"I appeal to you to engage in building up—not down—what we have before us. ... It does not sound like we are in for rosy days ahead, but I know the pain will be worth the effort." —Chair @CastilloDacio
1. Hold soon—no ceremony, businesslike, slimmed down 2. Medium (eg summer) possible 3. Long term, can prepare for it
Swiss amb. said COVID-19 in 🇨🇭 unpredictable
Chair @CastilloDacio said some members proposed a tentative date (“a window”) should be set to focus minds and keep up the momentum; others said that would be premature but members should keep up the momentum.
How to assess the options—Licence fee? From tax? Subscription? Advertising?)
• business model only (“if it’s such value for money it can easily sell subscriptions”)
• public service (society as a whole benefiting)
A couple of key concepts
• ECONOMIES OF SCALE. Eg news—from Radio Stoke to Westminster to BBC Washington Bureau to Pashtu Service (Afghanistan), reporters feed a central newsroom supplying multiple BBC outlets. Similar sharing in arts, music, documentaries, sport, more …
• EXTERNALITIES (positive), the public service dimension—when something (broadcasting) has a broader benefit than simply between the producer and consumer (more than just the viewer enjoying Newsnight or East Enders)
5. It's unclear from the news story if Bangladesh's approval of Bexovid (the generic version of Paxlovid) is under procedures for patented products within the law, or because the drug's patent is not registered in Bangladesh.