It means your story matters. Your lived experience is what we work with, together. To shape a positive future.
It means we think about any investigations and scientific knowledge and bring them in to explain your lived experience. That goes for tests that show nothing in particular, a common finding. But now what? You still suffer. Why? And what can you do?
[This is accounting for your lived experience (subjective) and any objective measures].
We answer those questions.
We think about all the other symptoms, how you feel about them and what you believe is happening.
We talk about what you want to achieve and then look at the best way forward.
You lead. I guide and encourage.
It’s your life. You know it best. I help in whatever way I can.
For example, blaming a small joint in the neck for a person’s woes.
Instead of seeing them as a thinking, feeling human being with hopes, dreams, strengths, and difficulties.
When the pain is reduced in such a way, often the person is heading down the wrong route—not their fault.
Expectations are in the wrong place as they think that some treatment to that small part of their body will solve the pain problem. Great if it does. Often is doesn’t.
Pain is a lived experience of the person in a world. Considering anything less to explain the experience misunderstands the reality.
Ideas of training the brain follow from the reductionist and dualist viewpoint. Both are limited and out of step with modern models—enactivism and predictive processing.