the employees are brilliant people. Kamado-san mentioning that some of her coworkers had nursing degrees while others had business and engineering ones.”
“And let me guess, they tried to apply, but got dealt with shitty result because they were born betas?”

“Exactly,” says Shouto, grinding his teeth. “My sister is a beta, but since she was born into our family, she didn’t face as much discrimination like we are discovering.”
Katsuki mulls over everything that has happened. Then some ideas come to mind. "Oi, looks like we will be needing those extras from UA."

"They're our classmates and friends, Katsuki."

"Whatever, lets talk to Deku about something I've been thinking over."

"Lead the way then."
“Y-You want me to do what?” Izuku stares in shock, sitting in the hospital bed with bandages wrapped around his head. He thinks he might be concussed after all. Shouto smiles.

“We want your help looking after Asahi once Katsuki is off leave… by becoming our live in nanny.”
[Tbc. until later today!]

[Thank for reading thus far and if you want to support me more than likes and retweets, then consider buying me a Ko-fi at the link below ⬇️]

Izuku feels like he’s living inside a dream, even when he sets down one of the moving boxes into the room. It’s the most luxurious room Izuku has ever stepped foot in.

It has a warm feeling to it though and even has a closet bigger than the one back at his old apartment! Image
“T-This honestly can’t be my room…,” he mumbles, deciding to check things out. The material on the bed feels soft and smells freshly washed, but still has a hint of manufacturing chemicals in the fabric.

In fact, almost everything has similar smells, even to Izuku’s beta nose.
Then he notices a quilt on the bed and it looks vaguely familiar. It doesn’t smell like the rest of the room…

He picks it up and inhales the scents wafting off it. It’s old smells, something he hasn’t smelled in a long time. Izuku can faintly detect the maturing scent of
caramel and spice… Then a maturing scent of lavender followed by-

Izuku feels his eyes watering, his hands shaking as his fingers clutch the quilt tighter. Now he remembers.

His mother’s scent still clings to the childhood quilt that she made for Izuku and Katsuki as pups.
Izuku missed his mother so much…!

Any clothes and blankets he had that she had scented have long since faded. Honestly, he almost forgot what her scent was.

Honey roasted peanuts with a hint of mint.

People complained about her unusual scent, but Izuku loved it.
So Izuku hugs the quilt closer to himself, trying so hard not to cry. Then a sharp knock at the bedroom door startles him. Katsuki stands in the doorway, strong arms crossed over his toned chest.

Izuku quickly berates himself for selfishly checking the married pro hero.
"Dinner will be ready soon," says Katsuki, eyeballing the quilt. "The old hag found that thing in our attic. It was in one of those space saver bags, you know, the ones they used to advertise on tv when we were kids."

"Oh yeah, my mom used to have those things too."
Izuku remembers his mom using the vacuum and sucking the air out of those bags. She used to have the vacuum sealing device for the kitchen as well.

Katsuki scoffs. "I think every dam in our neighborhood had those things. Now come on, before my hard work goes cold."

Izuku carely sets the quilt down the bed and follows the alpha down the hall. This gives the beta time to look around. There is sadly no windows, since this apartment is more of an underground compound hidden underneath an unsuspecting building.
Izuku isn't even sure what the building even looks like because he was brought here in a car with privacy windows that he couldn't see what was outside. And he wasn't given much time to even see the inside of the building.

From what he remembers, it reminded him of fancy hotel.
He was escorted into an elevator and watched in shock at how far down they went. And he hasn't gone back up since arriving, moving people delivering his belongings to the buillding and the people working with Katsuki and Shouto would send it down the elevator.
The scent of food wafts its way into Izuku's nose, the very smell tantalizing on the beta's tongue. He and Katsuki soon enter the kitchen/dining area. Like the rest of the apartment, it's a beautiful modern kitchen that Izuku has only seen in magazines. Image
Shouto is setting out plates and bowls of rice, curry, cold udon, Mapo tofu, and-

"Katsudon!" Izuku feels his mouth watering at seeing his favorite dish in the whole wide world. It has been his favorite dish since he was a kid and hasn't had katsudon since his mom died.
Katsuki rubs the back of his neck. "Thought you might like something familiar. My old hag gave me a box of recipes that she and the other sires and dams used to share. One of them happened to be a recipe for katsudon from your ma."

Izuku feels like he's about to cry at this kind
gesture. Before any tears can fall, he aggressively rubs at his eyes before smiling. "Thank you for thinking about my ma at a time like this. I'm sure it's going to be delicious since Kacchan made it."

He sits down, not noticing the blond almost preening at the praise.
Katsuki sits down, to his left, his husband, to the right, Izuku. Both enigma and alpha begin digging into their respective dishes, their chopsticks halting when they both hear a moan.

Izuku has a blush on his cheeks, munching away on another bite of katsudon with another moan.
"This is so delicious, Kacchan~!" he moans out, taking another bite. The katsudon tastes just like how his mom made it. Maybe even a bit better, but he doesn't admit that outloud. He keeps making noises of fondness that he fails to notice his voice affecting the other two.
Both feel like they are about to break their chopsticks at any moment. All the noises the cute beta is making is going straight to their dicks. It gets to be too much for them. Katsuki accidenally explodes his chopsticks while Shouto burns his.

"Kacchan?! Todoroki-kun?! Are you
both alright?"

"Yeah nerd," Katsuki growls out. "Just got a bit too hot, that's all."

If all the meals are going to be like this, Shouto and Katsuki don't know how much longer they can last.





(NSFW ahead: temperature play, frottage, fingering)

"That damn nerd and
his obscene noises...!" grumbles Katsuki, laying on the bed as his husband lays down beside him. "That fucker has got me- Ah...?!" He gasps, feeling a cold hand rubbing the front of his boxers, cupping his erection. "A-Asshole!"

