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13 Jan, 178 tweets, 63 min read
First Fresno City Council meeting of 2022! Election of Nelson Esparza as President; Homeless Advocates worried about two Consent Agenda items regarding limits on access (1-D) as well as fines on property owners for cleanup(1-FF);Several WORKSHOPS:Utility Rates;Homeless Services
Update on Transform Fresno projects and the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Grant.
Among the Consent Calendar items:1-C Actions pertaining to the expansion of the Litigation Unit in the City Attorney's Office: 1. ***RESOLUTION - Adopt the 5th Amendment to the Position .
Authorization Resolution ("PAR") No. 2021-179, adding three full-time positions of Senior Paralegal, Paralegal, and Executive Assistant in the City Attorney's Office (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
1-D Ordinance (for introduction) - Amending Administrative Abatement, FMC section 10-616, to clarify limits on access to restricted areas where abatements are taking place.
1-G Actions related to an Amendment to a Lease and Agreement of City-owned land at the Fresno-Clovis Regional Wastewater Reclamation Facility (RWRF) (Council District 3): 1. Adopt a finding of Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301/Class 1of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 2. Approve a Fifth Amendment to the Lease and Agreement between the City of Fresno and James Cook, an individual, for 485 acres of City-owned land at the RWRF revising acreage for APN 327-030-22s from 127 acres to 36 acres for the remaining three
one-year extensions and adjusting the total leased acreage to 394 acres at $189,908 per year.
1-J Award a construction contract to Clean Cut Landscape Incorporated, of Clovis, California, in the amount of $3,278,014.60 for the Department of Transportation Fresno Area Express' High-Frequency Network Bus Stop Improvement project along Shaw and Cedar Avenues and authorize
the Director of Transportation or designee, to execute all related documents. Bids will expire on January 26, 2022
1-K RESOLUTION - Finding good cause and clear and convincing benefit to vary from the Request for Proposals process outlined in the Fresno Municipal Code Section 4-204 relating to the disposition of real surplus property APN 507-030-48ST (Herndon & Brawley) (Council District 2)
1-N Approve the purchase of a new access control system in the amount of $612,200 to Johnson Controls Inc., for the replacement of the City's current system. Bid File No. 3813. The City of Fresno’s (City) Information Services Department (ISD) administers and maintains the
City’s access control system. This system controls access to controlled doors and gates across the City. Currently the system is used at twelve sites and controls over 254 doors and gates. This has been in place since 2009 and it no longer meets the City’s needs. Recommendations
received from a security review of City Hall, have prompted ISD to solicit proposals for a replacement system. Working with major stakeholders ISD developed a list of requirements for the design, procurement, installation of, and migration to a replacement system.
1-P Adopt the 12th Amendment to FY 2022 Salary Resolution No. 2021-176, amending "Exhibit 8, Unit 8, Non-Represented effective January 1, 2022," to adjust the salary range for the Intern classification from a maximum of $17.00 per hour to a maximum of $19.00 per hour
1-Q Actions pertaining to supplemental Emergency Solutions Grant funding provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Community Development Office of Community Planning and Development (HUD CPD) to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus: 1. Approve an Agreement
with the Housing Authority City of Fresno (FHA) to provide a functioning Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) in the amount of $56,000. 2. Approve an Agreement with the Marjaree Mason Center (MMC) for the operation of a Temporary Emergency Shelter in the amount of …
$300,000. 3. Approve an Agreement with the Poverello House for the operation of a Village of Hope I - Temporary Emergency Shelter in the amount of $237,377.28. 4. Approve Services Agreements with the Elevate Community Services (Elevate), a 501(c)(3) non-profit, to operate the
Ambassador Inn and Villa Motel as temporary low-barrier emergency homeless shelters in the total amount of $1,256,368.33. 5. Approve an Agreement with University of California.
1-R Adopting submission of Substantial Amendment 2020-03 to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan and authorizing submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to reprogram $4,181,189.24in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from
prior year CDBG project savings and repayments (Subject to Mayor's Veto).
