Reminder: Semion Mogilevich purchased Hungarian Armaments from Orban. #FARAFox @loonyberg@myrubypearl
🎯 This thread should go viral. Jihad, savior, antichrist, 'Bannon’s holy war', BRAINWASHING, and mind control sewn together tighter than a tapestry!
💯 Bush + Orban: Ambassador to Hungary, George Herbert Walker, was married to Mary Carter. Mary Carter Paint was a front for the CIA. #FARAFoxNews
Fox is a foreign actor, agent.
Circle back to Manafort and Ukraine. #Prigozhin troll farm, #Malkevich, #Mackey, HRC 2016 Election Interference, Bernie/Tad "Devine worked closely with Manafort in 2010 to elect the pro-Russian Ukraninan president Viktor #Yanukovych."
Cambridge Analytica and Malkevich Election Interference is also part of treason and long game coup.
✔ Yevgeny Prigozhin's IRA busted with Mueller and sanctions.
✔ Butina and Patrick Byrne
✔ Byrne, Bitcoin, Flynn
✔ DarkLeaks, Digital Soldiers
Below started with Hungary, Orban, and Tucker. It turns out Gorka is Hungarian (thx @arapaho415) #J6 subpoenaed and was testifying yesterday. One of his lawyers is Columbo; he was/is a lawyer for Jesse Benton. Him and Wead were funneling Ru $... Sekulow.
Trying to keep track of everything and then show links is difficult. Always a scattered work in progress. 📸 @j2dumfounded and everything you ever wanted to know about Cleta next tweet.
Doug Wead was a Bush insider. Who in Vienna, Austria would wire $100k for TFG to Jessie Benton? Is his death coincidence? Did Firtash wire everyone $ to drop extradition? Firtash, Rudy, Lev, what ab Dimitri Simes as Rand's handler?…
K4 auroras, again. Hawaii with 44 earthquakes and a 2.9 Gorham, New Hampshire. Canada eq website 📸 shows the continously active St. Lawrence River FAULT.
Gm! ☀️ Could that have been a nice warning for US? Earthquakes look bad, everywhere. Peeked at 🌋 website I'd like to mention Pavlof Volcano and Alaska Peninsula, Ru Kamchatka west of Aleutians, Hawaii is dead center from Fiji/Tonga. #TongaVolcanoEruption
"ITAR regulations are simple: only U.S. citizens can access items on the USML list."
International Traffic in Arms Regulations is the US reg that controls the manufacture, sale, and distribution of defense and space-related articles and...
✈🎯🛰 From SC spy plane, to Boeing, Qatar, DOD military acquisitions, Kushner, Zuberi, toss in some Cohen, Broidy, little Lindsey, sprinkle with 💸 green fairy dust and poof!