"Shhhh...." Shouto nips at Katsuki's ear. "Don't
want to wake up Asahi or Midoriya-san, do you?"

Katsuki grumbles curses under his breath as his husband's hot lips kiss down the back of his neck while his cold hand continues to rub him in his boxers. He can feel Shouto's own cock rubbing against his ass. "Or is that what you

The alpha lets out another gasp when he feels fingers prodding his hole throught the fabric of his boxers. Teasing him by sensually brushing against his twitching hole. He clutches onto the sheetss as Shouto continues his dirty talk. "Bet you want him to see you unravel."
"H-Horny fucker!" Katsuki bites his bottom lip to keep his moans at bay; which is difficult because Shouto's hands and lips keep roaming all over him. His fingers play with his nipples, turning on his quirk to make one nipple warm and the other cold.
Shouto licks the shell of his ear, making Katsuki involuntarily shudder. "And you fell in love and married this horny fucker."

His cold hand slips down Katsuki's body and slip into his boxers. Those cold fingers teasingly rub his hands twitching hole, earning a throaty moan.
Shouto smirks against Katsuki’s skin, ready to slip his fingers inside his mate and make him see stars… Until…


Katsuki bolts up and nearly sends his husband flying off the bed. He immediately grabs a nearby robe and almost runs out the bedroom door.
He goes next door to Asahi’s room, instincts in overdrive. But it appears that someone already beat him to the room.

Izuku has Asahi cradled carefully against his chest, him humming a lullaby to the crying infant.

[Lullaby Izuku is humming]
Katsuki watches silently, looking at the scene before him. Asahi hiccups in Izuku’s arms, clutching onto his sleep shirt. The beta rocks the infant softly back and forth.

This has to be the most domestic scene Katsuki has ever witnessed…
Izuku continues to gently rock Asahi, the baby finally stop hiccuping, but continues to hang onto Izuku’s shirt. His little body is trembling from most like a nightmare.

“It’s alright, darling…,” Izuku whispers softly. “I’m here… No one is going to hurt you again…”
Then Izuku finally notices Katsuki at the door. "Oh, Kacchan, you and Todoroki-san must have heard Asahi-kun." He continues to gently rock Asahi. "I came in here a bit earlier because I... Used to keep Asahi-kun beside me when he slept. Came almost everywhere with me."
Izuku sheepishly rubs the back of his head. He and Anri only had a one bedroom apartment, so Izuku slept on a pull out couch or he and Anri would switch and he would get the bedroom. After finding Asahi, the poor infant either slept with him on the pull out couch or a twin bed.
Katsuki clears his throat. “I-I see…” His instincts are in overdrive, having to clamp his jaw shut because his fangs were itching to claim. So he focuses on his son instead of Izuku’s neck. “Thank you… For doing this.”

Izuku smiles. “That’s why you hired me for.”
Izuku rubs Asahi’s back. “To take care of him. I will even do it for free even if you two offered me all the money on Todoroki-san father’s card.”

Damn, he must have heard them back at the restaurant at that part.
“And he usually has nightmares around this time at night. Sometimes it deviates, coming early or coming later. But it’s usually around this time.”

Katsuki glances at the clock in the nursery. 10pm is what’s shown on the clock.
It takes Katsuki a moment to understand what the time meant. His scent sours that even Izuku scrunches his nose.


“10pm… Is when those damned live videos would be posted online…”

It takes Izuku a moment to understand. “O-Oh…” He hugs Asahi closer to him.
Katsuki makes his way over and reaches out his hand to his frightened baby. Asahi immediately latches onto hand with his smaller one.

Asahi starts babbling out, “Da… Da….!”
“I’m right here, pipsqueak…,” says Katsuki, gently trying to take his pup away from Izuku. But Asahi latches onto Izuku.

“Nu… Nu…!!!”

Izuku tries to take Asahi away from Katsuki, but the same thing happens. He won’t let go of both of them.
“Asahi-kun,” mumbles Izuku, still trying to pry off Asahi’s iron grip. He’s strong for such a little boy and quite stubborn like Katsuki.

“Is everything okay?” Shouto peeks into the room and the moment Asahi sees him, he whines and makes grabby hands at him.
"You want me to hold you, Asahi?" Shouto smiles and goes to take Asahi away from Izuku and Katsuki only to receive loud whining in return.


He keeps his grip on Izuku with one hand, Katsuki with a foot and Shouto's hand with his other tiny hand.
"I,"starts Shouto, eyeballing his son, "don't think he'll let us go any time soon or go back to sleep either."

Katsuki and Izuku nod their heads in agreement. Do they just stand there until the pup finally falls back asleep? Then Katsuki gets a crazy idea. He glances at Izuku
before clearing his throat, feeling his ears beginning to heat up.

"I think the only solution is to bring him to bed with us." Shouto catches on and also glances at Izuku. "ALL of us."

The beta takes a minute to understand what Katsuki is implying, a furious blush coating his
entire face. He, to both alpha and enigma, looks like a ripe strawberry; one that they both strongly try not to take a bit out of.

Finally, the poor blushing beta finds his voice.

"Y-You both want me in /YOUR NEST/?"
Izuku is a blushing mess, thoughts circulating through his brain. Nests are very intimate places for mates. He is probably sure it’s even more intimate for alpha and enigma mates like Katsuki and Shouto.

So to invite a simple beta like Izuku-

Izuku shakes his head slightly. This is just to help Asahi go to sleep. Nothing more. Nothing intimate because-

/“Who would want a quirkless beta like you as a mate? NO ONE you quirkless freak.”/

/His/ voice still haunts him to this day…

Shouto’s voice snaps Izuku out of it, no longer seeing uncaring black eyes but eyes of red, blue, and gray. Katsuki looks at him, his lips thin.