1-S &Approve Fourth Amendment to the Consultant Services Agreement, dated January 2, 2019, with Blair, Church, and Flynn Consulting Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $55,400, increasing the total contract amount to $268,179.72, for the Midtown Fresno Trail Project on the north
bank of the Mill Ditch along McKinley Avenue from Millbrook Avenue to Clovis Avenue @mmwpro63
1-T Approve a Cooperative Purchase Agreement with Shade Structures, Inc. dba USA SHADE & Fabric Structures, Inc. of Dallas, TX in the amount of $297,750.59 to supply and install new cloth fabric shades for the Woodward Park Amphitheater Shade Structure project
1-U Approve an agreement with O'Dell Engineering in the amount of $249,400 with a contingency amount not to exceed $15,000 for the design and preparation of construction documents for the South Tower Park; and the conceptual design of the San Pablo/HWY 180 Park Renovations and
the Ted C. Wills Soccer Fields project @kieltls
1-BB Annual Review and Acceptance of the FY 2021 Summary of Impact Fee Waivers.
1-CC Approve the appointments of Robert Nielsen, Danae Garza, and Denise Duerksen-Nemeroff to the District 6 Project Review Committee.
1-DD Directing staff to prepare an agreement between the City of Fresno and San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District regarding notification&processing procedures for applications within South Central Fresno community as defined in the Central South Fresno CERP pursuant AB 617
1-EE Amending Response to Covid-19 Emergency, FMC section 2-514, to remove moratorium on commercial eviction Sponsored by Karbassi
1-FF Ordinance (for introduction) - Amending Unlawful Dumping, FMC section 10-611, to apply to illegal use of land.Arias and Chavez
1-GG Approve the appointment of Christine Miktarian to the Fresno EIFD Public Financing Authority.
1-HH Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno and Fresno Revitalization Corporation (FRC) consider adopting: 1. RESOLUTION - Approving the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule 22-23
5-A CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: Grizzlies Stadium; Negotiating Parties: City Manager, Fresno Sports and Events, LLC.; Under Negotiations: Price and terms of lease.
5-B CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - DECIDING WHETHER TO INITIATE LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2) Case Name: City of Fresno v. Fresno Sports and Events, LLC.
CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: UMC Campus; Negotiating Parties: City Manager, County of Fresno; Under Negotiations: Price and terms of sale.
Watch live beginning at 9 am @CMACTV Watch live at 9 am on CMAC
Meeting beginning at 9:17. New employee Booker T Lewis with invocation says @LuisCha70215912
1-T continued;1-BB and 1-DD to January 27;Arias will add 1-R amendment to it;Moved to Contested 1-D,1-I,1-J,1-L,1-Q by Arias 1-AA by Arias and Maxwell and 1-Y by Bredefeld. Bredefeld asks Maxwell why he is pulling new Sunshade at Woodward Park item? Maxwell says he wants a week
to see what Administration's goal is for outdoor parks and Covid. City Manager : if we can get this order in the queque and discuss more while it is in transit? Arias:pulls 1-V too Chavez recuses himself from 5-C due to being close to his home
@LisaYFlores1 Speaking on the success of Zoom Council meetings and hopes it continues.@LovesMercy Zoom has been helpful during the pandemic and a wonderful resource.Gives more access to Council meetings. Heather Parish:Asks Council to protect Tower District. Chavez
reminds her this is only on the Zoom item at this time. @GarryBredefeld I will continue to vote NO on this item and we need to rescind all orders like this. We are going on 2 years with vaccine passports; lockdowns, masking and needs to end.Chavez:this is only in regards to Zoom
Election of Council President and Vice President. @Esmeralda_Soria Nominates @D7Esparza and @Maxwell4Fresno Vice President for 2022. Bredefeld votes NO.
Esparza thanks his colleagues other than Garry. Thanks Chavez for all his work the past year. We have done a lot this past year for economic growth. Demand for housing stock and protect the current stock. This Council showed it can tackle the pandemic while passing policies.
Thanks his colleagues and Esparza. We now have a 31 and 30 year olds as President and VP! He lists items he would like Council to do this coming year. He would like professional demeanor , civil and comfortable not having to hear our voices all the time.
Very JFK-esque of you Maxwell says Esparza @D7Esparza Chavez and Esparza come down to dais for the gifts for outgoing president Chavez. Captains Hat for his top flight service! Chavez says the "old guys" (Arias and Chavez" handled the pandemic and now time to hand it over to the
youngsters with the Millenels in charge he jokes. Chavez says he is now taking flight lessons as Esparza hands him a jet model. @GarryBredefeld Chavez did a great job running the council and worked with Administration. Chavez always provided information when needed. Chavez jokes
"now Bredefeld can stop texting him at 1 am." That will continue says Bredefeld! @kmkarbassi gives a flight jacket to Chavez. @Esmeralda_Soria I know how hard being a council President behind the scenes. Thank you for landing those planes and help Esparza land those planes too.
