Starting the Endwalker Q&A session with producer/director Naoki Yoshida, global community producer Toshio Murouchi, and Kathryn Cwynar from the English localization team.
Heads up!! This is going to be heavy with Endwalker spoilers. Kate will also check notes from Banri Oda and Natsuko Ishikawa. #EndwalkerSpoilers
Please take this time to mute #EndwalkerSpoilers if you don't want to follow!
Since Shadowbringers, people have cheered on Michael Christopher Koji Fox for English localization and translation, but since Shadowbringers, Kate has taken the lead. Koji is supervising and advising.
Koji is busy working on FFXVI!
Q: What was Azem up to during the Final Days? How did they part with Emet? More Azem in the future?
A: It's a secret. We have an idea, but we don't know if we'll have a chance to talk about that in the future. Your are the WoL, what would you have done?
Q: Why did Zenos appear in the Final Days? Why Reaper? A: Varis is is father, grandpa is Solus. Direct descendant of Emet-Selch. Passed down through DNA, dormant for a generation, but re-appeared. Read Tales from the Shadows, there's a hint.
It's a secret why Zenos became a Reaper. It's not that they haven't thought about it, they just can't say.
How did the unsundered Ascians avoid being sundered? Emet implied Venat let him live on purpose. She left a tiny flaw in her sundering, a way for Emet to "wiggle through." It was her intention.
When Hydaelyn sundered the world it was the limit of her power, she couldn't guarantee that Emet would live, it was a gamble.
During the sundering, Emet was Lahabrea and the Elidibus of the time, and escaped into the Rift without being sundered.
In short, the unsundered Ascians worked together to escape the sundering.
Are there sundered Ascians still around? What about Gaius's masks? It's a good question! They think they're still around... Where are they? Can't say.
Gaius's masks belonged to Ultima and Deudalaphon.
However, just because he has those masks doesn't mean he vanquished them. There's been a lot in the story about what it takes to defeat an Ascian...
It's hard to say how much time has passed in the FFXIV story. They try to match it to you the player, as if 2-2.5 years have passed. The trailers don't reflect the game themselves necessarily, so separate them in your mind.
We haven't had an example of someone who is unsundered be reincarnated through the Aetherial Sea. Maybe they'd be cooler than the average person?
They've completed all they want to do and would have no reason to reincarnate really.
Does anyone else know the name of the planet is "Etheirys"? Only those close to the WoL or those familiar with the ancient world leading up to the Final Days. The average person will probably continue to call the planet Hydaelyn.
There are people in the East in the New World who don't call the planet "Hydaelyn" but something else altogether. They'll have to loop PR in going forward, there was actually a problem referring to the game's world as Eorzea versus Hydaelyn.
Z****'s body is in a dimension separate from ours. We depicted his ultimate fate at length in a cutscene. Watch that and see how you feel.
How did mankind's races become varied (hyuran, miqo'te, roegadyn, etc.) . During the sundering, all life become "incomplete" but that incompleteness allowed them to develop the differing racial traits. Over time these traits diverged.
Yoshida doesn't know the exact lore, but there may have been a necessity for miqo'te to hear better, developing large cat-like ears etc.
Emet mentioned the 'treasure islands of Blindfrost'? Will we go there some day? There's been a lot of locations namedropped in the game's story that we eventually went to--Ishgard, Thanvair, etc... They want to continue visiting places they mention.
In Elpis the Ancients appear much larger than humans, but when summoned with Azem's magic they appear smaller. Ultima Thule is governed by dynamis (emotional energy) and matches the WoL's internal experience.
Ultima Thule reflects your internal emotions, which is why they appear with that height -- as it matches your memories and internal conception of them.
Where are the Thavnairian Onions in Thavnair? Yoshida asked the lore team. They are a unique cultivar and are rare even in Thavnair. This is dictated by the non-combat designers. It's their fault.
Are Zodiark and Hydaelyn gone for good, or are there parts of them elsewhere? Hydaelyn was completely destroyed. Fandaniel crushed Zodiark's heart, and therefore completely destroyed him. Parts of Zodiark are in reflections, but they fade with his main body.
Why didn't the WoL create an alternate timeline in Elpis? Yoshida says you can come up with your own theories, but that the timelines would play out the same no matter what. Or Venat worked hard to preserve things to prevent changes so that WoL could succeed.
Meeting Argos was "proof" in a way that these timelines would converge in the way that Venat hoped. Think about this question when you replay Endwalker MSQ in New Game+ in 6.1.
The WoL ages, but will other main characters? Alphinaud? Alisaie? It's hard to say... As a director/producer it's fun to think about aging those too up-but he wonders about comments stating "I liked them better before." You can't undo that change. Hard choice.
In manga like One Piece, Eiichiro Oda will draw "what if" scenarios with aged up characters, so maybe in that context they can do something. Chat says "do it."
Souls are also made of aether, Venat!Hydaelyn used so much aether that her soul also dissipated. Zodiark could only use aether aside from their souls, due to the different type of summoning. In 5.2 Venat's group discussed this.
Venat!Hydaelyn expended her very soul to fight the WoL to prepare them for the final journey to the edge of the universe.