“If it makes you uncomfortable, we won’t force-“

“N-No! Asahi-kun needs sleep and he won’t until I come along.”
Asahi whines, now pawing at Katsuki's chest. Katsuki sighs, "He's hungry... I'll go feed him."

The infant is too hungry to notice he's not attached to Izuku and Shouto anymore as Katsuki leaves for some privacy. Thus leaving the enigma and beta alone.

Shouto. "I'm sorry if me and Katsuki made you uncomfortable about asking you to join us with Asahi-kun. It wasn't our attention to do so."

"N-No!" Izuku holds up his hands, waving them. "I-It was just unexpected! Especially towards a simple," and quirkless, "beta like me."
Shouto is silent for a moment, Izuku looking down at the floor when he suddenly feels a piece of his hair being gently grasped.

Izuku snaps his head up to see Shouto looking down at him with a smile. "I think you're more than simple."

The beta feels his heart beating incredibly
fast, goosebumps rising on his arms as Shouto lets go of his hair. The enigma walks to the doorway and looks back at him. "Katsuki and I wouldn't have you any other way."

He then exits the room, leaving a bewildered Izuku behind, blushing like a strawberry once more.
He covers his face with hands as what Shouto said dawns on him.

"D-Did he just flirt w-with me?"





“Anri-chan~!” Izuku whines in frustration, looking at the computer that was provided for him in his bedroom. “What am I going to do?!”

Anri is sipping some tea, appearing to be at her new job in a research and hero gear lab. She has some grease on her cheeks and her purple and
mint green hair tied up into a bun. She just gives him an unimpressed look.

“I don’t quite see the problem here, Izu-kun,” she says, stretching a bit. “I would kill to have two good looking people flirting with me. You struck gold, my friend.”
“But you don’t understand….,” he whines again, burying his face into his hands. “They /can’t/ like me! It must be instinct instead, since I’m taking care of Asahi-kun. That has to be it…”

Anri sighs. “Honey, they invited /you/ to their /nest/. Out of everyone in the world,
they invited you, Izu-kun.”


“I swear on Kasai’s upcoming grave that if you quote that asshole’s words to you, I will personally find where you are and kick your butt.”
"Sometimes you scare me, Anri-chan." Anri only grins at him.

"That's what best friends are for." Her grin turns sly, Izuku sweating when he recognizes that look. "So, how was their nest Izuku~?"

Izuku blushes tenfold, stuttering, "I-It was fine!"

"You're stuttering, Izuku. So
what are you hiding~?"

Izuku covers his face once more, the events of last night coming to mind.

/"Come on nerd," said Katsuki, gently leading Izuku to his and Shouto's bedroom. Their scents were mingled together perfectly in the room. There was a large, soft looking bed with
different fabrics from blankets to what appeared to be shirts and/

/Izuku turned his head, trying to ignore the boxer shorts poking from beneath the blankets. Asahi cooed in his arms as Katsuki helped settle the frazzled beta into the nest, Shouto already inside, waiting./
/Izuku wasn’t sure in what to do when two arms brought him down into the bed. He let out a soft noise as Asahi giggles. Now his nose was even closer to the fabric of the bed, taking in their scent. But one lingers that made Izuku blush…/

/The lingering scent of arousal…/
/Asahi cooed and giggled, not noticing his beta nanny’s dire situation in the slightest. Katsuki chuckled at his son, but that didn’t stop the shiver from going down his spine./

/“Are you cold, Midoriya-san?”/
/“I-I’m fine!”/

/He was not fine./

/He was definitely not fine, especially when the lights began to dim and he found himself in between both men, Asahi snuggled into his chest. The little infant was purring without a care in the world./
/Izuku didn’t think he would be able to fall asleep, but the scent of the alpha and enigma, plus an infant, began to lull him asleep…/

Izuku blushes so bright, Anri’s worries that he will self combust.

“I-Izu-kun? Remember to breathe!”
Izuku lets out a shaky breath before spewing out, “IwokeuponKacchan’schestthenextdayandIcan’tgethischestoutofmymind!!”

Anri blinks. “Come again? And slower this time?”

The beta groans before repeating, “I-I woke up the next day and… found myself sleeping on K-Kacchan’s chest.”
Anri smirks. “Oh~? How did that feel, Izu-kun? Are his pecs as squishy as fans believe they are?”

Izuku blushes even harder if that was humanly possible. “Anri!”

She laughs, watching her friend try to hide his face even more. Teasing him is one of the few ways she can get him
out of those dark thoughts.

Especially those of an asshole they knew in high school…

She hopes those two aren’t stringing her friend along. Anri won’t let what happened in Shiketsu happen again…

Suddenly, she has a notification of a hero that needs to speak with her.
“Hey Izu-kun, Imma gonna head out. A hero wants to speak with me,” she says. “I swear if it’s that two faced asshole coming to complain, then I’m kicking him in dick.”

“Anri-chan, please don’t do that, even if he’s a dick.”

Anri chuckles before ending the call.
She stands up and stretches before exiting the lab. And good thing too, because her coworker Mei is about to test out one of her “babies” again.

Making her way to the lobby, she passes by older coworkers who give her side eyed glances. Some of curiosity. Others of displeasure.
Anri gives them the bird when they aren’t looking. She makes her way into the lobby and sees a familiar head of white and red.

“Todoroki-san,” she says, making her way over to him. “What are you doing here?”

Heterochromic eyes look down at her. “Kamado-san, I’ve come to talk.”
Anri and Shouto sit at a nearby cafe for heroes near where she works, the waitress having already gotten their orders. The enigma is twiddling his thumbs and even to Anri's beta senses, she can smell how nervous he is.

"Is you being nervous have something to do with my best
friend now taking up residence in your home?"