@MayorJerryDyer There is a lot of hard work behind the scenes and Chavez is a "master sausage maker"! Chavez says he hopefully can help President Esparza lose his dad body like he did.Hands Esparza the gavel!
Arias makes motion to appoint Bredefeld to Congressional District 22 he jokes. Election of Chair and Vice Chair to the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Fresno Arias and Soria elected with Bredefeld voting NO.
Proclamation for "National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month" Esparza:this is a National issue but especially in Fresno.Eveyln Gonzalez and other partners including Mayor Dyer. City of Fresno is ahead of many cities in fighting it. Breaking the Chains rep thanks City
Shaw and Blackstone next Tuesday they will be bringing awareness to this issue beginning at 6 am. Next: this will bring a voice to those on the margins.Espazra:these people are victims and not criminals. Dyer:i was on board of Breaking the Chains.No family is immune
I have seen girls from both rich and poor families. We have a high concentration of trafficked girls in Fresno due to runaways.
Council Reports:Sihk Women are sponsoring free vaccinations for Covid and Flu 11-2 pm. @MiguelArias_D3 EV charging stations have been installed in parking lot. Some staff at home working due to Covid are still working for the people of Fresno. Parks just keeps moving forward!
Light Poles along Fulton St have been damaged as well as poor lighting. There are many tree wells that have irrigation but no trees. We need those replaced (and some have). We have doubled maintenance of trees
Basic infrastructure in Brewery District is damaged. American Rescue Plan has money for that. A business owner will sponsor the a sight for a trash compactor.This will help prevent the trash being spread out by homeless. I have found out repalcing a light pole is difficult. Also
MLK March this Monday Morning. Also a Beautify Fresno event in March. @LuisCha70215912 Increase in new Covid variant. People want to be tested. County has a website where people can get 10 free kits. Lines everywhere. Want to ask our subcommittee on how we can deal with it.
Clovis Unified went back to school after the break one week earlier than Fresno USD and are now seeing Covid outbreaks.@GarryBredefeld Kashian family donated money for new Animal Shelter that will be open this April. Focus on rescue operations. I have heard we City of Fresno will
be totally in charge July 1st. We are working with SPCA to extend 3 months until we get our trucks delivered.We will be in charge other than SPCA delivery of animals by their trucks. Bredefeld:a $20 million dollar facility.
@Maxwell4Fresno It was beneficial to see Chavez's leadership this past year and thanks him. I have been in office one year now. I am proud of the work we have done for District 4. Zero Fare bus; exclusive agreement with developers removed; smoke free apartments; eviction pro-
-tection that will help decrease homeless;Advanced Peace fully funded. Common sense policies for families this coming year. More invested into roads. We had a slow month in December but inaugural Toy Drive was a success.400 toys were donated!PAL was fiscal agent. Fashion Fair and
Parnini's helped sponsor. Toys went to Norseman Elementary students and Marjoree Mason Center. @D7Esparza Happy New Year! A light reception at City Hall at 5:30 tonight. Come on out! masks required and doors will be open for Covid reason. Thanks Chavez for helping to teach me
on the roles of Council President.Please come out to MLK march this Monday beginning at St. John's Cathedral. Covid has gotten worse. 1% of City's staff is getting sick. @MayorJerryDyer We will be bringing forth our American Rescue Plan soon and will be heavy on infrastructure.
Also Mid-year review will occur. Housing Strategy for Fresno will be brought forth. We are 36,000 homes short. City Manager: Cannabis appeals will occur in February. Also SAFER Grant for firefighters will occur in February.
Public Comment for Consent, Contested Consent and Unscheduled comments. Esparaza: People can participate by Zoom, phone and in person. I will alternate what device is selected. 3 minutes each. Cindy Palmino:Grave concerns from a resident at Turning Point hotel. A staff and
security kicked in the door in the night. Door was not fixed or another room was provided. The female resident had to leave due to that.There are many issues at Turning Point places. 1-D will prevent us to comfort these people.
@heatherdparish I am a Tower Resident. We want Codes enforced at Tower Theater. It has been a year. The surrounding businesses are asked to abide by codes so it should for theaters and churches.
Ed Howard:There is a drastic need for homeless advocates. Opposed to 1-D and 1-FF
Robert McCloskey:We need the warming centers open even when it is 40 degrees. I know the cutoff is 38 degrees. It is still cold at 40! Yesterday a misleading notice was given asking homeless to move their personal items before City trash came to pick up tents etc.Chronic Homeless
is prevented by more housing. 1-FF punishes property owners with a heart. Yoenis Paulo:Thanks the councilmembers who met with him. I understand homelessness from as a kid and in college. Veterans need help. We need to keep people in their homes. Food drives need to continue.
