Before I was diagnosed w #ADHD & figured out my autism, I'd bring up my pacing, rocking, swaying, skin-picking, tapping, & Drs always told me it was anxiety. I thought of myself as an extremely anxious person, but outside of specific contexts anxiety isn't much of an issue for me
I keep thinking about that insight someone had on one of my threads- that the accepted analogy for hyperactivity is "as if driven by a motor-" a phrase many AFAB people wouldn't reach for bc we don't tend to get motorized toys & often aren't encouraged to learn how motors work
Its a "boys will be boys" concept of hyperactivity- that hyperactivity is when little white boys are too loud/rambunctious. As a hyperactive girl, I did not get away w the kind of hyperactivity my male ADHD cousins did. We get told "girls are more mature" practically from birth
For a lot of people who grew up w the "girl" label our social acceptance & ability to just exist without punishment depends on throwing every resource into keeping still & quiet, going as far as to dissociate (daydream/ruminate) to escape the constant body discomfort of stillness
Even if externally we can cover up the agitation & discomfort, we talk about these issues when we seek help & we get inaccurate labels & ineffective (or harmful) tx bc there's no acknowledgement of how hyperactivity can look outside of cis boys (esp combined w sensory issues)
I didn't say "as if driven by a motor." But since I was a kid I've been talking about how my body feels like a rubber band pulled too tight, an overwound guitar string, a kettle w the vent blocked. It's the same principle as the motor analogy- so much energy it is overwhelming
I pace, rock, sway, tap, skin-pick, and so on because it feels right. It's what my body does when I'm not using all my mental energy forcing it into agonizing quiet & stillness. It helps when cold or heat or noise or texture puts all the nerves in my body on red alert. It's me.
Being told that my hyperactivity & sensory issues were anxiety blocked me off from effective treatment, got me misdiagnosed, but most importantly it kept me from knowledge that could've helped me plan for under/overstimulation & significantly lessened my discomfort
As a kid I'd cover my legs in icy hot & wrap them as tightly as I could in ace bandages. Thats what I had to do to relax my legs enough to eventually fall asleep. I knew what I needed. Pressure helped, but instead I was given breathing exercises, or not given any advice at all
There are consequences for building the entire research, treatment, & public awareness scaffolding around how middle class white cis boys experience ADHD/autism. Those of us who don't fit that niche can end up spinning out, alone, desperate, knowing something isn't right
it's particularly infuriating to remember all the times I said "but I pace/rock/sway all the time, regardless of my emotional state. I don't think it's an anxiety thing" and I just got bulldozed every time. They ate away at my own base of knowledge about my ADHD/A body & brain
Energy & frenetic movement are so heavily pathologized in women & in BIPoC. And the things we do to manage our excess energy/input & discomfort are heavily pathologized too. I rocked because I wasn't allowed to run wild, & that was used as evidence of anxiety & bipolar disorder
Don't wanna pull them into this thread without permission, but someone who QTed sparked something I hadn't thought of before: when we develop from a less-gendered toddler into a kid w a gender expectation attached to us, many of us struggle more- both internally & externally
My external struggle started in first grade, when I suddenly had to sit all day, be quiet, do tasks. That's when I started getting moved & disciplined, & became vaguely aware of the different standard for boys. The internal, emotional dysregulation struggle began around puberty
It's like the environment around you punches you back into your "correct" gender box at these points in life & it can stagger us. ADHD/A ppl can have an intense relationship w gender- we end up fervently rejecting norms or desperately trying to adhere to them to avoid punishment
I'm a cis woman. I'm hyperactive, I'm loud & very opinionated, I come off as ~aggressive~ for a woman. I'm not flexible, I'm pedantic, I'm a total klutz w bad posture. When I started consciously bumping up against ~sugar & spice & everything nice~ my distress intensified
I think so many ADHD/autistic ppl are queer/trans in part bc we have to interrogate our relationship w assigned gender early & often. My ADHD/A behavior is often considered "masculine." That left kid me struggling w my own sense of gender while trying to build a mask from scratch
Or I should say our own queerness/transness/nonconformity becomes apparent to us earlier? I didn't mean to say that we are queer/trans/nc just because of our neurodivergence, but rather we are constantly made aware of not fitting into the gender box & thus have to examine the box
