Just one word: BEAUTY.
The winter forest still hides most of the Roman time houses in the A Cibdá de Armea hillfort (Allariz, #Galicia).
But this site also hides an intriguing story on people dealing with their ancestral identity during Roman rule. #HillfortsWednesday
Archaeologist excavated recently in the Atalaia (trans, 'the Watchtower') area, just in the lower terraces of the hillfort. A lot of spectacular findings were found there during the 1950's digs. #HillfortsWednesday
They found an extremely well preserved neighbourhood of a Roman town dated between I and III centuries AD. Roads, portici, and even the oldest wine cellar in the whole Gallaecia. #HillfortsWednesday
So the two domi excavated were fully Roman in its layout and material culture. Of course, they used local stone, but, well, all of it was 'classic' Roman at its best!
But there were something weird according to our modern eyes and view on colonial practices. #HillfortsWednesday
Because these so-Romanized guys massivelly filled their houses of fine and ellegant stone artworks inspired in their ancestral culture. Triskelions, hexapetals, solar disks and stone severed heads, taking care of them from the walls. #HillfortsWednesday
After the Roman conquest, in A Cibdá de Armea hillfort, locals produced stunning stone warriors, decorated with all the panoply of the Iron Age combatants. Scholars have discussed about the meaning of all this aesthetic vintage fever. A new elite was rising? #HillfortsWednesday
So, inhabitants of Armea adopted the Roman way of life but still they preferred their old aesthetics. And not only was a elite thing.
This is gorgeous.
In this racloir another modest warrior was depicted. Punky hairstyle, next to a (sacred?) tree.
Along History, colonialism brings about enormous changes in the colonialized societies. But these changes not necessarily means the destruction of the former identity. Identity can be redefined, repurposed or even an instrument of symbolic resilience. #HillfortsWednesday
Understanding this period of change, of reordering, of agreements, dominations, resistance and adaptations is one of the biggest issues in Galician archaeology. In this beautiful artworks, in these towns hidden by woods, there is a big story to be told.
The San Millán hillfort (Cualedro, #Galicia) preserves, almost intact, massive dry stone ramparts, gates and other features. It was inhabited from V-IV BC up to a Late Roman occupation. But there's many questions still open there. 👇 #HillfortsWednesday
For example, close to a probably South gate there is one of the best preserved chevaux de frise defense I have ever seen. Many of the stones still stands up, making it hard your walk. You can see a clear path in the middle to allow you to reach the gate.
The impressive wall was carefully built around the III BC., but there is evidence of a older, cyclopean rampart (in red), almost totally dismantled. According to @Xeitura excavators, it have links with another close hillfort, totally refurbished in the III BC. #HillfortsWednesday
O 5 de xuño de 1808, os deputados das cidades galegas convocan cortes e o Reino de Galicia asume toda a soberanía en ausencia do rei.
Desde ese día o Reino vai “obrar con absoluta independencia do goberno de Madrid”.
A guera vaise librar nos campos e... nas letras. 👇
Teño nas miñas mans un documento excepcional.
Está datado o 9 de xuño, 4 días despois da sinatura da acta na que as 7 cidades recuperan a soberanía do reino.
Conserva aínda a cola coa que estivo pegado nalgures.
Unha das primeiras comunicacións públicas do Reino de Galicia.
O Reino de Galicia afirma nese documento que está sen un can. "Os nosos valerosos guerreiros marcharon sen víveres, sen diñeiro".
Pide cartos para arrincar. E dá esperanza. "Xa goberna o Reino. A súa probidade e intelixencia impedirá que se malverse o máis mínimo maravedí".
This is the Castro Cercio hillfort (Monterroso, #Galicia). For me, one of the most challenging and intriguing Iron Age sites of inland Galicia. A possible seat of power reinforced with a symbolic use of geology.
The Cercio hillfort is just at the beginning of a longitudinal outcrop of quartzites, running all along the hills for several km. In a sunny day, it's really difficult for your eyes moving along the outcrop. It shines so bright that it blinds you.
In the nearby town of Lugo (former Roman Lucus Augusti) a Ist AD tombstone was found, remembering the prince Vecius son of Veroblius.
He died at his 60s, and was chief of the Castellum Circine, from the Copori people. Epigraphy and the current placename suggest nice links.
En marzo de 1809, durante a ocupación francesa, Muros era unha vila próspera. Porto refuxio de numerosos barcos internacionais e con ligazóns de comercio. Os franceses non chegarán ata alí.
Ata que un día a poboación civil viviu un dramático episodio de terror colectivo. 👇
Trala derrota de Moore, o exército galego, comandado por Pedro Caro, marqués de La Romana, ficara diezmado. Romana evitaba a confrontación directa co francés, e designou comisionados que se desprazaran polo país para crear 'Alarmas', guerrillas para hostigar o inimigo.
Un deles era Manuel Taboada, xuíz de Cotobade. Un tipo bastante negado ao que se lle amotinaron ata os do seu propio partido xudicial. Taboada, xunto co padre Romero, do que falaremos outro día, dirixiuse a Muros co obxectivo de alzar o estremo occidental de Galicia.
Nunha guerra os exércitos operan de múltiples xeitos.
Na Guerra da Independencia, en xaneiro de 1809, as tropas británicas foron evacuadas de emerxencia na Coruña, nunha situación con moitos paralelos con Dunquerque (1940).
Pero non todos os barcos marcharon.
Os franceses tomaron Galicia cun importante exército de terra. Pero carecían dunha forza naval.
E o mar en Galicia converteuse nun espazo incrible de resistencia e reacción. Con miles de historias incribles.
Vouvos contar unha que se cadra vos resulte familiar para estes días.
O goberno británico deu instruccións para que uns cantos barcos de guerra patrullaran o litoral, obtendo información e apoiando posibles focos de insurxencia.
Barcos como a fragata Endymion, a Loire, o Statira, o Plover, o Lively, Venus...
Vendo a guerra desde a distancia.
A primeira poeta (coñecida) en galego apelídase "de Castro", pero non se chama Rosalía! Foi 1 gran dama do Renacemento e demostrou unha técnica poética notable.
E garda un misterio non resolto ata hoxe. Pero misterio, misterio...
Vouvos falar de Isabel de Castro e Andrade.
Isabel era un puro retrato da alta aristocracia europea da época. Ela, da poderosa casa de Lemos, señores da Galicia interior; casou co conde de Altamira, poderoso señor da Galicia oceánica. Pasou longas estadías en Portugal e en Italia que a deberon marcar na súa cultura.
Neses ambientes cultos e cortesáns foi como coñeceu a Alonso de Ercilla, o autor do épico poema La Araucana que narra a conquista de Chile, e unha das grandes obras en español do Renacemento.
Desa amizade naceu o único poema en galego que conservamos de Isabel de Castro.