Andrea: This Council has failed to ensure equal enforcing the Adventure Church zones. They have not asked for an ordinance. Please ask City Staff to investigate this variance.Codes are fully applied to other businesses. Just because this is a church it should not matter.
Adventure Church has brought more harm to Tower than any good. Dez Martinez:Safe exits need to be defined. Teresa has been transferred to 4 shelters. All four could count that as a transfer. Also drug test the employees at these shelters. If you do many will have to quit.
Masks have to be worn at all time so staff there need to as well. Bed bug zappers have to be purchased. Turning Point saved money by keeping the old box springs. Resident Teresa would not open the door and staff kicked it in. We just had a Vet freeze to death.
Gerald Bill:1-D is designed to harass homeless advocates. 1-FF broadens the term illegal property use. This will hurt those trying to help homeless. The city cannot house all homeless. They need help
10 AM Appearance by Clifford Dorsey to discuss banning styrofoam takeout containers within the City of Fresno (County Resident).
Styrofoam takes up a lot of space in a landfill. Much of the other waste will degrade. But not styrofoam. We need to reduce the use of styrofoam.
Council needs to restrict styrofoam containers and cups at restaurants. There are alternatives. Other California cities have done so. It can cause cancer if food stored in it. Restaurants have alternatives.
@LisaYFlores1 Betty White can be honored by donating to animal shelters. I will be donating to Halo Pet Pantry and Humane Shelter where i got my dog. Environmental Justice element needs to be added to planning process.Otherwise we keep environmental racism continues. Overlay
is really about South Specific Plan and Elm St. That area has long been a place for toxic chemicals. Tower Theater:what laws can I violate if Adventure Church gets to ? Just the haves?
@LisaYFlores1 10 AM Appearance by Rudy Chavez to discuss apartment management accountability and enforcement for utility bills on apartments in which rooms are individually leased, with shared spaces (District 4). I have been homeless. Only apartment i had a choice near Fresno State and told
I would have a roommate. He is not sharing the PGE costs and he jokes he is squatting at the apartment. @Maxwell4Fresno Thank you for speaking to us. 100s of students are probably facing homelessness. Please speak to my staff. We have made a housing projects for City College and
I hope to do the same for Fresno State.Rudy:some apartments split the PGE bills for the roommates. Nancy Waidtlow:I am against 1-D and 1-FF. We need these volunteer advocates.I have been working with homeless for years.NW PD substation parking lot was left behind. It has running
water still. It would be a good spot for those sleeping in their cars currently. Other cities do similar. Fernando: I was here first but you put me last. That is part of the systemic racism. We need to help the homeless by providing trash cans. They will use it! SOS=Stuck on
Stupid. Maxwell is the only one who ever engaged with me in 3 years. Shar Thompson:Challenges to get a hold of and get approved by CBOs. I was finally approved. I won't be able to pay my rent due to my son not being able to go to daycare. Continue the moratorium.
Jessica Ramirez:with @FaithInFresno (sound issues) Please listen to the community to know how the money should be spent. Rent Control: I have experienced it due to covid causing me to lose my job.I need more time to get hired.
Lance Cruz:Please revisit Safe Exit terminology, Opposed to 1-D and 1-FF. Housing fist! Housing First! Haley White @junkyardqueenie epidemic of housing. Please listen to the advocates. Stop criminalization of homelessness. Tower District needs to enforce its coding laws. A rezone
is needed.Maybe City is saving money by waiting for one of the two sides to give in.Alexandra Alvarado: of @FaithInFresno People have nowhere to go.We need to protect their housing.Fresno State students have housing issues. Don't require people to now pay back their back rent.
1-D Homeless advocates need to be able to access. Otherwise lawsuits will occur.Melonie: Prioritize zoning rights in Tower District:Karla Martinez @LCJandA 1/3 of income goes to rent for many. Rent Stabilization programs needed.Instead of helping we are punishing those in need.
@laurasplotch We need to hold the Council and City accountable for the issue of Tower Districts. PD complain about having to be out there. Tower is a place for the "weird" and I am an advocates. Need to hold zoning rules.@LovesMercy Brandi:1-D and 1-FF are introductions but I
want to show how this can do more harm than good. Homeless need advocates and those that know them. Focus on those taking advantage of people in rentals. I appreciate allowing people to Zoom in to Council!
