1. This week started with @bedhuntersab) releasing a memo showing due to a critical staff shortage, Cold Lake’s 14,000 residents would largely have no ER doctors on site.
2. We also saw 550 times EMS services were delayed, dropped, or unavailable across Alberta!
4. Alberta Teachers were secretly removed from the AHS "essential worker" list JUST before @CMOH_Alberta cancelled tests for "non-essential” workers (@GCarabine)
5. Despite the past ability to run 22,000 PCR tests/day, AHS was told to limit tests to 12,000/day
13. AHS laid off 334 laundry workers at hospitals across Alberta and replacing them with K-Bro, a privatized service, as per recommendations of Kenney’s Blue Ribbon Panel.
It is noted that Panel member and Kenney’s friend Mike Percy is a board member for K-Bro.
14. Alberta's Child & Youth Advocate demanded the UCP to explain how they’re implementing the recommendations made by his office before a committee of MLAs.
The UCP suddenly closed the panel and refused to answer his questions or respond to his recommendations
If the malicious attacks on Alberta’s teachers disgust you, please contact @AdrianaLaGrange’s representative, @nicoledsparrow and DEMAND they stop their assault, back down from attacking the union, and work WITH teachers
Yesterday, Alberta saw 2 of the most undemocratic, anti-Canadian bills in our history.
Bill 3 and 5 mark a new low.
Rock Bottom.
Let’s go through these gross abominations and see if you agree
Bill 3: Opioid Damages & Health Care Costs Recover
Vulnerable Albertan will be mandated to forced labour (to UCP employers) to “recover” costs of mandatory treatments
Marshall Smith, Danielle’s drug “expert” was BUSTED for a similar illegal operation when he was in BC
Bill 5: Public Sector Employer Amendment
Under the guise of a “single public payer”, this all but sets up an Alberta Revenue Agency, which collects federal taxes to circumvent the Canada Revenue Agency.
This is part of Danielle’s secretive “Free Alberta Strategy”
@rebeccakschulz continues to hide from Albertans as her husband is paid by O&G to convince Rebecca to change 5 laws environmental laws and protected areas
Let’s explore Alberta’s Conflict of Interest act, simplified for Rebecca
Rebecca - take notes📝
1. Are MLA’s allowed to personally benefit from legislative decisions?
- NOPE! 🚫
The Act says Members MUST NOT participate in decisions that MAY benefit themselves, their partners, their associates, or their children.
Rebecca CAN NOT touch ANYTHING Cole is lobbying
2. What if a decision POTENTIALLY involves a private interest?
If a decision POTENTIALLY involves a private interest (such as Rebecca’s husband lobbying to make legislative changes) the MLA MUST:
✅ Declare it
✅ Abstain from voting or participating in the decision