I think my bipolar & anxiety misdiagnoses came from doctors viewing my ADHD & autistic behavior through the "girl" filter. Aggression is seen as ~normal~ in boys, so they can be ADHD/A & angry. Aggression is ~not normal~ for girls, so our anger must be a mood/personality disorder
Two kids can have the same symptoms, same behaviors, many of the same struggles, but one is in the "boy" box & one is in the "girl" box, so they get different diagnoses. My brother & male cousins were dxed ADHD as kids. I got misdxed & had to figure out ADHD/A on my own in my 30s
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People with #ADHD are more likely to have poor oral hygiene, we have higher levels of plaque, gingivitis, pretty much every dental complication because we can't focus/remember to brush our teeth. ADHDers are also more likely to live in poverty & not be able to afford dental care
Its cool to know that if I were a boy & lived in a family with resources I would've been dxed, & maybe I could've gotten meds to help me remember to brush my goddamn teeth. Instead, Drs see my poor person teeth, don't know about ADHD & oral health, & conclude I'm a "drug-seeker"
CW: eating disorder
OH! And ADHDers are more likely to have eating disorders, which can lead to even worse dental health issues they can't afford to treat, which makes them more identifiably poor & less likely to get treatment for the thing that has destroyed their teeth
Wearing one ear bud & listening to You're Dead to Me (a history podcast by the consultant for BBC Horrible Histories) so I can hang out & play w my kid without getting too bored and agitated about it, wandering off, or zoning out into daydreams. Yup. I've got #ADHD
This is wild considering that Kolodny himself financially benefits from anti-opioid efforts, as does Jane Ballantyne, and anti-opioid groups get funding from companies which financially benefit from forcing patients into their never-ending list of opioid-sparing therapies
When anti-opioid zealots make bank on expert witness fees & anti-opioid groups receive generous financial contributions from anti-opioid pharmaceutical companies (i.e. Shatterproof and Pacira) that's apparently ethical. But pain patients are only allowed to be shills & "addicts"
Due to discrimination in the allocation of pain medication, the people who have chronic pain & can't get opioids tend to be poor, Black, Indigenous, women, disabled- already a group w precious few resources. But them getting funding is wrong- only the wealthy are allowed payoffs
A major struggle of late diagnosed #ADHD &/or #autistic ppl is realizing that a massive chunk of your life has been spent just managing symptoms, trying to make them acceptable so you can be accepted, or so you can feel at ease in your body. While everyone else was just... living
I can't imagine the bandwidth I'd have if I weren't constantly monitoring my frustration levels, if I didn't have to hide under weighted blankets or melt down to innocuous noise. ADHD & autism come w many positives. But this isn't a world built for us, it's openly hostile to us
I can't imagine not revving up (pacing while daydreaming to get myself motivated before a task), it's always been a part of me. I cherish my imagination, it's one thing I actually like about myself. But goddamn it eats up a lot of time & often leaves me frustrated & dejected
Feels like a lot of #ADHD & #autistic women get misdiagnosed w anxiety, or their anxiety is seen as the primary condition, rather than secondary to ADHD/A. Psychs told me my rocking, swaying, skin picking, fidgeting was all anxiety. Prolly bc they couldn't explain it w depression
I'm constantly forgetting things, losing or accidentally destroying things, not paying attention when important information is being explained, I struggle big time with transitions & staying on task. So basically I've been in trouble my whole life. Of course I'm fucking anxious.
I'm always forgetting important things or leaving them to the last possible second. Even watching a show I enjoy, my partner will make a comment about it & I suddenly realize I have no idea what's happening bc I was thinking "whatever happened to the good taco truck" or something
This is a nightmare. The CDC Guidelines are already effectively law bc the DEA arrests Drs for violating them. The terrifying thing is a national PDMP database- a healthcare surveillance system which shares your medical info with law enforcement without your knowledge or consent
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs sound reasonable (esp to people who still say "opioid crisis"). Just a record of your recent prescriptions, Drs, & pharmacies, right? But these state systems are Trojan horses w a danger lurking inside- NarxCare, a predictive risk algorithm
So what is NarxCare? It's a proprietary black box algorthim- a corporation owns it, profits, & determines access to healthcare with it. The people whose lives are devastated by the decisions the algorthim makes cannot see how it functions, & cannot examine it for errors or bias