Shouto jumps a bit in his seat, a light blush coating his cheeks. Anri smirks, folding her hands in front of her on the table.

"And, let me guess, /Kacchan/ also likes him too?" What she says sounds like a question, but isn't.
Shouto sighs, "He told me of his infatuation before we officially started dating in hight school... But failed to find him anywhere online." He gives her a quizzically expression. "Is there any particular reason why Midoriya-san doesn't have any social media at all?"
"I'm afraid that's not my story to tell." The waitress comes back with some cucumber sandwiches, a water for Shouto, and raspberry herbal tea for Anri. "I will say this though, Izu-kun has some self esteem issues that only got worse in high school due to some... incidents."
“Incidents?” inquiries Shouto, his instincts of protecting starting to kick in. Anri wrinkles her nose in disgust, her eyes distant as if remembering something unpleasant.

“You’ll have to ask Izu-kun, but only when he’s ready to talk about it.”
She sips some tea, her knuckles white that she worries her strength will break the delicate china of the teacup. Shouto can smell her displeased scent.

“Can I ask… did these incidents involve one or more people?”

Her eyes are downcast as she grumbles, “Just one asshole.”
"Can I also have a name of this asshole?"

Anri sets down her cup, a look of contemplation on her face. Her scent reeks of anger and uneasiness, her eyes darting about as if trying to decide to spill the name for the one that caused Izuku pain.

"I'll tell you the name, but you
have to promise not to do anything. Anything at all, capicse?"

The look she is giving him is leaving no room for argument, so the enigma has to give into the small horned beta's wishes. "Fine, I promise."

"Alright, the asshole's name is Hideo... And you may know his brother."
"Should I know his brother?"

"Yes, his brother goes by the hero name Grand."

Shouto thinks for a moment, trying to remember where he heard that name before... Then he remembers. A dark haired alpha that antagonized him and his classmates during the provisional tests in HS.
"He's the brother to Shindo Yo?" he says, his on knuckles turning white at the memory of that alpha; one that also had the audacity to try and flirt with Katsuki before the start of the exam.

He should have bitten that bastard's hand off back then...

"Yeah," says Anri, "He's
Yo's younger half brother. I don't know the full story, but apparantly Yo's parents divorced and his father had Hideo with another omega. But the brothers never really got along."

"I see..." He looks down into his glass of water, trying to process what he was told.
"And now, I have some favors to ask you," she says, looking him seriously. He nods for her to continue "Don't mention that name near Izu-kun... And especially keep that bastard away from my best friend too."

"I will, thank you."

"Now," Anri grins, "you want to learn how to whoo
my best friend into becoming you and your husband's boyfriend."

His blush returns tenfold, letting out a choked, "Y-Yes."

She just continues to grin. "Alright, I'll help you as long as you and Katsuki keep him happy and never hurt him in any sort of way."
Shouto looks at her with determination. "We will make sure that everyday, Midoriya-san will be happy and healthy."

Anri looks into his eyes and, unlike the eyes of Hideo, she sees no deceit.

"Alright, here is how you should start."





Izuku is still blushing mess after his video call with Anri. He can't get the memory of finding himself on Katsuki's chest out of his mind. Katsuki's soothing heartbeat still echoes in his ears like a lullaby.

No wonder Asahi falls asleep so peacefully when Katsuki cradles him.
Speaking of Asahi…

Asahi bounces and squirms in his playpen, hanging into the side of the playpen just to stand up. Izuku smiles and goes towards him, the infant plopping down on his butt and holds up his arms to be picked up.
Izumi chuckles and scoops up the infant, earning a little laugh from Asahi. Then he pats at Izuku’s face.

“Pa… Pa…!” He toothlessly smiles and Izuku feels his heart melting.
“Asahi, I’m not Papa, but I know you won’t stop calling me that.” He rubs his nose against the infants and then-

“Ma…Ma…” Asahi gurgles out, Izuku immediately feeling his heart squeeze harder. Both in happiness and sadness.
Happiness that Asahi is learning more words, but sadness coats his insides. He always wanted to be called either mama or papa, yet-

/“My gods you’re useless! Just from me accidentally knocking into you, you lost it! Now clean up the mess you made, useless beta!”/
/Izuku was sniffling and crying, covered in bruises from when he fell down the stairs... He held his stomach, his beta inside him wailing in anguish as he felt-/

"Deku?" Izuku snaps out of it to see Katsuki beside him, his brows furrowed in worry. "You alright?"
"Y-Yeah, just got emotionala bit," he replies, holding Asahi to his dam. "Asahi said a new word just now."

Katsuki eyebrows shoot up before an almost feral grin takes over his face. "Did he now?What did he-"

Katsuki’s eyes widen as Asahi pats at Izuku’s face, trying to pat away any stray tears on his cheeks. Then he says it again at Izuku.


Katsuki lets out a laugh and gently takes Asahi into his arms. “Learning more words aren’t you, pipsqueak! Got my brains after all.”
Asahi laughs, now patting at Katsuki’s face. “Da-Da!”

Katsuki smiles in a way Izuku has never seen before. Or, at least, in a fairly long time. It’s a gentle one, no cockiness or anger behind it.

It’s simple happiness.
Izuku then takes a chance to take in the scene and-

“K-Kacchan! Where’s your s-shirt?!” He nearly shrieks, his cheeks blooming red as he stares at the half naked Katsuki before him. The pro is in great shape, despite being the one to give birth to Asahi.
And now Izuku knows how Katsuki gave birth.

Below the blond’s belly button, a scar from a cesarean section graces his skin. It appears to still be in the process of healing… Katsuki must of caught Izuku staring, because he pulls up his shorts to cover it.
“I was working out and came in here for a protein shake,” Katsuki replies, resting Asahi against his chest near his heart. “Then I saw you frozen in here like you got struck by lightning. Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Y-Yeah,” Izuku replies, looking away from staring at Katsuki’s chest. “I-I’m fine! I just w-wasn’t expecting to you to b-be shirtless that’s all!”

