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"#Verstand und #Herz" ist, was #Djokovic dem Publikum zeigt.
Er gewinnt 2023 die Australian Open, nachdem er 2022 ausgeschlossen wurde.
Djokovic besiegte seinen Gegner Stefanos Tsitsipas in 3 Sätzen: 6-3, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (5) und gewann damit seinen 10. Titel bei den #AustralianOpen.
Gebt NICHT dem ärztlichen Zwang nach.

Steht für das ein, woran ihr glaubt.


Aryna #Sabalenka, die aufgrund ihrer Herkunft 🇧🇾für Wimbledon gesperrt war, nach ihrem Triumph bei den #AustralianOpen, wo sie als "neutrale" Athletin antreten MUSSTE, um überhaupt antreten zu können:
"Ich denke, jeder weiß immer noch, dass ich eine #belarussischeSpielerin bin."
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La finale #Djokovic/#Tsitsipas.
Que je n'ai pas regardée.
Parce que je savais que ce serait- une fois encore, une fois de trop peut-être- ça.
15 (QUINZE?!!!) ans après sa 1ère victoire à l'@AustralianOpen contre 1 joueur désormais à la retraite depuis 1 an, #Djokovic expédie sans coup férir pour la énième fois 1 joueur de tennis plus jeune de 11 ans. Et où en serait- on sans les aléas pandémiques? #AusOpen
Que ce soit #Djokovic ou #Nadal, sur leurs surfaces de prédilection respectives, ils ont acquis, sauf blessure ou aléa, 1 telle emprise mentale et accumulé 1 telle richesse démultipliant leurs capacités de préparation physique (caisson etc.) que l'incertitude a 1 peu disparu...3/
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Nel #Giornodellamemoria vi ricordo che in nome de #lascienza avete transennato giostre all'aperto impedendo ai bimbi di giocarci (segue)
Sempre in nome de #lascienza avete sguinzagliato poliziotti stile #chips col quad per impedire che una persona se ne stesse a prendere il sole in spiaggia da sola (segue)
Sempre in nome de #lascienza usavate i droni per localizzare i runner che facevano jogging sulla spiaggia (segue)
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Je n'ai pas été injecté pour 1 raison et aucune théorie du complot

Je n'étais pas vulnérable, j'avais 0,03% de risque de tomber malade sévèrement
Et PAS de garantie de ne pas être vecteur si vacciné
J'ai utilisé la logique de base et le bon sens
J’ai alors assumé ce choix
Ainsi d’un point de vu professionnel cela a été une décision lourde puisque 80% de mon activité se passait aux USA, qui obligent à être vacciné pour s’y rendre
Ou dans des foires, qui imposaient cela également

Plus le battage était intensif moins j’ai voulu y céder
Aujourd’hui ici et ailleurs, je croise ceux qui se vantent d’avoir eu de faux passes facilement, car c’était leur seule option (?) et ceux qui n’ont pas eu le choix

Certains l’ont fait pr suivre un traitement, visiter des proches ou par solidarité avec leurs enfants, contraints
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Oh? Well here's what #Djokovic fans don't understand: (1) Why you & Clarey--successful, privileged sportswriters & commentators w big platforms--feel the need to taunt Novak fans on a day when we're so disappointed & trying to rally each other. /1
We're just ordinary people. Grocery clerks, teachers, bus drivers, nurses. Some have the means to travel to tournaments; the vast majority don't. Our lives have been enriched by our favorite player we follow w enthusiasm. T/o the year, over & over, he gives us joy. /2
His tennis soothes a sore back, a hard day of dealing with a snotty customer, grief from a painful loss, the boredom of recovering from surgery. It brightens a weekend when the kid's failing algebra or the ex missed another child support check. /3
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New CDC guidelines say “prevention recommendations no longer differentiate based on a person’s vaccination status" & finally acknowledge natural immunity gained by infection.

So WHY does policy still discriminate against the unvaxxed?
Is it any wonder the public is confused and mistrusts those proclaiming that these health decisions are based only on "the science"?
Despite the CDC changes, tennis star Novak Djokovic- a finalist last year at the US Open- STILL isn't be able to enter the US to play because he has not been vaccinated!

