Today's topic will be not about naval history but about people who sometimes operate ships. That's right, another @Greenpeace thread. Today, we will discuss the origins of the poor management at almost every level of the organisation.
You seen them across town. People with the Greenpeace pullovers, trying to talk you into donating a monthly sum to the organisation. They are canvassers; not volunteers. It is a paid position and it is not a job for everyone. Most quit or are fired within weeks.
Why people quit this job is understandable. Endless waiting outdoors or knocking on doors, constant rejection, abuse and purposefully being ignored - or engaged in bad faith arguments.
People who are fired are usually considered to be under-preforming. How many you are to sign up varies between different countries but I seem to recall you had to sign up 3 or 4 a week. Your "entrance exam" was getting ten people to give their e-mail address.
A few of the people I met at the @greenpeaceSE office started out as canvassers; usually before or after becoming volunteers for the organisation. Having started in the organisation this way is considered a good thing; you worked you way up so to speak.
The problem with this route into the organisation being easy is twofold. One, to try and raise money for Greenpeace leads to constant rejection and daily harassment where the organisation becomes supportive and a safe space. Your appreciation for the organisation increases.
This means that the person is more likely to be a very engaged Greenpeace member. They will work for the organisation, they will volunteer their time and usually hope to be able to serve on the organisations ships.
Now @Greenpeace rewards this. People who essentially dedicate their lives to the organisation will find themselves promoted or being listened to. They will be treated as equals by others who have the same history.
And here is the second problem. At @greenpeaceSE there was a huge difference if you just worked there or if you gave a lot more of your time and effort. But the organisation had to hire people for their skills; esp for IT, Economy, Office Management and such.
This creates problems when the "lifers" (as I will call them from now on) becomes managers over the "workers" because the latter needs to be competently managed. They can't just have a boss who got the job due to being a organisation brown-nose.
This creates problem. First, the "lifers" tend to treat the workers poorly. Bullying, poor conditions, sexist remarks lower pay, inadequate job security and other mistreatment are common. Rotation of staff is thus very high.
Second, lifers will consider themselves better than the workers. And the workers will resent the lifers who they - usually completely justified - consider to be bad at their jobs because they never had to compete with skills; just opinions.
Right now, @Greenpeace can handle this strain. The name of the organisation is enough to draw in new workers and enough workers are converted into lifers to sustain the efforts for now. But Greenpeace makes basic mistakes, such as trying to force Workers to volunteer.
This is a classic misconception of a person who is blinded by their loyalty to the cause. They think everyone should be happy to volunteer for Greenpeace and thus think making it mandatory will increase the numbers.
Out of all the things Greenpeace does, this habit of promoting lifers is what is going to end the organisation someday. The lack of competent direction is unsustainable.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a neutral party. I worked at @Greenpeace Nordic Office and was bullied out by staff that did not want to keep me on the payroll due to their personal misconceptions about people with Asperger's Syndrome and Autistic People in general.
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This thread will not be about history. It will be about fiction; a somewhat infamous Swedish Novel that for some reason also was a bestseller, most likely due to its part in the Hamilton series of books.
This is the live tweeting of Madame Terror by Jan Guillou
For the English Audience: Hamilton is essentially the Swedish James Bond of the 1980s. He was the star of books and movies. A naval officer with close ties to Palestine. This is due to the Authors sympathies who tagged along Palestinian Guerrilla for a month or so he claims.
The author is not always being truthful. He made up a story about buying a Swedish Submachinegun that was a complete fabrication. Also note how they openly pose with it at a public place in Stockholm. But enough about that. I am just stalling so I wont have to get into the book.
Jag jobbade på Greenpeace Sverige 2016 till 2019. Jag har sedan jag slutade försökt göra cheferna i organisationen uppmärksammade på problemen i organisationen som skapar en skadlig arbetsmiljö. De har konsekvent vägrat ta itu med dessa problem.
Jag tänker inte dölja att jag är partisk i frågan. Mitt kontrakt löpte ut Maj 2019 efter flera månaders mobbing och dåligt bemötande efter ett chefsbyte. Mina mobbare var sedan ansvariga för att ge referenser vilket skapade svårigheter att få nytt jobb. Jag är bitter.
I den här tråden kommer jag rada upp de arbetsmiljöproblem som jag bevittnade på organisationen. Jag kommer enbart nämna de jag själv såg. Jag tar inte med några av de rykten jag hört.
Min farmor somnade in i förmiddags, 93 år gammal efter en längre tids sjukdom. Jag fick budskapet på en familjemiddag på min mors sida av familjen och har haft hela hemresan att tänka på saken. Det känns inte riktigt som jag trodde det skulle kännas.
För det första så är det första gången en närstående släkting som jag vuxit upp med dör. Jag kommer inte ihåg varken Morfar eller Farfar; den första levde i Mexico och den senare dog innan jag föddes.
För det andra så är jag ambivalent. Hennes sjukdom tog hela hennes identitet i slutändan och hon kände knappt igen oss barnbarn. Jag tror det är bättre att slippa ifrån sådant lidande och det får mig på sätt och vis att känna mig lättad.
Tänkte vi ska ta oss igenom Leif GWs Brottsjournalen del 3, säsong 1 där han talar om Jaktvapen och brottslighet.
DISCLAIMER: Jag gillar inte karln. Har inte gjort det innan det här heller. Det påverkar antagligen min syn på vad han säger. Anse mig partisk.
Programledaren börjar inslaget med att förklara att polisen utrett en härva där det sålts jaktexamensbevis utan examensprov. Licensen (antar hon menar examensbevis) ger enligt henne rätten att införskaffa vapen som "kan anvämndas i kriminella sammanhang."
Här vill jag påpeka att lagligt inköpta vapen sällan eller aldrig används "i kriminella sammanhang". Det är inte värt tiden, pengarna eller ansträngningen samt det faktum att du hamnar på Polisens radar. Enklare för kriminella att använda olagliga vapen köpta via deras kontakter.