Katsuki is silent for a moment, but then says, “Well, I sweat a lot and soak my shirts. So expect me without a shirt more often.”
Izuku feels himself nearly self combusting, steam beginning to rise from his skin. Inapporiate images flood his brain, him desparately trying not to have boner right in front of the blond.

Katsuki smirks a bit before passing the dumstruck Izuku, gently placing a hand on his
shoulder. "I'm going to put Asahi down for his nap and head for the sauna. You're more than welcome to join if ya want."

He saunters off, leaving Izuku behind in the kitchen in silence.

After a few more seconds, Izuku collapses to his knees, covering his face.
"First Todoroki-san, now Kacchan...!" he whines, embarassment and arousal coursing through his veins. "Now I know I must be dreaming... And I'm not sure if I want to wake up or not..."





Izuku feels like he made a mistake taking up Katsuki's offer to be Asahi's nanny. His poor beta keeps getting whiplash from living with the enigma and alpha. One moment, he's changing Asahi's diapers, the next, his traitorous eyes find themselves staring at either a shirtless
Katsuki coming back from a workout or Shouto coming in and taking off his shirt, claiming it's very dirty from hero work.

Or worse, both Katsuki and Shouto being in any state of undress at the same time.

Izuku doesn't think his heart and mind can take any more.
But of course there is more.

He has been noticing that articles of his clothing are beginning to disappear when his does laundry. And that the mated couple graciously lets him borrow a shirt or two if he doesn't have a clean enough one. Even with beta sense of smell, he can
practically smell the possessiveness wafting off the fabric.

Then there are the meals they prep, mostly dishes he had been craving earlier that he only told Anri about.

Izuku knows now, after several days of this happening, that he's not dreaming. They are trying to court him.
Heroes Dynamight and Shouto are trying to court a measely beta like Izuku...

But, why?

Why /him/ out of everyone in the world?

A quirkless beta that still can't truly love himself.

Would they change their minds if they knew how broken he was? W-Would they find him disgusting
if they knew-

/"Y-You promised! You p-promised th-that you deleted th-them!"/

Izuku feels his breath hitching, his throat closing up.

/"Oh Midoriya, you shouldn't have pissed me off like you did."/

Izuku hides in his bathroom, locking his door as an episode takes over.
He needed to calm down, he needed to calm down. Yet, he sits blankly on the floor of the bathroom. It's like every sight and sound has become dull, far away; he hears everything like it's coming through water.

Knocking on the bathroom door barely registers in his brain.
The sound of the knob turning and the door opening barely registers to Izuku. Then he feels strong arms picking him up, the scent of fire and snow filling his nose.

Todoroki-san is here.

"Midoriya-san!" Izuku hears Todoroki yell, but it sounding faraway. Heterochromic eyes look
down him in worry, the beta feeling the enigma carrying him out of the bathroom.

The next faraway voice he hears is Katsuki, who also looks down at him in worry. "Izuku?! Izuku, can you hear me?"

Izuku barely has any energy, his limbs starting to feeling like lead.
The next words out of Todoroki and Katsuki's mouths sound jumbled to Izuku's ears, feeling himself being carried somewhere else. He's set down and he can vaguely smell the combined scents of smoky campfire and snow along with an underlying scent of an infant.

Izuku finds
himself beginning to relax, the scents of Asahi, Katsuki, and Shouto completely soothing to him.

Then he feels arms wrap around him, fingers kneading his scalp and one rubbing his back. If he was able to purr, he would do just that. He feels so safe right now...
Shouto and Katsuki gaze down at Izuku, worry written all over their faces. Maybe they both went overboard after Shouto explained to Katsuki all the things Anri told him on how to court Izuku?

Maybe… Izuku didn’t see them like that?
Asahi whines from his crib they moved into the room after the nightmare incident. He’s trying to stand on his tiny legs to peek over the edge of the crib.


He’s looking directly at Izuku, looking ready to cry.
“You worried, buddy?” Katsuki ginger gets up, trying not to disturb Izuku to pick up Asahi. “I think he needs all of us right now.”

He brings Asahi into the bed and he whines, patting his little hands at Izuku’s face.
“Yeah, we are worried too…” Katsuki feels guilt eating at his gut, ruffling Izuku’s hair. This honestly reminds him of the sleepovers they both used to have.

He woke up to Izuku being in his bed, having been spooked by a nightmare.

Well, an anxiety attack can be one.
“Kamado-san had said that Izuku used to have episodes in Shiketsu…,” says Shouto, rubbing Izuku’s back. “But he hasn’t had an episode in about three years…”

“Did she say if he was on any medication?”

“I believe so, but it would be old medication since his insurance stopped
covering the specific medication he needed.”

Katsuki curses a bit, making sure to cover Asahi’s ears before doing so. Just what he needs is a cursing infant.

“Did she say what may cause the attacks?”
Shouto is silent, more silent than usual. Katsuki glowers at him. “You’re hiding something from me.”

Shouto sighs, “I made a promise to not-“

“Well fuck the promise if it damages his health like this.”
A moment of silence passes before Shouto looks Katsuki in the eye. “For Midoriya-san… But you have to promise me something.”

Katsuki raises an eyebrow. “That bad that you have to make me promise something?”
“Yes, because what I’m going to tell you, you have to promise me you won’t attack the person. Especially because they are another hero.”

“What the fu-“

“Katsuki.” Shouto looks at him seriously. “Don’t, because it would lead to your license either being suspended or taken away.”
Katsuki grumbles, his scent agitated that it causes Asahi and Izuku to whine. He stops and tries to pump out calming scents. Thankfully it works.