These arbitrary "rules" are guided by politics, not by science
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Vous vous souvenez de #Nadal condamnant #Djokovic lors du tournoi de Melbourne parce que #Djokovic n'était pas vacciné, et que l'Australie exige de ses habitants d'être vaccinés pour sortir de chez soi, travailler et avoir une vie sociale.
Et que #Djokovic non vacciné n'avait pas pu participer au tournoi du grand chelem et avait été expulsé d'Australie. #Nadal grand pote de Bill Gates, avait reproché à #Djokovic de ne pas respecter les règles: if you want to play, you should get vaccinated.
Pendant que #Djokovic qui a refusé de s'injecter n'importe quelle merde dans son corps, continue à jouer au tennis, #Nadal est forcé de prendre sa retraite anticipée. Il est perclus de douleurs qui vont et viennent de façon imprévisible.
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[A LA UNE A 20H]
Vladimir #Poutine va reconnaître l'indépendance des régions séparatistes prorusses de l'est de l'Ukraine, a annoncé le Kremlin, ce qui risque de mettre le feu aux poudres au moment où les Occidentaux redoutent une offensive russe de grande ampleur #AFP 1/5
[A LA UNE A 20H]
Faisant fi des critiques, le Premier ministre britannique Boris Johnson a annoncé la fin de l'isolement obligatoire pour les cas positifs au #Covid_19 dès jeudi en Angleterre, mesure clef et controversée de sa stratégie pour vivre avec le Covid #AFP 2/5
[A LA UNE A 20H]
Le Premier ministre du Canada Justin Trudeau a affirmé que l'état d'urgence du pays "n'était pas terminé", au lendemain d'un week-end sous haute tension durant lequel la police a repris le contrôle de la capitale Ottawa #AFP 3/5
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Wir werden gerade Zeugen des Komplettversagens des #Journalismus in Europa. Kein einziges Medium, nicht eines, macht sich die Mühe, dem Quantenresonanzgeschwurbel des angeblichen Biotech-Unternehmens von #Djokovic auf den Zahn zu fühlen.
Stattdessen Spekulationen über Djokovics Motive. Gegründet wurde das Unternehmen von der serbischen Biomedizin-Ingenieurin Irena Cosic, lange Zeit Professorin an der School of Electrical and Computer Engineering der Monash University.
Ihr RRM-Konzept (Resonant Recognition Model) wurde bislang nur in entlegenen Zeitschriften publiziert und blieb ohne Widerhall in der Virologie, Molekularbiologie oder Biochemie.
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Now #Djokovic is gone the next tennis story will be Margret Court happens every year. People don’t want to strip her name from the tennis arena because they don’t agree with her.
It’s because of the impact her ill-informed words have on those they’re aimed toward, the divisiveness and unbelievable hurt they’ve caused and continue to cause damage this time every year.
Sporting venues are named for athletes for one reason  the person’s “whole body of work who they are as human beings.”
Not even her sporting-great halo or pastor’s collar could protect her from what she continues to unleash nor should it.
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Basta con observar los comentarios en RRSS sobre el tema #Djokovic de la mayoría de españoles para determinar que:

