This hatred is the consequence of an adutery affair, which went wrong, that Ms Ramla Akhtar got when she was f 33 years old in the mountain of Northern Pakistan. She got an unwanted biological daughter, now victim ofher abuses.…
This hatred against moutain people is also the consequence of the fact that Ms Ramla Akhtar, running the garbage account @BestInventoryPR (look at the trash posted there) was expelled from #Gojal by #Gulmit villagers in 2020.
Except a cyberstalker with deep mental disorders could post the fake information reported by Ramla Akhtar because a simple review of #PamirInstitute website immediately debunks her ridiculous allegation turning even more, if possible, her @BestInventoryPR account to a crap sewer.
There is something fishy with Ramla Akhtar usually pretending I have direct contacts with thousands of Pamir people while stating here I have no contacts with them. This is total bullshit. Yes, me #BernardGrua I am read by thousands of people from Pamir.
But, me, #BernardGrua, I don't have direct contact with al of them. Though I have close relations with numerous people from Tajik, Afghan and Pakistan Pamirs. First time I went to Pamir was summer 2011. It was Tajik 🇹🇯 Pamir.…
In 2011, Ramla Akhtar was a urban girl from Karachi from a wealthy family who could sustain her livelihood without any paid job. Subsequently, I came back to Tajik Pamir and went to Afghanistan 🇦🇫…
Eventually, I decided I also had to know Pamir people from Pakistan 🇵🇰 and I decided to visit Alam Jan Dario in #Chapursan Valley from whom I heard in Afghan Wakhan and about whom I read in Mareile and Matthieu Paley precious books "Pamir".…
Let's me ask how a urban wealthy and British educated Karachi misanthropic parasite,like Ramla Akhtar, whose Pamir experience is only adultery and physical fight with locals could pretend to have even a small part of my knowledge about Pamir?…
Me, #BernardGrua, I was in so many places, I met with so many people, travelled so many thousands of kilometers in Pamirs from 3 countries: Tajikistan 🇹🇯 Afghanistan 🇦🇫 and Pakistan 🇵🇰, I don't blame Ramla Akhtar for her Pamir ignorance. I just say her bullshit is 100% crap.
I will close this caption. I will just mention the last paper I published. How me, #BernardGrua, with no contact in Pamir could publish the following testimony that no journalist could produce.…
Sure we don't give the name of our Afghan contributors because their life is at risk. And we will never give their name. Ramla Akhtar calumnies will not change this policy. BTW, just remember that Ramla Akhtar, even safe, just use frequently changing (if not stalking) ID's...
#PamirInstitute confounders are in France, in Pakistan, and in the US. One famous confounder of Pamir Institute is from a village very close from Gulmit where Ramla Akhtar was having her cover "business". He knows a lot about her "toxic" activity there... Warning for free ;).
Me #BernardGrua, I woud have an "unclear mission" in Central Asia? I am ready to answer all questions. That's not a problem. BTW, there is already a lot of information on line about me in French and in English, written by me, by journalists, by diplomats or other witnesses.
It is not because Ramla Akhtar wants to ignore it (except for business and family harassment) that she could pretend it does not exist. Just Google my name, #BernardGrua, to evidence another Ramla Akhtar bullshit. Or feel free to ask me questions and evidences.
"He ( #BernardGrua) tends to attack... Russia in.. the region". Tell me how Russia business could the business of an ignorant urban misanthropic scumbag. Let's nevertheless admit she could speak about it. Then, let's question why reporting such a lie when knowing the truth.
Actually, the article I published on #PamirInstitute where Russia is mentionned is this one.…
It is a story about historical events which happened more than 100 years ago.
Here is the conclusion of the above article.…
Only a mad person and/or a rabid cyberstalker like Ramla Akhtar could consider this is an attack on Russia.
I have been very often in Russia especially in remote Siberia. My photos & reports have been praised by locals and by scientists. In St Petersburg and Irkustsk, I learned some Russian language. It helped me to travel in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan & Kirgizstan…
It is true I opposed the delivery of French Mistral invasion vessels to Putin. Ramla Akhtar's investigations "break open doors" as we say in French. There is no mystery about it. It is disclosed in my bio showed on my website. and
Actually it would be impossible to hide this activism achievement which was reported on all major media from france and other parts of the world (including Russia, of course). Just Google "Bernard Grua Mistral"...…
Moreover, as an activist for peace, it would be a complete non-sense to hide this achivement. With #NoMistralsForPutin I have been at the origin of 80 events in the worlds including 55 demonstrations in 17 countries and 27 cities.