“Fine… I promise I won’t do anything rash…”

“Or maul anyone.”

Katsuki rolls his eyes.

“/Or/ maul anyone.”
Shouto takes a deep breath, before saying, “When Kamado-san and Midoriya-san went to Shiketsu, Midoriya-san was approached by an alpha named Shindo Hideo.”

“Wait… Isn’t that that walking vibrator’s annoying ass brother?”
Katsuki definitely remembered the bastard from the exams and the occasional meetings when they became heroes.

A year or two ago, he met Yo’s younger brother.

When Katsuki first met him, he really didn’t see how they could have been related. Shindo Hideo appeared to be a good
person and hero. His sugary words didn’t sound forced or fake like his brother.

But Katsuki should have known better.

Hideo was just a better actor than his brother.
He remembers when he saw Hideo show his true colors. A new intern had accidentally spilled coffee on him and while Hideo smiled, his words were laced with venom.

/“I say you //owe// me a new shirt,” he laughed, trying to make it sound like a joke./
That unsuspecting intern only laughed along, not recognizing the danger behind his words.

The next day, the intern went to help a hero and came back with 3rd degree burns on over 40% of their body.
That intern was in so much pain and is still trying to recover to this day from the burns. Katsuki remembers the other heroes and sidekicks sending gifts to the intern.

Hideo sent them a new coffee cup with a lid. The intern saw no problem with it, but Katsuki felt uneasy.
Katsuki knows that fucker did something, but he couldn’t, and still can’t, find any proof that he sabotaged the intern for just spilling coffee on him.

But if Izuku knew him in high school…
"Katsuki, you're starting to burn the pillow."

Katsuki takes his hand away, the pillow starting to have burn marks in the shape of his fingers in the fabric. He grits his teeth as Shouto continues.

"As you may have realized, Hideo and Midoriya-san started hanging out with each
other before Hideo asked him out," says Shouto, his scent agitated. "Kamado-san said that was when the trouble began. Hideo began ghosting Midoriya-san on a regular basis and then gaslighting him into thinking he was the problem."

"What the absolute-!"

Asahi whines a bit.
Shouto reaches over and pats Asahi’s head, calming him down. “Yes. I want to absolutely strangle him. Kamado-san said she only witnessed a few of these incidents. But… She began to see him with bruises on his arms.”

Katsuki bites his lip to keep from roaring in anger.
He never wanted to see Izuku with another bruise again. Especially after what happened in middle school.

Oh, he’s going to make the manipulative fucker pay in the future.

“Then there was one incident that thankfully gave Midoriya-san a way out of the relationship,” he says,
his eyes downcast. “But that incident also landed Izuku in the ER.”

“What the /fuck/ did he do to him?”

“Can’t say… Kamado-san refused to elaborate. Saying it should be told by Midoriya-San when he’s ready to.”
Katsuki glances down at Izuku in him and Shouto’s arms. His scent appears to be calm now and breathing evenly in his sleep. He brushes a stray curl from his face.

“I think,” Shouto starts, “that we may have overwhelmed him a bit. Kamado-san mentioned that during and after his
/relationship/, he developed low self esteem and severe depression along with anxiety. He may think lowly of himself, possibly even figuring out we are trying to court him and thinking himself as not being enough.”

“No shit…” Katsuki thinks for a moment. “Did Goat girl-“

“Whatever, say that he was seeing a therapist or anything.”

Shouto furrows his brows, trying to remember. “She said he went to one when they went to college to try to further their education. Went to a campus therapist, but that was around 3 or so years ago.”
Katsuki looks down at Izuku and Asahi, seeing their infant snuggled against the beta. “He needs to see a more specific therapist, one that deals with toxic environments and domestic abuse. Bet the “therapist” he saw was just an overly glorified school counselor that could
prescribe medication.”

He remembers the bullshit counselor from his middle school who only seemed to make students’, especially betas now that he recalls, life more of a living Hell.

The alpha doesn’t doubt that’s what the college one did, but had access to pills.
Katsuki pats Izuku’s head, brushing his hair off his forehead. “He needs proper treatment from someone that won’t judge him because he’s both quirkless and a beta.”

Shouto nods. “I agree… And we won’t let Hideo or anyone that wishes to cause him harm anywhere around him.”
Both gaze down at Izuku, worried expressions on their faces. “We’ll tell him when he wakes up,” Katsuki pipes up.

“Which part? Therapy or our courting of him?”






Izuku wakes up, his mind a bit groggy from his episode. He expects to still be in his room, only to discover himself in Katsuki and Shouto’s nest.

Covered almost head to toe in fabric with their scents on them.
He sits up abruptly, his hair a mess from sleep. A little whine enters his ears and he looks down to see that laying beside him is Asahi.

Asahi whines, having lost his body heat and comforting scent. Izuku scoops him up when the smells of cooking food waft into his nose.
Izuku gently gets out of the nest, carrying Asahi into the dining and kitchen area to see food on the table compromising of Sukiyaki, cold Soba, spicy Mapo Tofu, a small dish of sashimi, and Katsudon.

Shouto sees him first. “Midoriya-san, glad to see you awake.”
“G-Glad to be,” he replies, mouth starting to salivate. His beta inside is beginning to stir, cooing /Mates made us food/.

He quickly goes to set a sleepy Asahi in a nearby play pin, making sure to scent a stuffed animal for him to sleep with.
‘They are not my mates. I’m just looking into their kindness too much...’ He tells his beta, going back to the table where Shouto passes him chopsticks. He sits down and fidgets a bit. “Sorry… About earlier. I-I haven’t done that for a long while. Sorry for the inconvenience.”
“It wasn’t an inconvenience,” replies Shouto, setting down his soba holding chopsticks down. “We got worried about you and we did our best to make you comfortable.”