- gran parte de la población es incapaz de exigir que se cumpla la legalidad en España, pero se rasga las vestiduras para que otro estado haga cumplir su ley.
- "que las normas están para cumplirse" cuando aquí tenemos gobernantes que se saltan y se saltaron la CE, y siguen en el cargo. Y cuando diariamente cientos de inmigrantes ilegales llegan a nuestras costas, sin pasaportes, ni vacunas, ni nada de nada, y no son deportados.
- que gran parte de españoles se llena la boca con "dictadura y fascismo", y lo ven en todos lados menos en ellos mismos y en sus actitudes. Luego van proclamando la tolerancia, el respeto, la no discriminación...
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With this decision, the medico-totalitarian Australian government, both in legislative & judicial forms, has placed itself beyond the boundaries of civilised society.
Utter disgrace.…
Abundantly clear that Djokovic has been targeted & punished, not b/c he is healthy & infection-free but just unvaccinated, but b/c he's thereby a dissenter who threatens to undermine the legitimacy of the entire medico-totalitarian regime.
What a s**thole Australia's become.
And there's the proof.
"Mr Djokovic’s ongoing presence in Australia may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment generated in the Australian community"
In other words: "Dissenting opinion will not be tolerated."
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Termina una vicenda indecorosa. Il governo australiano ha provato a mettere una pezza allo scivolone formale e sostanziale dell'Australian Open con una sentenza politica che, nel non addentrarsi troppo nelle "sviste" commesse dal clan #Djokovic, sembra persino fargli un favore.
Il procedimento non ha riguardato la domanda di esenzione fuori tempo massimo, ha considerato solo in parte l'errore di compilazione del form di ingresso in Australia e ha sorvolato anche sull'orrendo sospetto messo nero su bianco dal Der Spiegel...
...che ha insinuato che a metà dicembre Djokovic si sarebbe fabbricato una finta positività al Covid apposta per essere presente a Melbourne, dal momento che il numero di serie del secondo tampone era più basso di quello del primo tampone positivo.
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All of this #Djokovic circus has gotten me thinking about the last few years, and why we are where we are today in this pandemic. When we could have potentially been in a better place, with more tools, more protection, and more people still with us. A brief 🧵
The dissemination of inaccurate information online is not something new. The anti-vaccine movement is not new. Celebrities and "medical pundits" trying to repackage snake oil as "all natural cures for all that ail you" are not new. So what is new?…
In the last 100 yrs, there has never been an airborne respiratory pathogen, that has impacted every single country and person on the planet simultaneously so significantly. Never, in 100 yrs, has it been more important for science, evidence, facts to ➡️decision making and policy.
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I’m just catching up now on the #Djokovic happenings from earlier today. Some quick thoughts below. This 🧵 is on where the legal proceedings are at & Immigration Minister Hawke’s cancellation decision. I’ll update or make another one on the parties’ arguments.
Here’s where we stand so far: The matter is now before the Federal Court. Djokovic’s legal team got their submissions in this morning. The Minister is supposed to respond by 10pm tonight - so not long to go.
There was a directions hearing this morning before a single judge, Justice O’Callaghan. The purpose of this was to figure out what happens next. The main hearing will be at 9.30 tomorrow (AEST). It’ll be heard by a full court of 3 judges.
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Visa cancellation take 2! Australian Immigration Minister Alex Hawke has decided to cancel #Djokovic’s visa again. Hawke is cancelling the visa using personal powers granted to him under s 133C(3) of the Migration Act. You can find his statement here:…
S 133C(3) allows Hawke to cancel a visa if he is satisfied that a ground for cancelling it exists under s 116 of the Act, and he is also satisfied that cancellation would be in the public interest.
S 116 is the same ground that the original ABF officer at Tullamarine Airport drew on to cancel Djokovic’s visa.

As you may remember, the ABF officer’s decision to cancel was quashed by Judge Kelly in the Federal Circuit Court on Monday.
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KARMA—Djokovic just had his visa revoked for a 2nd time. Australia’s immigration minister said he was canceling Djokovic’s visa after a federal investigation had revealed that Djokovic provided false information to border officials. 🤦🏻‍♂️Just #vaccinate man.…
2) Australia’s immigration minister, Alex Hawke, said in a statement that he was canceling Djokovic’s visa on the grounds of “health and good order,” adding that it was in the public interest to do so.
3) A federal investigation led by Hawke had revealed that Djokovic provided false information on the documents he gave to border officials when he tried to enter the country last week.
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I am sharing this again since I think it’s important and it’s being a little bit lost in this discussion.
I find it very frustrating that Djokovic - please see above - is getting more scrutiny for his "water purifying" views than his nationalism, especially with the political situation in Bosnia as it is now. I get it, the outlandish stuff is funny, but we can't ignore the above.
As I was saying to friends yesterday - it's very easy, because we watch sport for escapism, to let some of its most grim aspects go under the radar. Look at this story involving nationalism and Luka Modrić:…
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Dokumente werfen Fragen auf. Wurde der PCR-Test von Djokovic gefälscht?
HaHaHa Leute jetzt mal im ernst. Selbstverständlich ist der Test gefälscht. Zufällig 1Monat vor den Open, ist er zum 2x Genesen.Bei uns auf dem Balkan gibt es alles für ein paar €.…
Ich werde nie vergessen, wie ein Verwandter einfach so einen kroatischen Angelschein in die Hand gedrückt bekommen hat.
Er ist der größte Sportler in der Geschichte Serbiens. Er kennt dort jeden, der was zu sagen hat.
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Now let's move on to sports: the whole world is talking about the test certificates of a tennis player right now. #Djokovic