"He tends to attack... Muslim Sunnis". This is again a blattant lie. It is true I am against Taliban and against bloody attacks with faced in France due to extremists. If Akhtar consider them as real Sunni believers, she deserve the fate of these terrorists. Period.
On the opposite, the paper I published about Islam in Northern Pakistan, though it is a sensible question, was never challenged by any, scientist, scholar, Pakistani, Muslim (regardless his sect). Only Ramla Akhtar uses "religion" against me.…
May the Almighty (common to all three monotheistic faiths) punish the kafir miscreant who instruments religion in such a way for hate speech, violence and law of Lynch!
"He (#BernardGrua) tends to attack... Pakistani visitors to the region (Northern Pakistan)". Where is (even distorted) the evidence of such allegation? Where is any of these attacks? From where comes such an allegation except from a xenophobic rabid cyberstalker brain (if any).
There is nothing new in this debunking. Even thru her perverse and mad vision Pakistani Ramla Akhtar knows the truth. Answers have been listed here just because it is the first time, certainly not the last time, that Ramla Akhtar @BestInventoryPR, attach them to #PamirInstitute.
1/10 - Dear Pakistan FIA, cybercrime wing, @CyberCrimeFIA, @FIA_Agency, Ms Ramla Ahtar (born in Faisalabad, former Karachi resident, former Gulmit resident), aka Rmala Aalam, says you are currently investigating her case against me, #BernardGrua, a French citizen from #Nantes
3/10 - They are fully aware of the situation because of these communication and because of the enlightments I keep them informed with. That's good news, @FIA_Agency is, eventually, in charge. #FederalInvestiagationAgency#Cybercrime
@FranceinPak@GruaAbuseArkive@FranceInPak, vous êtes régulièrement spammés par le compte @GruaAbuseArkive tenu par Ramla Akhtar une radicalisée pakistanaise. Il serait judicieux que vous recommandiez à la police pakistanaise de la convoquer. De mon côté, je vous ai plusieurs fois alertés sur sa malveillance
@FranceinPak@GruaAbuseArkive J'ai porté plainte contre cette cyberdélinquante au Pakistan et en France. J'ai saisi l'agence gouvernementale Net Ecoute. Je vous ai informés de mes démarches. J'ai demandé à de multiples reprises a être reçu par la municipalité de @NanteFr, où je réside.…
Il faut lire le commentaire qu'#AndréMarkowicz a écrit sur Facebook le 9 août 2021 au sujet des Bretons indignés par son discours #brittophobe
"oui, c'est bien ça parce qu'on leur abandonne trop de pouvoir en Bretagne que j'ai décidé de parler publiquement".
Il faisait écho à un autre commentaire tout aussi inacceptable produit par #YoannBarbereau, jeune auteur d'origine nantaise, installé à Douarnenez et récemment converti à son idéologie hostile à la Bretagne et aux Bretons.
"Je redis ici ce que j'ai beaucoup dit: ces gens sont petits, petits, dans tous les sens du terme, leur mots parlent contre eux:ils n'ont de pouvoir QUE CELUI QU'ON LEUR ABANDONNE." (#YoannBerbereau, 09/08/2021)
André Markowicz a contré ce texte par une « chronique» sur sa page Facebook, ce jour, le 09/08/2021. Il a eu recours à ses ficelles habituelles, jouissant de son argument d'autorité, de ses confusions malveillantes et du statut de victime qu'il partagerait avec #FrançoiseMorvan.
@WIONews The title of you video is wrong. French patrol boats (much bigger) were at a large distance & did not take part to the protest. The "collision" was between a french fishing and a pleasure Jersey boat owned by Jonathan Ruff.
Jonathan Ruff who runs restaurants and wants to open a casino and strip club Breached "the international regulations to prevent collisions at sea", Ruff changed his direction to place himself in the trajectory of the French fishing boat.… #JerseyBlockade