🧵"Psychoplastogens" = drugs that rapidly induce physical changes in the brain (neuroplasticity).
Examples: ketamine, psilocybin, LSD, DMT, MDMA.
Neuroscientists can literally watch new connections sprout overnight, as in the example below.
There are other plasticity-promoting psychoactive drugs, such as SSRIs, that are not psychoplastogens because they induce plasticity on a slower time scale (weeks).
Psychoplastogens can stimulate plasticity when exposed to neurons for <1 hour.
I first learned about this term from the work of @DEOlsonLab.
I discussed his research with him in a recent podcast conversation, including his work on #psychedelics like ibogaine.
Listen here:
I have discussed other psychoplastogens, like #psilocybin, with neuroscientists like @kwanalexc.
In that conversation, Dr. Kwan shared some fascinating microscopy videos of neurons in mice.
Watch here:
I also learned about ketamine, and how it compares to traditional depression medications like SSRIs, in a conversation with @LisaMonteggia:
Listen here:
To stay up-to-date on this general area of research, you can sign up for my free weekly newsletter, where I share some of the latest research and provide tools so you can freely access this information:
🧵A basic summary of this new lipidomics paper linking colon cancer to an imbalance between pro-inflammatory & pro-resolving processes, with a potential connection to seed oils.
Here's what I'm reading ahead of my conversation with @garytaubes tomorrow.
We will be discussing the causes of obesity, including a compare/contrast of the major scientific models that are out there (e.g. energy balance, carbohydrate-insulin, etc.).
Energy balance:
"obesity is often associated with excessive appetite and food intake. This currently prevailing view holds that excessive fat accumula- tion results because energy intake exceeds energy expenditure.1,2 Excessive food consumption is now considered the primary cause of the imbalance."
Fuel partitioning:
"individuals appear to accumulate and sustain excessive adiposity even with restricted food intake. This view attributes the fundamental cause of obesity to intrinsic metabolic defects that shift fuel partitioning from pathways for mobilization and oxidation to those for synthesis and storage."
Left: Diagram of the fuel partitioning theory of obesity.
Right: Diagram of potential mechanisms of fuel partitioning in the body.
🧵#ScienceBreakdown: "Psychedelics promote neuroplasticity through the activation of intracellular 5-HT2A receptors"
Interesting new paper by @DEOlsonLab, @LinTianPhD, et al. looking at why some serotonin 2A receptor agonists promote neuroplasticity, but others do not.
Various small molecules, from endogenous neurotransmitters like serotonin to tryptamine #psychedelics, activate 5HT2A receptors... and yet they can lead to very different effects.
Getting at why this is was one of the basic motivations for this study.
One idea here is that various compounds have distinct physical/chemical properties, despite all activating 5HT2A receptors.
For example, they differ in fat solubility. Some can cross cell membranes to get *inside* cells, and some can't...
🧵I've done several episodes about #COVID, including the origins of the #SARSCoV2, the biological & epidemiology of the virus, and how mRNA vaccines work.
Here are a few good ones, and a long-from article, that focus on these topics:
"The Mystery of SARS-CoV-2 & the Origins of COVID-19" with @Ayjchan:
"Death and psychedelics: How science is reviving this ancient connection"
Explores the relationship between #psychedelics & death. It integrates the perspective of thinkers ranging from Timothy Leary to Aldous Huxley to @BrianMuraresku.
Inspired by convos w/ scientists like David Nichols, @DEOlsonLab & others, explores the question of whether #psychedelics subjective effects are required for any of their therapeutic benefits.