Fig. 2—Leader Technologies. (Dec. 22, 2021). OPPOSITION TO LEONARD P. STARK to Federal Circuit - Secret “British Patent Pool” / Pilgrims Society / USPTO / Federal Circuit / U.S. Patent Courts corruption. Senate Judiciary Committee.
Table 1: "Three generations of Starks who conspired with the British Pilgrims Society to create and promote the British Patent Pool where HAZELTINE CORPORATION licensed his "neutrodyne" radio receiver technology exclusively through the British Patent Pool ca. 1923."
"In 2010, Leonard P. Stark presided at the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement trial. In that trial, Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies, Inc. proved—on 11 of 11 claims in an epic battle of experts—that Facebook stole its invention of social networking."
See Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Leader Technologies, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., No. 12-617 (U.S. Nov. 16, 2012)