What happens to the Blessing of Light? They don't think it will disappear and wouldn't want it to. Perhaps Venat!Hydaelyn re-granted it. "My love will be with you forever my dearest children."
What exactly are the read seals that appear over the Ancients/Ascians faces? It's a limiter to constrain the "grand magic" the Convocation uses. Each sigil defines the seat on the Convocation.
It ties in with the Convocation's duty and obligation to their society in that role. If you give up the seat such as Venat did, you would lose the sigil.
What was hard to wrap-up? Yoshida asked Banri Oda about this. It's not unusual for things to change or disappear as they write the story. Not true of Endwalker, but things didn't retcon correctly from 1.0 like the Path Companion.
When you make this world, sometimes you have to ignore inconvenient things. However, in most cases they try to wrap up things neatly, and maybe other bits in the future.
They have decided the names and true identities of every member of the Convocation of Fourteen. Whether they reveal them depends on where the plot takes them in the future.
Was Venat sundering the star truly the only way to save it? Yoshida consulted with Ishikawa, and says as Y'shtola theorized that the Ancients were so dense in aether could not control dynamis.
Other Ancients concluded that Zodiark was the solution to Meteion's song of oblivion, but Venat concluded that they could not change as a people and would be their own undoing.
In The Dead Ends, the Da'la boss may have been a similar fate awaiting the Ancients in a different future. For that reason, she chose to sunder the star and dilute aether so that mankind could control dynamis and silence the song of oblivion.
Venat herself concludes that this is not a moral or just decision and deeply agonizes over it. People have a lot of feelings about this.
It was that decision, to sunder humanity so that they could control dynamis and kill the Endsinger that said that "Venat is really an Ancient, huh." A parallel to Emet's decision and judgment of humanity at the end of Shadowbringers.
Hermes erases his own memory to, on his terms, judge humanity's worth. That's what ties Venat, Emet-Selch, and Hermes together.
Emet-Selch is popular, but Yoshida agrees with Alphinaud telling him "what right does he have to do that?" If you go back and look at these parallels you might find them interesting.
Was Etheirys the only planetary body that was sundered? Apparently the reflections' moons have their own significance... he can't tell us what that is!
Sundered moons would have contained pieces of Zodiark as well, and apparently we'll get more about this in the story at some point.
What parts of Endwalker were you a perfectionist about? Yoshida is most particular about the direction characters were looking in cutscenes, the time between dialogue and the motions betweein lines.
Yoshida was particular about things not being misunderstood, but there were some interpretations that they did not want to convey. Ishikawa was very busy writing the script until the last minute and couldn't do all the checks, so Yoshida had to stand in.
This expansion was the game's first finale, and he is a big fan of Yoshitaka Amano, so it was important for him to make sure that Amano's designs were properly depicted within the game. When he asked Amano to draw the Endsinger, he asked him to draw "despair."
Yoshida and Amano have a back and forth about "despair" and what comes to mind. The bird imagery was important. After 15 minutes Amano, said "I got it." He really wants to show us the original Endsinger design Amano created.
Yoshida was also particular about the story instanced battles and the subquest timing. With the Final Days going on, they had to be careful with some of the more chore-like quests and having your map explode in quest marks.
In order to create a good experience Yoshida played through these quests himself, pruning anything he felt was excessive. He was particular about the Hydaelyn encounter and the Trust dialogue, writing some of it himself.
Are there plans to make healers more viable? A WAR solo-cleared P1 Normal. Yoshida says the first raid's tier holds back on the damage output to allow for more people to clear.
You're probably comparing the raid to 5.4, but they want to give people time to clear this tier before increasing the difficulty in the next two tiers. If you want more challenge, try the Ultimate and suffer.
DRK's Living Dead/Blood Weapon are more difficult to use than other tank mechanics? A whole bunch of jobs, in addition to DRK, will be adjusted in Patch 6.1. They are monitory feedback and aiming to fulfill many of your requests in 6.1.
They will definitely be adjusting Living Dead. They've also seen the feedback on WHM and MCH struggling and ask those players to hang on. DRG concerned the jump animations are too long, and will be adjusted.
With SGE and RPR added, will we get more Glamour Plates? There's various issues they want to address, but they have to do them slowly and systematically. In 6.1 the number of plates will increase.
Number of plates isn't final but should be sufficient for the time being. More storage for the glamour dresser are on deck for the 6.x series.
Will there be glamour for Imperial soldiers or Sharlayan forum members? After the Garlemald chapter in Endwalker it's possible we could see Garlean themed gear implemented.
In 6.1 there will be an Orchestrion Roll, with the theme you hear on the radio in the Garlemald. The version with distortions will be implemented first.
Sharlayan housing? Please just try living in Ishgard first. We can't keep up.
Will there Emet-Selch, Hades, and Zenos minions? Yoshida decides who they put out as minions. They hold back on characters whose role in the story has ended... but not hey may consider those characters.
What's the update on female hrothgar🦁? The art team drew a variety of styles and they've picked 2 of them. It's going to be some time before they can implement them as a race, but they are making progress.
