Problem is, u have to make sincere effort to understand the legitimacy & impact that war has had in scaling civilizations, to fully comprehend/understand why #bitcoin is so disruptive. So military guy has to explain war in notoriously anti-govt community. Recipe for disaster.
I end up being targeted as a warmongering spook for trying to point out the similarities (which is essential for understanding why #Bitcoin disrupts it).
Ironically, the "power projection" framework I'm introducing in my thesis destroys the FUD that nocoiners are so gullible to (ex. ESG, Web3), and are demonstrably effective a orange-pilling govt officials & boomers.
It's also a refreshingly new perspective for ppl IMO.
Nocoiners are constantly inundated w/finance & monetary jargon from influencers that (1) scare early majority away b/c of the anti-govt grandstanding, or (2) do virtually nothing to explain the merits of power projection & PoW, essentially leading nocoiners into buying altcoins
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Ethereum is useful f/lots of reasons, but sovereignty isn't 1 of them. This is why PoW is more secure than PoS. The fundamental security flaw of PoS is that it gets increasingly harder to countervail the control authority of stakers over time, forcing users to trust them
Stakers can change the validation rules on you. Stakers can withhold valid transactions from the ledger. You necessarily have to trust them not to do these things b/c you have increasingly less ability to countervail their control authority if they start breaking bad.
Don't mistake detail for information. Knowing technical details of things doesn't necessarily signal intelligence.
People who can (accurately) explain complex topics in simple ways have high signal-to-noise ratio b/c they know how to identify & filter out unimportant details.
The oldest trick in the book is using technical detail/jargon to attempt to signal intelligence, or as an obfuscation tactic to essentially deflect/escape an argument they can't win.
Engineers, scientists, & analysts do this often. It's easy to spot & very disingenuous IMO
Interestingly, this is one reason why the DoD pays for officers to attend esteemed engineering schools & get the highly technical degrees.
Makes it harder to BS military officers. You dont want your violence-wielders to be susceptible to BS.