People can’t believe that some evangelical Christians believe bastardized versions of Christian dogma that permit them to venerate Putin & condemn Biden.
Yet many believe Islam is an inherently violent faith.
Before anyone shouts racism and Islamiphobia, let’s examine this situation.
The vast majority of adults over 40 are familiar with Christian beliefs. We’ve all come across grannies knitting mittens for starving children in Africa. Choirs singing Kumbaya in church.
Sweater wearing men who exude peace and tranquility and pray for all souls.
But those are stereotypes. And while they are based on real examples, they do NOT represent all Christians. I have a few harmless Christian/Catholic family members of my own.
So our expectations are that Christians are loving, caring, compassionate individuals who find meaning in their faith in a higher power that influences humanity. We perceive that belief system is benevolent and reflects positive social values.
But that’s incorrect.
Jim Jones was Christian. Timothy McVeigh was too. David Koresh was. Ted Cruz proclaims to be. GWB was a well known evangelical Christian. Even Trump has been identified as chosen by god.
You’re using a well established frame to overlook evil in plain sight.
George Lakoff explains framing in this interview.
He articulates how our frames shape our perception. And it all starts with the frame established in your brain that determines your perception.
Optical illusions are similar.
The attached images demonstrate how we see what we want to see. We can easily overlook the second image. And corrupt bastardized Christian beliefs and values can be hidden behind popular stereotypes.
Do you see a tree and birds? Or a woman’s face?
Do you see an old woman or a young and beautiful woman turned away?
A rabbit or a duck?
A First Nation man or an Inuit man looking out into the dark?
A man playing the sax or a beautiful woman.
Would you have noticed each image has two perspectives if I didn’t tell you?
That’s perception and framing.
You hear Christian and your established frame expects knitting, praying and compassion. It doesn’t expect mendacity, rigidity and authoritarianism.
But it should.
Both stereotypes or perspectives are true. Some Christians are peaceful loving people. Some are judgemental, self righteous and deceptive.
The prosperity gospel, strict father patriarchal hierarchy, belief in the superiority of Christian faith.
Those beliefs and characteristics are all promoted by Christian faith.
Radicalization permits devout evangelical Christians to be turned into wealthy Christian pastors. Is extreme wealth while ignoring the needs of the poor a Christian belief? Yes, many believe it is.
Just because your frame of reference for Christianity doesn’t include charlatanism and corrupt beliefs doesn’t mean those very unpopular and repugnant beliefs don’t exist. They do. As evidenced by the bottled blonde GOP republican Christian candidate aligning herself with Putin.
Frames are helpful. They save us time researching every thing we perceive, every time we perceive it.
But they also make us lazy. Had I never pointed out the optical illusions, you could have gone your whole life believing they were portraying one image.
So when people make observations about corrupt charlatans masquerading as Christians, maybe you’ll actually check the evidence before writing it off as a conspiracy theory.
Maybe if you had, we wouldn’t be in this nasty mess.
Maybe that’s why so many fear and distrust Muslims. Not because they are inherently racist, but because the frame MSM and many conservative politicians established since 9/11 were always in reference to foreign and domestic terrorism.
So many like to believe they are astute skeptical citizens with a complete grasp of reality.
But if we all were grounded in reality, we wouldn’t have so many issues with political polarization or varying forms of alternate realities.
If you live in a world where Christian = good or consequently Christian = evil, you need to do some work on realistic perception.
There are plenty of good people who happen to be Christian.
And there are plenty of corrupt authoritarian kleptocrats who happen to be Christian.
It’s up to you to learn the difference & be able to distinguish the two.
Because not knowing the difference, feeling smug how you’ve avoided all the conspiracy theories, is a delusion you believed when radicalized extremist Christians coopted conservative political parties.
Time to actually deal with reality. Some Christians are bad people. Some bad people call themselves Christians.