“Izuku,” says Katsuki, using his real name that it stuns him a bit. “It wasn’t an inconvenience or
anything like that. We found you barely responding to us and were worried that we would need to get an ambulance. But thankfully we recognized what was going on.”

Izuku looks down at his plate. Shouto speaks up, “I spoke to Kamado-san earlier this month and she revealed that you
used to have severe anxiety attacks, but hadn’t had one in a long time. So Katsuki and I were thinking that you should see a more specialized therapist that can help you better.”

Izuku looks up at him. “B-But I don’t have the mo-“

“We already put you under our health insurance.
So don’t worry about paying for office visits. You need help, Midoriya-san. So something like this doesn’t happen again.”

Izuku feels himself tearing up a bit. Katsuki lightly scoffs, but not in a demeaning way.

“S-Sorry!” Izuku rubs at his eyes, wiping away tears. “N-No one besides Anri-chan a-actually cared about my episodes…”

He can feel their gazes on him as he feels a hand on his shoulder.

“It’s alright, we are here,” says Shouto, Katsuki grinning at him.
“Like we fucking want our future mate to suffer any further, both emotionally and mentally. Ya need to be taken care of.”

“You don’t have-“ Izuku pauses, trying to comprehend what Katsuki just said. It’s so silent in his head, he can hear a pin drop. But then, “M-M-Mate?!”
[Sorry for the spotty updates. Been a bit busy and I’m about to head to bed now.]

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Izuku covers his face with his hands, thought running rambant through his mind; he must have heard him wrong. T-There's just-

"Izuku," a stern voice and hand on his shoulder halts his thought. "Look at me and breathe."
He hesitantly looks up and sees Katsuki gazing at him, red eyes full of worry. Izuku feels his heart picking up, his cheeks reddening. He does what Katsuki said and breathes in and out.

Then he gasps out, "D-Did you really mean what you said? Truthfully mean it."
Shouto joins Katsuki, kneeling beside Izuku's chair, but still dwarfs the small beta. "He would never lie or play with your heart like that, Midoriya-san. We /both/ mean it. We want you as our mate."

The sincerity in their eyes... So unlike the dark eyes that held only lies.
Izuku feels his throat closing up, tears welling up in his eyes tha quickly slide down his cheeks. He tries to wipe the tears away, but it only makes it worse. Then the small sobs start up, Katsuki and Shouto's scents begin enveloping him.

But what he doesn't expect is to be
scooped up into strong arms.

Shouto's wintery fire scent takes over his sense of smell, his beta purring inside him as he begins to relax in his arms. The enigma rocks him back and forth as Katsuki pats his head, before moving his hand to his cheek, wiping away his tears.
“No tears, nerd…,” Katsuki says in a soft voice, something Izuku never thought he would experience. He’s startled a bit when he feels a pair or lips kissing the top of his head.

“You’re okay…,” murmurs Shouto. “We are here for you now. Me, Katsuki, and Asahi.”
This only makes more tears go down Izuku’s face, but for an entirely different reason now. Then he blushes a bit when Katsuki kisses his cheek, not long after starts to laugh when Katsuki’s finger brushes behind his ear.

It’s one of his most ticklish spots.
“K-Kacchan! That tickles!” Izuku gasps out, trying to get away from those fingertips. “T-The food, Kacchan! I’m hungry~!”

This causes Katsuki to snort, but relents his fingers from his ear. Izuku inhales some air, ready to speak when his chin is tilted up and feels lips on his.
His mind goes blank, slowly processing what happened. Izuku can vaguely hear Katsuki squawking out, “/ICYTHOT/!”

Shouto pulls back and only smiles oh so innocently. Izuku is now bright as a strawberry. The enigma chuckles. “I haven’t heard that nickname in a while.”
Izuku is a sputtering mess, just seconds away from combusting. Shouto just kissed him. Kissed HIM. On the LIPS. Shouto chuckles at his husband.

“Did /you/ want to be the first to kiss him or are you jealous that you didn’t get one too?”
Katsuki turns his head away, but a blush coats the tops of his ears. Shouto only smiles more when Asahi peeks out from the top of his playpen, his eyes sparkling in mischief before saying,


This startles all three of them, Izuku feeling mortified.
“KATSUKI!!” Izuku shrieks, said blonde cringing at the use of his given name. Shouto shakes his head.

“I knew the day would come, but not this soon.”

Katsuki blushes in embarrassment. “H-Hey, I didn’t fu-freaking mean for him to hear me!”
“You’re mom’s going to have a field day when she hears about this.”

“She won’t hear sh-squat!” Katsuki growls and while they are arguing, Izuku makes his way over to Asahi. He picks up the infant who won’t stop saying the new word.
“Asahi,” he says sternly and surprisingly, the infant stops. “Bad boy. That’s a no-no word. Don’t say that word again or no Bluey.”

Asahi looks betrayed, eyes watering. “Nu-Nu bwuy?”

“That’s right. So, don’t say that word again.”
The little baby’s bottom lip trembles, but doesn’t say the word anymore. Izuku sighs before glancing back at Katsuki.

“Kacchan, do. NOT. say any more curses around him,” he snarls, holding Asahi close to him. “Same goes for you, Todoroki-san.”
“But I don’t-,” Shouto tries to say, but the menacing, protective aura Izuku has around him makes the enigma stop. “Alright, I won’t say anything around Asahi.”

Izuku nods in satisfaction, Asahi then patting at his face. The beta kindly smiles, his dark aura disappearing.
Izuku rubs his nose against Asahi’s, making the baby laugh. Then his little tummy rumbles.

“Alright, let’s get back to the food.” Izuku takes Asahi to the table as Shouto brings out a high chair for the infant.
Thankfully the food is still warm and Katsuki brings over a little meal for Asahi to snack on.