Yoshida says it's not like everyone needs to use all races equally People will decide what characters to use for whatever reason, that give the world flavor and variety. They're not focused on if it will be used equally, but as long as people have a good time.
Yoshida asks you to remember when they debuted viera and hrothgar and he said "this is the last time we add a new race."

"The female hrothgar is the last race I want to do."
Patch 6.1 will introduce the lottery system for plots. Each player may only enter the lottery for one plot of land during each lottery period. Each member may enter once when purchasing land for a Free Company.
FF14 is a multiplayer game, and if you have a big free company we want you to have a house, which is why they have a bit of an advantage in this system.
If you all enter for the same plot you'll have an advantage, but if you split up and try to get many different plots you may have less of a chance of getting one. In order to apply for this lottery system, a FC member must be given permission. Randos might be risky...
Players must pay the full price of the plot upon entry--unsuccessful players will be refunded in full.
As of 6.1, there's 4 ways to purchase.
• Lottery (FC)
• Lottery (Individual)
• First-come First-serve (FC)
• First-come First-serve (Individual)
One of the four purchase systems will be applied to each ward (e.g. Empyreum ward 6, Mist subdivision ward 3). They are able to change these every patch. You will be able to confirm which wards are subject to which systems in-game.
In Patch 6.1, all wards will use either the individual or FC lottery system. They will consider making a few wards first-come first-serve if there is strong demand.
They were thinking about making one section FCFS [Yoshida reads chat comments]. Yoshida saying people preferring the lottery, others saying one word being FCFS. In tests, even if one ward is FCFS it affects the login situation.
We don't want to increase the queue so they may want to wait on FCFS until there's more housing available for everyone. Yoshida reading chat saying a significant portion of commenters agreeing with that tack.
If you feel strongly opposed, Yoshida invites you to post your thoughts on the official forums.
Moving on to the announcements portion of the broadcast!
Final Fantasy XIV's Free Trial will resume Tuesday, February 22nd. Rev up those memes.
The next Live Letter will be on March 4th @ 3:00AM PST, and will the first of a two part showcase of Patch 6.1 content.
Endwalker Final Fantasy XIV Original Sountrack is releasing on 2/23 for 5500 yen plus tax. 62 songs and includes a Wind-up Vrtra minion.
The third print collection for Final Fantasy XIV will release on April 30th.
FFXIV collaboration at the Square Enix Cafe in Tokyo.
Final Fantasy XIV is hiring game designers and graphics engineers.
Yoshida says even if you haven't been a game designer in title, as long as you can use Word and Excel you can apply.
Kate says there's no unpaid overtime. They write the reason or justification for the overtime and then get paid overtime.
In closing, Yoshida says he really wants to keep FF14 going and take on new challenges. Yoshida apologizes about the JP server grouping around the data center expansion.
They want people to continue to say "wow I had a really great time playing this game" and they'll continue to strive for that.
"Journey with us."
Yoshida asks of you one thing. Even though they just released "End"walker they hope you continue walking with them for many years to come.
That's a wrap on Live Letter #68! We'll have our summary up soon. Thanks for following us!

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Feb 19
6.1 will include the first alliance raid in the 'Myths of the Realm' series. 'Crystalline Conflict' will be added as a new PvP mode. Arkasodara tribe quests and dailies will be added. Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) will beadded, and the Unreal trial will be Ultima's Bane.
The team wanted to move away from calling them "beast tribe quests" and now refers to them as "tribe quests."
Re: Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate), Yoshida says it will release in 6.11. He says it's very challenging! The want you to enjoy the MSQ first before having to worry about Ultimate.
Read 27 tweets
Feb 19
The team will also be able to place a greater density of objects. This is shown off in the example below.
Note how the ground texture has additional texture with an added layer. This wasn't possible before.
Final Fantasy XIV invents Grass 2
Read 10 tweets
Feb 19
Live Letter #68 kicks off with producer/director Naoki Yoshida, global community producer Toshio Murouchi and translation from Square Enix LA's Aimi Tokutake.
Two major topics for tonight: the next 10 years of Final Fantasy XIV, and then a Endwalker Q&A.
The next Live Letter on March 4th will be focused on Patch 6.1. This Live Letter may touch on it, but it's not the sole focus.
Read 61 tweets
Nov 6, 2021
For crafters, new actions will be added and existing actions will be adjusted. Recipe progress and quality values will be adjusted in accordance with value downscaling across the board. Further adjustments will be made so that the difficulty of crafting HQ items wont jump in 6.0.
New actions and adjustments to actions will be added for miners and botanists, but the name of "Perception" will be adjusted in some languages. English is unaffected.
Greater perception heightens the changes of triggering Gatherer's Boon which increases yield by one. Actions that increase the probability of obtaining HQ items will be replaced with actions that increase the probability of Gatherer's Boon.
Read 85 tweets
Nov 6, 2021
The initial example had an Old Sharlayan setting, but there are other maps with different locations. Some of the fields have special gimmicks...
Yoshida says it has nothing to do when he worked on Bomberman at Hudson Soft. He says... look at Evangelion?
Seasonal rewards will be awarded on place or tier, and include titles, achievements, and other accolades.
Read 21 tweets

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