@WIONews The title of you video is wrong. French patrol boats (much bigger) were at a large distance & did not take part to the protest. The "collision" was between a french fishing and a pleasure Jersey boat owned by Jonathan Ruff.
Jonathan Ruff who runs restaurants and wants to open a casino and strip club Breached "the international regulations to prevent collisions at sea", Ruff changed his direction to place himself in the trajectory of the French fishing boat. mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/f… #JerseyBlockade
...could understand their country was in a nihilist spiral, committing a national suicide. I am surprise this gentleman dares to write such statements, very shocking for Pakistan, though they belong to common sense for most of the external observers. 2/13 #Blasphemy#Islamophobia
I hope he does not put too much his life at risk. Without challenging this great contribution, I would like to add some remarks. #France 🇫🇷 almost totally ignores #Pakistan 🇵🇰. Pakistan is ignorant about France, too.This is not the case for most of the Arabian countries. 3/13
The #ArmenianGenocide 🇦🇲 is a well documented historical fact for 🇪🇺European (including Russia) countries and for the 🇺🇸US. Biden's public position on this issue does not change the whole picture. Though, it might gain him a few extra-supports. theguardian.com/us-news/2021/a…
Biden's position on the #ArmenianGenocide🇦🇲 should probably be seen as an American retaliation for the numerous displeasures 🇺🇸USA have with Erdogan. It is also an acknowledgement that #Turkey 🇹🇷 is not an important and trustable member of #Nato anymore. thearabweekly.com/despite-bidens…
1/ The help from #Pakistan to #India regarding COVID might be directed by 2 intentions. 1. Providing humanitarian relief is a way to assert international position, to show being stronger than the helped party, and to flatter national pride. #indiacovid tribune.com.pk/story/2296498/…
2. Helping a so close neighbor to contain this disaster could also aim to protect the country from contamination and other consequences from the resulting instability it creates.
However, this action could also backfire. #India#pakistanstandwithindia#Pakistan#IndiaNeedsOxygen
2/ Other tweets calling to kill 🇫🇷French ambassador and people in 🇵🇰Pakistan.
Our compatriots should leave and we should terminate any kind of relation with Pakistan as long as it is under this government. @FranceinPak #FranceLeavePakistan#Terrorist_PTI_Gov#TLP_Terrorist
1/12. Ce lundi19 avril 2021, Imran Khan s’est exprimé à la télévision pakistanaise #ImranKhanPTI#Pakistan
Le discours est en Ourdou mais Dawn en a immédiatement donné une présentation dawn.com/news/1619131/p…
2/12. Le PM indique qu’il restera à la tête du combat mondial contre l’islamophobie. Rappelons qu’il a déjà lancé de nombreuses initiatives en ce sens et qu’aucune n’a reçu de réponse, à part stimuler la haine anti-occidentale et plus particulièrement anti-française ainsi que de
3/ 12. ..causer la vague terroriste de l’automne 2020 en France. Le parti pakistanais d’extrême droite TLP, sans que l’on comprenne bien pourquoi, demande le renvoi de l’ambassadeur de France. Ce qui a pour effet de provoquer des émeutes, des destructions et des morts, au...