The infant makes a face at the food, then makes grabby hands at Katsuki’s dish of spicy mapo tofu. Katsuki grins. “You want some, Asahi?”

Izuku gives him a look. “Don’t you dare.”
Katsuki smirks and gives a tiny little bite to Asahi. “Katsuki!”

“Don’t get ya panties in a twist,” replies Katsuki. “My ma used to give me spicy shit all the time as an infant. And knowing our tolerance to spicy foods…”

Asahi munches on the food and is now demanding more.
Which Katsuki obliges, Asahi squealing while taking another bite. Izuku should have realized that Asahi was born with an appetite for a spicier pallet.

He just never tried because babies’ stomaches can be sensitive to new foods. “If he throws up later, I blame you.”
The only reply he gets is Katsuki chuckling, Asahi furiously patting at Katsuki to give him more. Shouto just pats Izuku’s head, the beta starting to blush.

“Asahi is of Bakugou blood. Hot sauce runs in their veins,” Shouto jokes, Izuku fighting the urge to laugh.
Katsuki rolls his eyes a bit. “Your jokes never get any better it seems.”

“Yet you still married me.”

It’s Katsuki’s turn to blush, turning his head away. “Whatever.” He gives one more bite to Asahi and the baby is satisfied.

The rest of the dinner is pleasant and Izuku feels
his stomach doing summersaults. But, in the back of his mind, he still hears a voice of doubt calling out to him.

/“They are only doing this because all you are good for is babysitting their kid…”/

Izuku ignores it, but it still festers like a disease.





“So…~?” Katsuki feels a vein throbbing in his forehead when the pink cheeked terror comes his way. “I heard you and your husband are trying to court somebody~.”

Katsuki snaps his attention towards Ochako, who has a smug look on her face. “What the Hell are you talking about?”
“You can’t hide anything from little oh me,” she says, making herself float to reach the higher shelves of the archives room. “You and Shouto-kun have a more happier scent to you guys. And I also may have found the magazines you were reading.”

Katsuki face turns absolutely red
in embarrassment and anger. He thought he hid those things?!

The magazines in question were about courting gifts, but the magazines all kept talking about omega courting gifts. Nothing about betas or how to court one.

The internet was no help either.
All he found were some very… unsavory websites that just made his blood boil. But he had found one thing.

Since betas don’t respond to pheromones or feel any dynamics like alphas and omegas, they don’t feel true attachments to courting gifts.

Ochako pokes his cheek.
“So, who’s the lucky omega, Bakugou-san?” She chirps, Katsuki swatting her hand away before stalking down the aisle of old archives.

“It’s none of your business.”

He grabs a box of old case files that they needed, briskly walking with Ochako following behind him.
“Can I at least know the cutie’s name? Have we met them? Are they a fellow hero?” Katsuki turns to glare at her, stopping her in her tracks.

“We value their privacy and when they decide they want to introduce themselves, we will introduce you. But not now.”
“Sorry,” Ochako says, looking down. “Everyone is quite curious since this is the first time you and him have tried to court someone since… you know.”

Katsuki sighs, rubbing his temple as Ochako continues.

“We also want to make sure they don’t break your hearts like she did.”
Katsuki sighs, but then smiles, a rare sight. “Trust us… They are nothing like /her/.”

He stomps off with the case files, Ochako watching his back. Then a smile of her own graces her face. “I hope they are…”

She would really like to meet the person Katsuki and his husband
are trying to court. They give such happiness to Katsuki and Shouto it’s unreal. Ochako would love to thank them in person for what they have done.

She walks the opposite way with her own box of old cases to go over them for her latest mission. But she spots Shouto a little ways
down the hall, appearing to be talking with someone.

“Kamado-san, I’m still trying to decide what to give Midoriya-san.” Ochako peeks and sees Shouto speaking with a beta woman with curly hair, mocha colored skin, and pretty ram horns coming from her head.

Why does that name sound familiar?

Ochako feels bad for eavesdropping and goes to leave… Only to spot that someone else is also eavesdropping, on an upper walkway of the main hall. But she can’t see who they are.

A bad feeling pools in her gut.

• • •

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More from @Miss__Jupiter

Jul 9, 2023
#bkdk Omegaverse AU

25 yo Izuku sadly dies from overworking himself and ends up reincarnated into a Otome game he used to play…. An Omegaverse one.

And he’s reincarnated as the side villain of the game. The omega protagonist’s twin brother, a beta who got jealous constantly
whenever the protagonist or anyone got too close to an alpha lead.

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In the game, Izuku’s character was eventually found trying to frame their twin for stealing exam answer sheets and promptly expelled by the student council and teachers from the most prestigious private school the game is set in.

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Mar 31, 2023
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Katsuki curses while the skinny man apologizes profusely.

He ignores him, hoping his dragon and tiger tattoos would spook the man off as he gathers his stuff. Gladly they did, the green haired man hightails it away from the blond Yakuza member.
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Jan 26, 2023
A rewrite of one of my old threads. #bkdk Omegaverse

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smells of lemons. He lathers it into her hair, being mindful to keep the suds out of her eyes.

She releases content purrs and chirps, the omega’s heart squeezing once again at this. He asks, “Do you have a name?”

The girl turns to look at him, her expression being that of in
thought. Then, miraculously, she says, “Ha-Hana, Hana-bi?”


She smiles again and nods.

“Oh, what a lovely name. It means firework,” he says and for a split second, a confused look crosses the girl’s face.

“Not small?”


“Hanabi… Mean not… small?”
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Jan 13, 2023
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Jan 6, 2023

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Rewrite of this old thread:
Katsuki still remembers that day he received that letter.

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Nov 26, 2022
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