Balance of Agenda passes. 10 AM #3 &HEARING to consider the vacation of East Townsend Avenue, South Garden Avenue, and East Heaton Avenue, lying west of South Winery Avenue in Tract Number 1552 - Campus Homesites (Council District 5) 1. ***RESOLUTION - Ordering the vacation of
East Townsend Avenue, South Garden Avenue, and East Heaton Avenue, lying west of South Winery Avenue. Erika Kruse: opposed to 1-D and 1-FF (she was late to Public Comments). APPROVED
10 AM #4 &&&&Actions pertaining to amendments to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to Add, Adjust, or Delete Various Fees: 1. HEARING to Consider Adoption of the 566th Amendment to the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 to Add, Adjust, or Delete Various
Development Fees Associated with the Current Planning, Building and Safety Services Divisions of the Planning and Development Department (Citywide) 2. ***RESOLUTION -566th Amendment the Master Fee Schedule Resolution No. 80-420 Making Various Changes to the Regulatory, 3.
Development, and User Fees in the Current Planning, Building and Safety Services, and Divisions of the Planning and Development Department. (Subject to Mayor's Veto)
If approved this can be added to overall report says Fierro. @MiguelArias_D3 An elderly resident was charged for a free fire detector. I don't see that on the list. Fierro: I will need to research for when that went into being.Fire Chief Donis:this was accidentally
coded for False Alarms. APPROVED 6-0
1-D Ordinance (for introduction) - Amending Administrative Abatement, FMC section 10-616, to clarify limits on access to restricted areas where abatements are taking place.@Maxwell4Fresno Asks City Attorney Sloan about his concerns. Sloan:Code already states it is illegal to stay
out of an abatement project. Homeless advocates can be there in early stages but once heavy equipment is brought in. Attorney's Office has discretion when to fine and we respond to Council. Maxwell asks for this to be continued until January 27 meeting. Chavez:I also want to
make sure our staff has their safety protected too. We need to be sure the advocates don't get so passionate they obstruct staff. Maxwell: I just want to be sure an advocate giving bus tokens eg doesn't get an arrest record. CONTINUED
1-J && Award a construction contract to Clean Cut Landscape Incorporated, of Clovis, California, in the amount of $3,278,014.60 for the Department of Transportation Fresno Area Express' High-Frequency Network Bus Stop Improvement project along Shaw and Cedar Avenues and authorize
the Director of Transportation or designee, to execute all related documents. @MiguelArias_D3 I know this is for just one bus route but can we have it done for all routes so we can use ARPA funds.@Esmeralda_Soria PLA Any project over $1 million will have PLA apply. Public Works
Head Mozier says those projects already out to bid won't be subject to PLA. Sloan:Anything awarded after January 26 will be subject to PLA.Mozier: nothing currently have anything over the $1 M at this time. Soria:just want us to be on same page for language as we are hearing both
Arias:can we get a Memo on this? Sloan:Yes. APPROVED
@D7Esparza We will adjourn for lunch now (12:02). We have 8 Contested Consent items left plus 3 WORKSHOPS when we come back at 1:30
Back at 1:35. Arias:Congratulates former Council member Blong Xiong who President Biden just named Farm Services Director in CA.
1-K & RESOLUTION - Finding good cause and clear and convincing benefit to vary from the Request for Proposals process outlined in the Fresno Municipal Code Section 4-204 relating to the disposition of real surplus property APN 507-030-48ST (Herndon & Brawley)Approved 6-0
@kmkarbassi A constituent says he has a terrific idea for a medical office for this site. We will need to be transparent obviously.
