For those of you in the "Generation X" or older, like me, here's a quick cheat sheet to get caught up on what the kids today are talking about regarding gender identity (of course, it's NOT an age thing!)
Chesney-Lind proposed that the study of delinquency often gender-biased, meaning that most the predominant theories are preoccupied with the delinquency of males.
Victimization, unstable family life, school failure, repeated status offenses, and mental health and substance abuse problems are common characteristics of the female offender
The feminist theory of delinquency states that adolescent females’ victimization at home causes them to become delinquent and that this fact has been systematically ignored
Explanations of female delinquency initially suggested that females have certain biological characteristics or psychological tendencies that made them more receptive to certain kinds of delinquency
Five general categories have been considered: (1) stress and anxiety, (2) ADHD and conduct disorder, (3) intellectual deficits, (4) early pubertal maturation, and (5) mental health issues
More recent efforts to understand why females offend have focused on how troublesome adolescent females are the product of a male-led patriarchal society
The #feminist theory of delinquency holds that #gender bias influences the processing of female delinquents, and that it leads to #discriminatory treatment within the juvenile justice system
A Gender-Responsive Policy Approach focuses on effective interventions that address the intersecting issues of substance abuse, trauma, mental health, and economic oppression, and focus on relationships with family
And if you made it this far, share with me something that helped shape your own identity. I shared with my Criminology students that learning how to ride a motorcycle influenced me (and challenged ideas on gender roles!) #CRJ107#MoraineValley#GenderAndDelinquency
Good morning, join me at 10:30am, cst to introduce Biological and Psychological Trait theory. Buckle in my friends, we have a lot of work to do! What chemical has the biggest impact on your life?
Welcome, policing fans, policing critics, policing students, & everyone in between, this morning we are going to take an introductory look at Contemporary Policing. Thank you for the RT @CPD1617Scanner
Before we get started with Unit 02, I wanted to check in how the course is progressing for you so far. Now that we've got one unit under our belt, how is online learning treating you?
Good morning, it's Criminal Justice from the kitchen! Got the drive way cleared ... for now. Today we are going to examine some of the "Then & Now" aspects of American Policing. I hope you follow along...