🧵 Thread 🧵
Novak Đoković is a serbian tennis player who recently entered Australia – without vaccination, but with two PCR test certificates.
A positive test result from December 16th and a negative test result from December 22nd. He is therefore considered to be recovered.
With this he got a special permit to enter the country unvaccinated – but this permit was then considered insufficient when he entered the country. In the meantime, however, a court has allowed him to enter australia.
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Kommen wir nun zum Sport: Die ganze Welt spricht gerade über die Testzertifikate eines Tennisspielers. #Djokovic

🧵 Thread 🧵
Es geht um Novak Đoković. Der ist kürzlich nach Australien eingereist. Ohne Impfung, dafür mit zwei PCR-Testzertifikaten.
Einem positiven Testergebnis vom 16. Dezember und einem negativen Testergebnis vom 22. Dezember. Er gilt demnach als Genesen.
Damit hat er eine Sondergenehmigung bekommen, um auch ungeimpft einreisen zu dürfen – die dann bei der Einreise aber als nicht ausreichend angesehen wurde.
Mittlerweile hat ein Gericht jedoch entschieden, dass er erstmal einreisen darf.
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1. So, #Novax #Djokovic's family held a press conference, claiming the anti-vax tennis player was fighting for "personal choice".

Funny, I thought that this was about him fighting to be able to play in the #AustralianOpen.
2. But when the family was asked specifically about #Djokovic's public appearances on December 17th, the day after he found out he was COVID+ (FOR THE SECOND TIME!!!)...

Oh, well then, the family didn't want the attention of cameras anymore and adjourned the press conference.
3. It seems that the family has a distinct preference for unilateral communication during which they talk AT us.
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#Djokovic ha avuto un piccolo assaggio di quello che i rifugiati vivono da anni a causa delle vergognose politiche del governo australiano. 1/3
Tutta questa vicenda ha avuto un lato positivo e cioè quello di accendere i riflettori sul terribile trattamento riservato a persone che hanno solo cercato riparo sulle coste australiane. 2/3
Persone fuggite da alcuni dei luoghi più pericolosi del mondo. Hanno diritto alla libertà, alla sicurezza e a un futuro migliore. Hanno bisogno del nostro aiuto 3/3
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Gira tra i #novax la bizzarra teoria per cui siccome #Djokovic ha dato "tanti soldi in benefcienza" allora l'#Australia non può dirgli nulla. Immaginiamo che un Tizio vada a casa di un novax. Tizio arriva, gli sfonda la porta, gli molesta la moglie, gli manda un figlio (continua)
in ospedale, gli sfonda la TV a calci, comincia a defecare sull'insalata appena pronta e ingozza il padrone di casa col cibo appena lordato, si pulisce il sedere col corredo della povera nonna morta dopo aver dipinto i baffi sull'unico ritratto della stessa per ridere (continua),
trova la suocera in carrozzella e la spintona giù dalle scale del sesto piano per fare un video col cellulare che caricherà su #YouTube col titolo "La nuova Corazzata #Potemkin, #LOL".
Prima di allontanarsi stacca un assegno da un miliardo di euro, e dice al padrone (continua)
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