Doing this space yesterday reminded me of my own Hypertension diagnosis & how it affected my life:
Firstly, I was shocked when my dr told me I have a high blood pressure. My BP had always been on average 110/70 for MANY years. I did annual checks regularly “for points”..
But when I started my practice I “got busy” & slacked a little (a lot)..
2 yrs went by. Life happened. I went through patches of STRESS - work & personal life.
Then I went for a full medical because I was going to climb Mt Kilimanjaro. Then BOOM - BP is around 150/110..
We think it’s white coat hypertension syndrome: that I’m nervous as a dr patient.
Off I go to Mt Kili. My BP on the mountain fluctuates between 135/85 to 145/90 when we do daily checks with my guide.
Hike went more than well. Guide says I’m an overachiever for my summit time😁
That was 2015/Aug.. I come back home. I have a killer headache for a week.. I blame altitude sickness.
I get back to work after a week’s rest.
FF a yr later, I book an appointment to see dr again becoz I have persistent headaches.
I’ve also been checking my BP & it’s been ⬆️⬆️
So we agree that I need to go on Meds.
- I’m 36yo, Fairly healthy
- I eat well, I exercise regularly.
- Weight is pretty stable & within “recommended”.
- I don’t drink much, no smoking ever
However, I have strong history of ⬆️BP on mom & dad’s family side. Both parents have it
I start meds. BP immediately normalises within a week & my headaches disappear.
I can now go back to intense exercising as I set a new goal to run comrades marathon.
I can now run long distance without fearing bursting an aneurysm/ having a heart attack along the way..
Moral of the story:
I could’ve been difficult & denied my health status based on my lifestyle & age at time of diagnosis.
But I chose to go on meds because:
- I wanted to live
- I have 2 kids
- I didn’t want to have a poor quality of life in case of a preventable stroke etc.
I dealt with my disappointment at being told that after all I have done to try & avoid typical lifestyle diseases I still got one of them.
Mind you, when diagnosed I started stressing about also getting diabetes & high cholesterol as we have that too in my very close bloodline.
I was shattered.. but quickly pulled myself towards myself, popped my one pill a day & went on with my life..
I went on to run TWO comrades marathons 2018/2019. & will be resuming big mountain hiking soon now that I’ve also fully recovered from my bicycle accident.
My ⬆️BP was most likely triggered by stress - because the genetic predisposition was already there. It was just waiting for perfect conditions to happen.
Now it’s so well controlled. I’ve gone for > 1month without meds after discussing with my dr, to see what happens.
It remains very stable when I’m not stressed. But, stress catches one off guard you know.
Between raising teens, being self employed & living in satan’s lair that is Joburg.. stress is hard to avoid completely.
So, I reduced the dose &continue to take meds as stroke insurance🙂
Life happens. Bodies change as we grow.
Some things aren’t worth wasting time &energy fighting..My genes are what they are
All I can do is play my part in being as healthy as I can be. & take my BP meds so I can live to see the life I’m working towards♥️
Being diagnosed with a chronic illness is NOT THE END of life.
It could in fact be THE BEGINNING of a better life as you now know how to manage yourself/ your health better. 😇
On marriage:
I grew up in a home with 2 parents, so my expectations of what a marriage & a family should be were rooted in what I saw growing up.
Add to that, influences from Danielle Steele/ Mills & Boon Novels, Bo&Bilie, Brooke &Ridge on TV, True Love mag etc
With time, growth & experience I was forced to relook at my expectations (actually fantasies to be honest) regarding marriage (romantic relationships in general).
A lot of unlearning was done, usually brought on by pain from trying to force another person to be who they aren’t.
Which brings me to what I wanna discuss:
With so many tools at our disposal, a lot of people (still) enter into relationships w marriage /some type of long term commitment as a goal “without preparation”. Or at the very least with an idea of what else they want besides “a ring”
I was talking to my friend who is a GP yesterday, she was just venting a little about how frustrated she is that people are choosing to miss all the messages from healthcare workers & gov
There’s a lot of information online & even HERE about this virus &how to behave but noooo..
It is impossible to test everyone, also it’s not necessary because most people will NOT require any form of medical treatment besides what they normally do when they have a cold or flu-like symptoms:
Stay home & rest & avoid infecting other people
There is no need to run to private labs for testing. They don’t test everyone. They don’t have capacity.
And you’ll be turned away by most labs as you need to have seen a dr first. Someone needs to receive your results & counsel / reassure / treat those who are infected.
That kids with “formula on the floor” tweet reminded of something.
I find it strange that some kids are given copious amounts of formula (or even milk) after age 1.. Like up to 6 bottles a day.
250-300ml of milk, even full cream cows milk(if no health issues with it) is enough.
An average big bottle size is 250ml. Anything >2 of those is excessive. Imagine giving 4-6.. that 1L to 1,5L of milk for someone who weighs about 10-13kg.
Also, kids over 1yr should NOT be using a bottle with a teat. Start encouraging sippy cups early (+/- 9mo) & open cup by 1yr
Milk is primary nutrition at birth, & should be reduced as more and more food is added. Solids are generally started from average 6months, but some people start at 4mo to introduce food.
Please wean according to your baby’s needs, See dr / dietician if in doubt how to proceed.
Putting people up on high pedestals is a problem. This is often done becoz of one sided perceptions of individuals, without regard to the fact that humans are inherently flawed.
We form unrealistic expectations from those we “idolize”, thus setting the stage for disappointment.
Nobody is perfect, and the parts about that person that you never thought existed will eventually show.
And when it does, people wanna cry “How could s/he do that (to me)?”. The problem is not the person per say... but your perception of them.
Life is a two sided coin, there’s always a balance. So are people & their characters.
One is never / always something without the opposite of that character trait. If you live life focusing only on one side then you’re being unfair to yourself & those around you.