Now let's move on to sports: the whole world is talking about the test certificates of a tennis player right now. #Djokovic
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Novak Đoković is a serbian tennis player who recently entered Australia – without vaccination, but with two PCR test certificates.
A positive test result from December 16th and a negative test result from December 22nd. He is therefore considered to be recovered.
With this he got a special permit to enter the country unvaccinated – but this permit was then considered insufficient when he entered the country. In the meantime, however, a court has allowed him to enter australia.
In cooperation with @SPIEGEL_English, we took a look at the court documents and tried to understand the technical details. 🕵️
In Serbia PCR test results are managed through a central test result registry. After the test, you get a test certificate with a QR code. Scanning this will take you to the test registry website where you can validate the test.
However, the website itself contains only parts of the information of the paper certificate: The name of the person tested, the test result, and a test number.
So it is not possible to check when someone was tested with the help of the test result page.
Because we like to look at URLs, we did the same in this case. 🔎
There is one exciting detail that stands out right away: There is a code in the URL that starts with a Unix timestamp.
Unix timestamps are a standard to represent points in time. It is the number of seconds since 1/1/1970 at midnight. So the current time is: 1641903476, which is about 1.6 billion seconds since the beginning of "unix time".
The timestamp in the certificate URL (1640187792) can also be converted to a human-readable time. In the negative test of December 22nd the timestamp and the date in the test certificate match.
For #Djokovics positive PCR test, which according to the court document was evaluated on December 16, the timestamp (1640524880) is from … 🥁 … December 26. Wait, that doesn't seem right 🤔
There is also a "confirmation code" on the test result page. We were able to find some more tests and found that the first part of this code is an ascending test ID and corresponds approximately to the number of PCR tests reported for Serbia at that time.
But something is wrong with #Djokovics positive PCR test result: the test ID of the positive test (7371999) from Dec. 16 is larger than that of the negative test from Dec. 22 (7320919). The test that was supposedly performed earlier was therefore entered into the system later 🤔
And also if we look at the test numbers reported by Serbia on…, in period from 16/12 to 22/12 about 75,000 tests were performed - but the test IDs of #Djokovic differ only by 50,000.
This number fits much better if we believe the timestamp and assume 12/26 as the date of the positive test: Because between 12/22 and 12/26 about 50,000 tests were reported (…) – thus fitting many to the documents at hand.
But there seems to be more wrong with these test results
And the inconsistencies also exists in them. The confirmation codes are ascending, so the result from the 16th should have a lower number than the one from 22nd. However, it is the other way around.
Kommen wir nun zum Sport: Die ganze Welt spricht gerade über die Testzertifikate eines Tennisspielers. #Djokovic
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Es geht um Novak Đoković. Der ist kürzlich nach Australien eingereist. Ohne Impfung, dafür mit zwei PCR-Testzertifikaten.
Einem positiven Testergebnis vom 16. Dezember und einem negativen Testergebnis vom 22. Dezember. Er gilt demnach als Genesen.
Damit hat er eine Sondergenehmigung bekommen, um auch ungeimpft einreisen zu dürfen – die dann bei der Einreise aber als nicht ausreichend angesehen wurde.
Mittlerweile hat ein Gericht jedoch entschieden, dass er erstmal einreisen darf.
Aus dem Lagebericht des @BSI_Bund ergibt sich, dass wir wohl ein Drittel der CVD-Fälle beim @certbund im Berichtszeitraum zu verantworten haben 😇
Danke für die gute Zusammenarbeit 🤝
@BSI_Bund@certbund This! Viele Unternehmen haben keinen klaren Security-Kontakt auf ihrer Website. Wir empfehlen allen Unternehmen, eine security.txt ( bereitzustellen 🧑💻📧
PSA vom @BSI_Bund: Nicht gehackt zu werden ist auch gut für den Fortbestand deines Unternehmens 📈🤠
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Damit kann eigentlich niemand einen Audit machen, der eine Spendenseite hat, denn das könnten kommerzielle Zwecke sein. Da die nicht-private Nutzung ausgeschlosen ist, ist auch unklar, ob unabhängige Organisationen so etwas machen können.
Wenn jemand einen Audit macht und etwas findet, dürfte man keine Code-Schnipsel zeigen.