1-Q Actions pertaining to supplemental Emergency Solutions Grant funding provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Community Development Office of Community Planning and Development (HUD CPD) to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the Coronavirus: Approve
1-R Adopting submission of Substantial Amendment 2020-03 to the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 Annual Action Plan and authorizing submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to reprogram $4,181,189.24 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from
prior year CDBG project savings and repayments (Subject to Mayor's Veto).Arias and Maxwell both makes amendments specifying where money should be spent. Approved
1-V Actions pertaining to the Fire Regional Training Center Project (Council District 3): 1. Approve an agreement with RossDrulisCusenbery Architecture, Inc., of Sonoma, CA in the amount of $1,810,960 with a contingency amount not to exceed $25,000 for the design of 30% Schematic
Design level full site plans and probable construction cost estimates for the Fire Regional Training Center project. 2. ***RESOLUTION - Adopting the 47th Amendment to the Annual Appropriations Resolution (AAR) No. 2021-178, appropriating $25,000,000 for the Fire Regional
Training Center Project granted through revenues from the California State Office of Emergency Services (Requires 5 Affirmative Votes) (Subject to Mayor's Veto).Arias:$25 M doesn't cover the entire cost? Esqueda:We can find out. Let's figure out what $25 M will cover and then go
from there. Design phase this year and this time next year we will know what $25 M will bring. APPROVED
1-Y Actions pertaining to executing a Consultant Agreement with NBS Government Services: 1. Authorize the Public Works Director to execute a Consultant Agreement with NBS Government Services in the amount of $48,500 with a $4,800 contingency, for assistance with the formation of
a Community Facilities District (CFD) for Police and Fire Services (Council Districts 1 and 3) 2. ***RESOLUTION - 29th Amendment to the Annual Appropriation Resolution (AAR) No. 2021-178 to appropriate $61,500 from developer contributions of $37,500 and future CFD assessment
district revenue of $24,000 to assist in funding the formation of a Community Facilities District for Police and Fire Services. Bredefeld:development typically covers all costs. Mozier:Unless a new tax sharing agreement with County occurs. Esqueda:We have to do these one off
agreements. We have had a short fall for Public Safety since the County Tax share agreement started in 2000s. Passes 6-0 with Soria absent.
1-AA Award a requirements contract to West Coast Arborists, Inc. in the amount of $3,827,900.00 per year for Annual Tree Trimming Arias:I haven't seen a trimming schedule. Which neighborhoods are selected first? Staff:We are working on it.Arias:I want to make sure Beautify Fresno
family gets priority over other families.Staff:lots of dead trees and stumps to remove but priority needs to start for new trees too.Arias:I want tree replacement to be part of this contract.Staff:property owner needs to agree to take care of the tree before we plant. Arias:we
have lots of absentee owners and renters are there. I don't know any neighbors who don't want a new tree. @Maxwell4Fresno The price seems excessive. $3.8 M Staff:low bid was $2.5 M but this is the best value.We ask a lot from these bidders. One bidder was going to have workers
climb trees v bucket machinery. Also could the bidder handle the volume. Lowest bidder was from Santa Rosa and had very few municipal references. APPROVED 6-0
1-EE Amending Response to Covid-19 Emergency, FMC section 2-514, to remove moratorium on commercial eviction Sponsored by Karbassi @MiguelArias_D3 this will allow commercial owners remove tenants. karbassi: Asking for this emergency order to be rescinded.Once lifted it will give
6 months of interest free to repay. Small businesses also got Federal aid. Karbassi also has letters from Fresno Chamber of Commerce and real estate operators. Arias:Can we wait for spike of Covid to be over AND then bring back all the emergency orders. We spoke on this at last
Covid subcommittee so that may be where miscommunication. Esqueda:We want to make adjustments in February. Arias:I don't want to piecemeal these emergency orders and want to wait until all the orders are voted on. Karbassi:We knew there would be a cost to small businesses.Economy
is improving now. Time for property owners to be helped. Arias:I have not heard from property owner asking me to evict a tenant. Or any of the other chambers. @MayorJerryDyer We thought we would do this at the beginning of January but Omicron occurred.We want to bring the
residential piece to come at the same time possibly February. @D7Esparza I don't feel comfortable during this surge1% of City staff are testing positive. Some day I will be ready to rescind but now the time. We will be at 2 year mark in March. Hopefully that will be the END-demic
Maxwell:Not today to lift the emergency order.We are still receiving millions from rescue dollars. I would like to see if we can help those commercial renters. @GarryBredefeld Covid will be around. I don't know when it will end for the rest of the council. The variants will be
around for a while. Why is Newsom and Fresno County lifting their orders but not City of Fresno? It should be up to businesses and not need government to tell them what to do.Can we rescind this without Mayor's recommendation? Sloan:Yes. Karbassi:makes motion and Bredefeld
seconds. Fails 2-3 with Soria and Chavez absent.
Ends Contested Consent Calendar items. Esparza wants to get to Closed Session in one hour.
3-A WORKSHOP - Prop 218 Process
Esqueda:Leading the workshop. Water affordability credit for qualified low income.Rates need to be designed according to how the system is used. A warehouse is used differently than a McDonalds.
