These ancient rights of the patriarchate herald back to 4th century. This is an ENORMOUS break with tradition in the power structure of the Orthodox Church.
Russian Orthodox patriarchate just brushed these rights aside and claimed Africa at the end of 2021. @dianabutlerbass
Why is no one following church authority structures & it’s geopolitical influence!?
It’s only the power structure that governed geopolitics for about 1600 years, from the shadows.
Avoiding the religious extremists provides the darkness required to operate in plain sight.
Putin’s offering protection for authoritarian regimes along with claiming the territory for Orthodox Christianity.
Religious faith has been used for several millennia to control populations and subjugate most citizens to political and social obedience using spirituality.
Just like many of the American based evangelical Protestant and traditional Roman Catholic faithful have been radicalized and desire a theocratic kleptocracy to replace every western democracy, Putin is installing the Orthodox equivalent in Eastern Europe and parts of Africa.
As is China in Central Asia. India in South Asia, Saudi Arabia in the Middle East, with the exception of Israel which contains the Jews in one nation as opposed to a diaspora across the globe.
We haven’t escaped religious imperialism or it’s nasty authoritarian regimes.
The screenshot excerpts from this author clearly identifies an effort by Western Christian faith leaders and Eastern Christian faith leaders to reestablish a Holy Roman Empire.
Based on Christian imperialist history.
Currently the imperialism ranges in faith.
Christianity, Muslim, Hindu, Folk Religions and Jewish orthodox or evangelical faiths appear to be aiming to reinstall fundamentalist and totalitarian control of regions of the globe.
Corresponding to Dominionist US/UK Christians and evangelical Catholics, Saudi Wahhabism, Indian Hinduism, China’s folk religions and possibly Buddhism, and Israeli Jews.
Which puts a new spin on the machinations of UiP, Ziklag and CNP.
Are Dominionist Christians gearing up for a Russian style attack on Western democracy?
Was the truck convoy in any way related to these Dominionist Christian ambitions?
Russia is using a multi site attack.
Established their armed forces to encircle their target. Then performed attacks in multiple locations. However, Ukrainian forces have put up much resistance. But it appears Kyiv will fall. Back into the control of Russia.
Isn’t the truck convoy reminiscent of Putin’s battle strategy?
Putin destabilized Ukraine border regions with separatists and Russian sympathizers. Sent in saboteurs to stir up chaos and incite hatred, violence, resistance to authority.
Then attacked with militia in disguise.
That was 2014.
Continued chaos in those regions. Unrest, building hatred and dehumanizing any dissidents.
Then surrounded Ukraine with almost the entire military forces of Russia. And attacked in multiple locations to discombobulate, confuse and tire out Ukrainian military.
Credible reports were made today on Ukraine war Twitter space that Orthodox priests in Ukraine are being arrested for revealing Ukrainian military positions and movement to Russian military. Orthodox priests arrested for sedition. Sound familiar?
Are western democracies on the verge of similar attacks?
Clearly the truck convoy in Canada is astroturfed. The question remains who is at the top of the hierarchy.
UiC and Ziklag, in partnership with CNP seems likely. With GOP Republican & Canadian conservative complicity.
Obviously Alberta and Saskatchewan are the destabilized rebellious separatist regions radicalizing citizens through churches & SM.
A fifth column militia cell was discovered before attempting to murder police officers. Thank god this was uncovered at the Coutts border.
But there were connections between Coutts militia to Ottawa occupation militants identified as a concern.
Ottawa streets have been cleared, but some occupiers have gathered on private property just outside of Ottawa. It’s been identified as a concern and potential threat.
Is this not the same or very similar strategy used by Putin to attack Ukraine? Saboteurs to destabilize regions, militias to bring violence, a religiously based foreign & domestic cooperative funding and organizing separatist and seditionist indoctrination and attacks.
The Canadian occupation by mainly religious extremists seeking to overthrow the government is being replicated globally in western democracies. After years of far right and radical left indoctrination in anti state ideology and the preference for libertarian anarchy.
Mainstream media ignores these facts at the peril of western democracy.
The authoritarian surge IS a Holy War meant to reinstall faith based totalitarian societies and remove political agency, democratic principles and liberalism, humanism and secularism as an option.
These intentions require global exposure. I implore investigative journalists to research and expose the plans of the wealthy elites promoting and paying for these efforts.
Stop ignoring religious faith and the influences it clearly has on geopolitics.
Western democracy depends on journalists who inform the public of geopolitical issues and events. Please stop considering this a conspiracy theory and dismissing its significance.
The globe is struggling to understand why Putin is attacking Ukraine.
Putin’s rambling and unhinged speech when he declared war isn’t so rambling and unhinged with the addition of this context.
Alexandr Dugan and Michael Flynn are using the same rhetoric.
The public needs to understand that conservative political decision makers, and some BCNDP as well, have decided that the economy is far more important than the lives of the people they govern.
I’m certain their wealthy donors have used persuasion to elicit that decision.
The way that Covid is being managed by primarily conservative premiers in Canada favours wealthy owners of production over human lives.
That’s an incontrovertible fact. Not conjecture.
It also includes an overt eugenicist policy that targets the most vulnerable in society.
Human beings with health complications, medical conditions or the inability to be vaccinated are at greater risk of death and long term complications from Covid, regardless of the variant.
People can’t believe that some evangelical Christians believe bastardized versions of Christian dogma that permit them to venerate Putin & condemn Biden.
Yet many believe Islam is an inherently violent faith.
Before anyone shouts racism and Islamiphobia, let’s examine this situation.
The vast majority of adults over 40 are familiar with Christian beliefs. We’ve all come across grannies knitting mittens for starving children in Africa. Choirs singing Kumbaya in church.
Sweater wearing men who exude peace and tranquility and pray for all souls.
But those are stereotypes. And while they are based on real examples, they do NOT represent all Christians. I have a few harmless Christian/Catholic family members of my own.
Timothy Snyder explains how Putin used manipulation & gaslighting to create a pretext to attack Ukraine.
Canadians MUST recognize Conservative SoCons are using the same strategy to create a pretext to justify the convoy coup attempt. As are GOP Republicans to remove Biden.
North Americans are naïve to the tactics used frequently by the Kremlin. Europe is more familiar with these mind games to manipulate attitudes, thoughts & ultimately beliefs & behaviour.
But democracy’s survival is dependent upon our knowledge & understanding of this method.
It means Russian military deception.
Modern doctrine includes control of the enemy. But how does one control the enemy? Denial & deception.
One example is starting a civil war but pretending you have done nothing of the sort.
Citizens of western democracies MUST face reality.
It is not just Putin seeking to destroy NATO and democracy, liberalism and political agency. There are many interested partners to this effort.
Punishing sanctions are required to stop Putin’s access to funds enabling war.
Just like freezing the accounts of those donating an attempted coup in Canada stopped the occupation of Ottawa and helped blockades be removed. Every blockade was dismantled when the invocation of EA was a rumour. By the time it was invoked, convoys desisted & had plans to leave.
The same strategy is being used at the global level. And I bet many of the same large corporate donors are cheering on Putin and his efforts to expand authoritarianism to Europe, destroy NATO, and remove democracy.
As we witness conservative loyalists in the Canadian Senate attempt to create an alternate reality where the occupation of Ottawa was just a long block party and peaceful demonstration.
Pay careful attention to the underlying and unspoken beliefs included in their narratives.
The most egregious being the assertion that a small minority of white supremacists, Q’Anon members and deluded Dominionist Christians have the right & freedom to demand policy changes.