You aren’t avoiding conspiracy theories, you’re enabling the monsters to grift you and the rest of the nation by giving a pass to people who admire Putin, a madman.
Reality sucks. But it’s where you find truth.
Not in some ‘fear of losing social status’ belief that you won’t fall for conspiracy theories if you just refrain from examining anything that doesn’t fit your established frames of reference.
Ignoring truth isn’t smart.
But it sure is popular.
Which is why co-opting formerly some what benign faith institutions is the perfect cover for people who want to destroy democracy and eliminate any competition for power and control.
No one wants to believe granny is a radicalized extremist.
Until she occupies downtown Ottawa for 3 weeks with the intent of overthrowing the elected government or die trying.
In case you missed it, the occupation and blockades were largely populated with radicalized extremist Dominionist Christians. People who believe in conspiracies.
If you missed it, that’s because you’re firmly invested in preserving your frame that limits your perception to seeing what you want and what you expect to see.
You want to win the war for democracy. You must shift that paradigm first.
Look for what’s real. Not what you expect to be there.
Check the evidence. Take the time to remove your delusions of how the world should work, and recognize geopolitics is really fucked up right now, so you need to put extra effort into determining what’s real and what’s BS.
Your ability to live in a social democracy and preserve your human rights and freedoms are dependent on your willingness to see the ugly truth.
You are required to participate to determine if it’s a mirage or an oasis.
Quit drinking sand and telling yourself it’s water.
These ancient rights of the patriarchate herald back to 4th century. This is an ENORMOUS break with tradition in the power structure of the Orthodox Church.
Russian Orthodox patriarchate just brushed these rights aside and claimed Africa at the end of 2021. @dianabutlerbass
Timothy Snyder explains how Putin used manipulation & gaslighting to create a pretext to attack Ukraine.
Canadians MUST recognize Conservative SoCons are using the same strategy to create a pretext to justify the convoy coup attempt. As are GOP Republicans to remove Biden.
North Americans are naïve to the tactics used frequently by the Kremlin. Europe is more familiar with these mind games to manipulate attitudes, thoughts & ultimately beliefs & behaviour.
But democracy’s survival is dependent upon our knowledge & understanding of this method.
It means Russian military deception.
Modern doctrine includes control of the enemy. But how does one control the enemy? Denial & deception.
One example is starting a civil war but pretending you have done nothing of the sort.
Citizens of western democracies MUST face reality.
It is not just Putin seeking to destroy NATO and democracy, liberalism and political agency. There are many interested partners to this effort.
Punishing sanctions are required to stop Putin’s access to funds enabling war.
Just like freezing the accounts of those donating an attempted coup in Canada stopped the occupation of Ottawa and helped blockades be removed. Every blockade was dismantled when the invocation of EA was a rumour. By the time it was invoked, convoys desisted & had plans to leave.
The same strategy is being used at the global level. And I bet many of the same large corporate donors are cheering on Putin and his efforts to expand authoritarianism to Europe, destroy NATO, and remove democracy.
As we witness conservative loyalists in the Canadian Senate attempt to create an alternate reality where the occupation of Ottawa was just a long block party and peaceful demonstration.
Pay careful attention to the underlying and unspoken beliefs included in their narratives.
The most egregious being the assertion that a small minority of white supremacists, Q’Anon members and deluded Dominionist Christians have the right & freedom to demand policy changes.
Senator Simons’ speech is brilliant. Please watch.
Using her previous profession as a journalist in a province inundated by recurring waves of white supremacy, Senator Simons brings the history and reality of the situation to bear.
It’s feigned shock that many display since this problem has been metastasizing for decades. Senator Simons details the cross burnings and Aryan Nations skin heads of the 1980’s.
This problem has been brewing for a long time. But ignored. It couldn’t happen here.
She castigates the right wing politicians who have courted this fringe element for votes for decades. She doesn’t name names, but we know who they are. Exploiting the angst of ordinary western Canadians to gain support for their anti statist and anti democratic ambitions.