Compost can now be part into Green bin. It will take a bit of time to figure out the data for what that will take to process. February will have an update it says Assistant City Manager Georgeann White. Esqueda:Food can be put in but no bones etc.Wastewater is corrosive so it
creates challenges to infrastructure.Sustainable Groundwater Act will cause some work. Also any litigation. July 1st 2023 will be when new rates will occur. Maxwell:purple pipes apply?A: those are all state funded. Want to expand the use of them. DPU have monies from other source
such as cell towers. We just got a digital billboard check. Things like that. Purple Pipe has connected across 99 to downtown.Fulton Street is plumbed for purple pipe. Cal Trans wants it to 41 to green median there.
3-B Summary of 2021 Homeless Services Investments H Spees leading the workshop with Mayor stepping out.
Spees:please note your concerns next to each slide. No point of time count in two years. There will be one in February. We were able to reduce homelessness until 2017 and now it is rising. Many different factors to homelessness. Arias:$144 M has come to the area at County,
Housing Authority and others. Spees:one time funds too.
SORRY: i posted the wrong workshop slides. I will post Homeless workshop slides now.
Jodie: if a resident moves from one shelter to another shelter this does not count as a transfer. Major damage to property, violence including domestic violence are main reason for resident being removed. We do welfare checks every day on residents. Spees:Since new motel convers-
-ions there has been a 3.4% drop ini crime despite the 400% increase in population. Arias:Big lift will be to find permanent shelter for them. water and sewage also increased 400% with the new motel conversion. Staff:Project Off-Ramp:we try to build a rapport before helping
-less move to a motel. This helps get the percentage up to 86% accepting 604 persons were removed from freeways, canals and railroad properties. Some don't accept services due to hoarding tendencies.
Spees: HART Team WORKSHOP will occur in 2 weeks. Chavez:Project Off-Ramp is a success but those who didn't accept services ended up in our neighborhoods, shopping centers and abandoned buildings leading to fire damage. What is the comprehensive plan?Spees:We will do that in 2
weeks. Arias:an encampment was moved from H
St to Broadway leading to 411 Brewery burning. Fresno Irrigation District and rail companies have camps will abate but we foot the bill.Spees:we got 80% of the largest camp removed. We have plans for the rest. Need to continue shelters
and will need continued Council support. Permanent Housing needed too. Keep the Continuum. Congrats to @Esmeralda_Soria as we are adopting the KAHOOTs plan. Tiny Home plans will be presented in April. Chavez:some of the council has toured what other cities have done with tiny
Homes. How many dwellings would be available for everything would be helpful for this discussion. @MayorJerryDyer One Fresno has all this as part of it.
Arias:I visit every motel and ask them how the residents got there. I found many were from rural or out of town cities like Oakland. Can we prioritize Fresnans? I have heard Poverello is housing up to 3 people in each. Can't social distance there. Motels were promised to be temp-
-orary. Need to get them to be permanent. Also the staff at these motels are not trained to detect mental issues and may see everything as violent. I am working with Dr. Arambula to put a medical clinic near the motels.When I first came on to Council we had 10 beds for half a
million people.We have come a long way though. I would put us up against any city in California and this is without much help from our County.I will ask Governor to sent the money directly to cities. Spees:bedbug zappers are available. The door that was kicked down was investi-
-gated. The resident was having a mental issue. She was also offered a bed in another residence. We also welcome any homeless advocates to work with us. @MayorJerryDyer Thanks Spees and his staff.
Funding is essential. We were fortunate to get State funding. $45 B surplus with
some of that obligated to schools and reserve. This leaves $25B. One Fresno Housing strategy is begining and lead to a road map to affordable housing. State will focus on how we spend on housing. Downtown and transit corridor especially where CEQA streamlining occurs. Emergency
and bridge shelters to get to permanent housing. This is where tiny homes comes in. Funding is on the way in the next 6 months.
@D7Esparza 3-C WORKSHOP - Update on Transform Fresno projects and the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Grant will be heard January 27 and go into Closed Session now.
@kmkarbassi : there was an incident at Meux Home during our lunch break. During Closed Session we will discussing PD contract. I will be in support.
Esparza:we will be adjourning in Memory of long time City Clerk employee Cindy Brewer
5-A CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: Grizzlies Stadium; Negotiating Parties: City Manager, Fresno Sports and Events, LLC.; Under Negotiations: Price and terms of lease.
5-B CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - DECIDING WHETHER TO INITIATE LITIGATION Government Code Section 54956.9, subdivision (d)(2) Case Name: City of Fresno v. Fresno Sports and Events, LLC.
CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - Government Code Section 54956.8 Property: UMC Campus; Negotiating Parties: City Manager, County of Fresno; Under Negotiations: Price and terms of sale.
JANUARY 27, 2022 – 9:00 A.M
FEBRUARY 10, 2022- 9:00 A.M.
FEBRUARY 17, 2022 - 9:00 A.M.
Approved through Consent with no discussion.

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4 Jan
January 4,2022 Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting! As the first meeting of the year this traditionally the rotating of Chairmanship roles with Brian Pacheco becoming Chair replacing Steve Brandau. I believe Sal Quintero becomes Vice Chair. The meeting comprises speeches
and gifts for the outgoing chair Brandau and congratulations for Pacheco. The sparse agenda has very few items on it. Some items from CONSENT AGENDA include 13. &Adjourn in Memory of Sidney "Keith" Eubanks
14 Adjourn in Memory of Vicente "Chente" Fernandez
Read 34 tweets
14 Dec 21
December 14th, 2021 The FINAL Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting of 2021!!Among the items are final portion of the controversial Redistricting Map;Opposing the US Fish & Wildlife proposal to save the protected species of Fisher; Grant to UC Regents regarding Invasive
Shot-Hole Borers a type of beetle that if left could cause $15 Billion in damage to Avocado industry; Proclamation for retiring CAO Jean Rousseau; Temporary Housing Urgency Ordinance extended for those affected by forest fires;75-foot tall sign
Among the 60+ Consent Agenda items:18.1 &Adjourn in memory of Ricardo Maldonado
Read 98 tweets
9 Dec 21
Last Fresno City Council meeting of 2021!December 9, 2021:Among the items include 6 PM Redistricting; West Fresno’s Oasis Master Plan; Eaton River Trail;Impact Fee Waivers;Campus Point Refund; Workshop: Formation of a Fresno Veterans Memorial District;Three Rezone applications;
Renaming Hyde park to Hyde Landfill(!!);Plus 53 Consent Calendar items!!Among the Consent items:1-E BILL B-46- (Intro. 12/2/2021)(For Adoption) Amending Article 1 of Chapter 6 of the Fresno Municipal Code, relating to billing and collection procedures for municipal utilities
1-G Approve the award of a cooperative purchase agreement with Ruckstell Sales of Fresno, California, for the purchase of 11 Mack model LR 64R side loading refuse trucks in the amount of $4,718,065 for the Department of Public Utilities Solid Waste Management Division. Due to
Read 206 tweets
2 Dec 21
December 2, 2021 Fresno City Council meeting! Among the items 6 pm Redistricting;600 unit Oasis Master Plan subdivision;Club One Casino; ARPA funds;WORKSHOP:Measure P define “Highest-need neighborhood”Among the Consent Items:1-B Award a three-year Requirements Contract to RO
Bus Sales of Corona, California, for Medium Accessible Paratransit Cutaways Unleaded Buses for the Department of Transportation Fresno Area Express Handy Ride to purchase no more than 69 buses for a total amount of $7,235,874.98 plus annual CPI adjustments
1-C Approve the award of a purchase contract to 72 Hour LLC of Watsonville, California, for the purchase of 91 Dodge Durango marked patrol vehicles in the amount of $3,635,531.35 for the Police Department. Delay of action on this item will result in an additional six months added
Read 143 tweets
16 Nov 21
Fresno County Board of Supervisors meeting November 16, 2021! Among the items includes the second hearing of the controversial Redistricting Map at 1 pm; Also Capital Project updates;Fresno Ag report;Behavioral Health Dept report on Mental Health/substance abuse services;
Negotiations with City of Fresno on purchasing old Valley Medical Center will be held during Closed Session;Selected Consent Calendar items:21.*Proclaim December 2021 Toys for Tots Month
*Adjourn in Memory of Mike Cavallero
Read 88 tweets
4 Nov 21
Fresno City Council meeting November 4, 2021!Among the items include Club One Casino increase in card room tables;WORKSHOP - Police Department Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program;Actions pertaining to the acquisition of the UMC Campus Property;Authorize the Chief of
Police to enter into a First Amendment to the existing contract with ShotSpotter Inc., (SST) for an additional three square miles in the City of Fresno for a total cost of $535,849;6 PM HEARING Regarding redistricting;
Among the Consent Calendar items: 1-C Actions related to the Airline Operations Agreement with ExpressJet Airlines LLC.,:
Read 128 tweets

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